Episode 73
Where do our thoughts come from?
Show Summary:
In Episode 72 , we explore the profound concept of where our thoughts come from? Beth and Mel explore the origins out our thoughts.
- Mel and Beth engage in a free-flowing discussion about the origins of thoughts, contemplating whether they come from the mind's 'filing cabinet' or the modern-day 'cloud.'
- They explore personal anecdotes, dreams, and the influence of external stimuli like marketing jingles on our thoughts.
- The conversation dives into concepts like the law of attraction, the idea of downloading thoughts electronically, and the balance between human experience and AI.
- They conclude with the notion that both thoughts and feelings are integral to the human journey, emphasising the importance of aligning with one’s highest self for intentional co-creation.
00:00 Morning Greetings and Podcast Introduction
00:26 Exploring the Origin of Thoughts
00:34 Dreams and Their Meanings
01:58 Filing Cabinets vs. The Cloud
04:55 Artificial Intelligence and Human Thoughts
08:36 The Power of Mantras
11:22 Marketing and Memory
18:18 The Concept of Co-Creation
20:51 The Human Experience and Manifestation
23:21 Final Thoughts and Reflections
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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232
Good morning, Mel. Good morning, Beth.
Beth Hewitt [:How are you today?
Melissa Amos [:I'm good. I feel like for once in my life I've got nothing to say. I'm sure we'll change that.
Beth Hewitt [:I was just thinking the same. I was thinking, where's this gonna go? But that's the whole point of it, right? The whole point of this podcast is to just go with the flow and see what comes up. And I'm sure the words will start arriving in a moment.
Melissa Amos [:I mean, it's brilliant, isn't it?
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:I suppose that could go onto the conversation of where do our thoughts come from?
Beth Hewitt [:Interesting. Where do our thoughts come from? I was, when I woke up this morning, like when you have that semblance of a dream but you can't quite remember what. What it was. So it's not just the thoughts in the waking life is. It's the thoughts and the dreams and the messages that we have when we're sleeping as well. Sometimes you just can't remember it properly, can you? You can think, oh, I know that was. There was something meaningful there. There was something profound and something was going on because it was so busy, but I just literally can't.
Beth Hewitt [:That was.
Melissa Amos [:It'll come back when you're doing the washing up or cooking or something.
Beth Hewitt [:I tell you what I dreamt of the night before that, though. Ariana Grande was like on my team and our friend Sush, Sushmita was doing her video editing. I don't know where that came from because I've not spoken to either Ariana or Shush recently. So there you go. Although Ariana is very much out there at the minute, isn't she? She's in everything and all the videos and everything. Probably just picked it up by osmosis.
Melissa Amos [:Or maybe it's a sign for soul inspired, you'd. Because we have been talking about getting an editor and.
Beth Hewitt [:Yes. Yeah, there's probably a mish. A mishmash of that.
Melissa Amos [:Maybe it's. Ariana Grande is going to be our new podcast.
Beth Hewitt [:Can you imagine? Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:So, Ariana, if you're listening, reach out might be a spot for you.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah. But where do our thoughts come from?
Melissa Amos [:Remember as a kid I used to think I can even remember where and when I was when I thought it, to be honest. So I used to think that our brain had these filing cabinets in them, essentially, and that when we were trying to figure something out or remember something, it's like we'd open the filing cabinet and we'd pick out the thing, essentially. And I. The reason why I was thinking it is. I think we'd watch something or my brother or someone had said something about every time you hit your head, it damages brain cells and the brain cells don't come back. And the image that I got, that's what he told me when I was about 8. And the image that I got then was something like. Then it's like the filing cabinet comes out and like something like a piece of paper flies out of it and then you'll never have have it again.
Melissa Amos [:And I was thinking, I hope none of the really necessary things that weren't really hard for fall out of my filing cabinet. Hopefully it's just names of cartoon characters from when I was 2.
Beth Hewitt [:My grandma always used to say I put all the bad stuff. I think we said. Talked about this when we did the Inside out episode. But she used to say almost like a filing cabinet kind of situation or a box that you'd have in the back of your head where you put those more negative thoughts, which isn't particularly helpful. But again, it's like that kind of that imagery of that. I wonder if like your brother said that now whether it be like up in the cloud somewhere rather than the filing cabinet. It's very. Sounds very like an 80s office, doesn't it? Like a metal filing cabinet in your head.
Melissa Amos [:It was in the 80s. So yes, I think, and, and I think that the cloud analogy is more. Is like maybe the cloud and the whole concept of the Internet and the cloud came from the. Actually the way that our mind don't think our thoughts come from our brain. I think our brain picks up our thoughts. So I, I do think that the cloud is more an analogy. Yeah, that fits better.
Beth Hewitt [:And I think because the cloud is as a concept is quite nuanced, it's almost like everybody's version of that. So whatever cloud means to you is. It means to you essentially. Whereas like a filing cladding is quite definite. Rigid.
Melissa Amos [:Right? It's rigid, it's static. It's almost like a recollection. So it implies that something has need to have been put in and then. And it's in the place that we put it. Whereas with the cloud, if you think about a search engine, if you go onto your drive, your Google Drive and you type in whatever, it will pull all of the bits from it and then give you the results. So you could type in thoughts and every document that you've ever written that has something about thoughts and every photo that looks like you in Thinker's pose will come up. And now with A.I. not only that, it will start.
Melissa Amos [:It can take all of that and create new concepts. And so maybe artificial intelligence is based on how we experience our thoughts and our decisions and our connections and all the things that we make up. It just often does it a bit quicker.
Beth Hewitt [:Interesting. So, as you were thinking that. I was thinking then, wouldn't it be really good if we just. If we were able to document everything electronically, because then we can access it more. I'm thinking about journaling traditionally, like writing in journals and things, because I was doing that yesterday. I was looking for my. Because I've got lots of different prescriptions. I've got an NHS certificate and it was filed on my other phone, but it was the first time I've tried to find it on this phone and I just.
Beth Hewitt [:I couldn't find it yesterday, but I was putting in the word certificate or nhs, all these things, and it was giving me images of things that it thought was a certificate. And I was like, oh, I didn't even know that you did that. Google Pictures or Photos or whatever it's called. It's clever, isn't it? It actually gives you what it thinks it could be, even though you've not physically put the file name on it.
Melissa Amos [:Yeah.
Beth Hewitt [:It's that whole argument between, is it going to be a hindrance or a benefit or is it a breach of our privacy kind of thing? If we start to document electronically all of these thoughts and all of these things and all of these feelings, could that actually be really helpful for us in the future when we're able to search and access these things?
Melissa Amos [:I think, yes. I think it can be both. I think if all of your innermost thoughts and your desires and your questions about life and your answers about life and everything was in a document, which I think will happen.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:In our lifetime. I think it will write it down. I think that it's. It will become like we'll be able to download our brains. I. I don't see that as being such a far off concept. In the hands of good and in the hands of help and in the hands of the hands of God, then. Yeah, I think it can be helpful because then it will help you understand where your train of thoughts are going.
Melissa Amos [:It might help you make sense of what are intrusive thoughts and where they may be they're leading you to, and what are the other voices that are rising up and the. The kind of patternings. So one of the. One of the exercises I did some years ago with when I was working with the shaman, was to Write. Not even write down, but be aware of all of my thoughts for a certain amount of time. Right. So the. For a few days, I wrote down like everything that came in.
Melissa Amos [:Whenever I noticed I was thinking, it was like. And what I noticed was incredible. Like the. Just the random thoughts that were going on in my brain and the kind of underlying stuff. So not the big contemplations, not the conversations, not the, like the responsive things, but those just kind of background noise.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:I brought into the foreground and I learned a lot about myself.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:Now, it was always there. You could argue it was always in your head, so you knew it anyway. But I didn't consciously know it. It was these subconscious drivers that were coming up which then were maybe making me have conscious thoughts about.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah, whatever.
Melissa Amos [:Or bring up a discussion or Google something or whatever it is. And actually it empowered me to then look at my baseline and go, okay, what do I actually want in my baseline? What's a more useful thing rather than. I think a lot in song, I'm often humming, I'm often singing. I wake up in the morning, there's usually a song in my head and I would have like, little ditties going on, like adverts and. And I had this conscious awareness of that actually isn't very helpful. And my brain thinks in song and I like having that kind of inner noise in the background. So what would be more helpful? So then I started putting mantra on. Because if you've ever Sanskrit mantra that I knew had a.
Melissa Amos [:Have an energet imprint and I would listen to it in the morning or in the evening before I went to sleep. So that would catch. And then at least what's then going around on my baseline is thoughts of peace and unity and love and acceptance. And like, whatever it is that the mantra that I pick has. And I still now. This was years ago, probably four or five years ago. I still now from that.
Beth Hewitt [:Can you still like almost hear it, like it's an imprint?
Melissa Amos [:Yeah, yeah.
Beth Hewitt [:I have something similar with the ho'oponopono that I used to listen to probably on my train travel and things like that when I was working. Like not downtime in between being from home and in the office. And I listened to it so much that it jumps into again. I don't know if I've shared this on the podcast before, but say something. You can see something negative is about to happen. You can see that maybe a car is going to bump into another car, for example. My default, the first thing that happens is I love you. I'm sorry.
Beth Hewitt [:Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. It comes on like it switches on and I don't have to do anything. It's really strange. It just has become a mantra of the mind. That is, I've reprogrammed something and I do that. So whenever I've.
Beth Hewitt [:If I have a negative thought or, you know, sometimes you get those obtrusive thoughts that are not helpful or you go. Start going down an alley of when your loved ones late. And you. Then you start going, oh my God, what's happened? Blah, blah, blah.
Melissa Amos [:It.
Beth Hewitt [:It naturally jumps in. So I think it's a really powerful thing to do and try. If. If you haven't worked with mantras before, as long as obviously they're really helpful, you need to make sure that what you're listening to is going to be helpful. But I think it. It is such a powerful imprint that can be created, a lasting imprint. And even though I don't practice ho'opono every single day, it's still there. Which is.
Melissa Amos [:Becomes part of your vibration.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:Energy field.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:And it becomes. And something like that. Not even just something like that. Everything is a vibration. And the marketing companies have got it down to a T. Like, one of the things that used to flip around in my head was the jingle for Just Eat Right and it would just be there. And I'm like, no wonder I'm always hungry. I'm literally saying to myself, just eat that good song.
Melissa Amos [:And like, we buy any car.
Beth Hewitt [:Like all these.
Melissa Amos [:These. They're brilliant. Like, from a marketing perspective, they are brilliant and they stay in your head. And actually that was how I was saying to my son the other day, that was how I studied history is. I made things into song because I rem. Song. And they just. It just comes in and it sits there and it's a really.
Melissa Amos [:It's a really good skill. He's trying to learn the name kings. So it's song.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:For. For the price of a chocolate orange. He's trying to remember the name of all the kings.
Beth Hewitt [:That's a good teacher.
Melissa Amos [:No one's ever done it. Max knows pie. He knows like about 50 numbers of PI. Because there's a song.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:When he remembers the song and it. It's incredible how if we give our mind just free flow, what is it hanging on to? Like, what is it? And my. So I'm away from the filing cabinet idea that. That I left that back in the 80s where it belongs. I think for me it's more this kind of web Analogy. So, yes, the cloud and then the cloud. So we all have our own clouds. And then the cloud is in the big sky.
Melissa Amos [:There we go. And then. So the big sky has an influen on the pressure. And based on the way the wind's blowing and based on what's happening underneath it, if there's a mountain or if there's water. And so these things exist alone, but they're all in their own kind of space or home or bubble cloud. And they can merge. And it's almost like a tuning fork. When you bong one, the another one in the vicinity of the space will vibrate at the same time.
Melissa Amos [:And I feel it's similar that if our thoughts are just open, they will be subject to whatever pulls us from the external world and from the internal world of. Of our body, of, like, our trauma responses of our dominant things. Like, basically, here we go. They're giving me loads of imagery now, one metaphor at a time. The things that we're storing in our body, because this is our home or this is our antenna that's pulling down. This is our phone that's pulling down the information in the cloud. And if there's energy in there that's still running, as in we've not dealt with it, as in we've not let it be in our body and then come through, which is essentially what a trauma is, where something's happened and our body's gone. I do not compute.
Melissa Amos [:I'll just leave it running in the background until somebody does something with this. And then the thoughts that we've had that are attracted to our vibration, that we've learned in our time, that we've absorbed whatever, then activate those certain things, which is why we get these triggers, these activators in our being. And so if we want to change what thought patterns come in, which I think a lot of us do, that feels quite appealing.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:And even for me as a psychotherapist, like, I've done a lot of digging in that inner psyche. Right. And as someone on the spiritual path, we do a lot of digging and inquiry even. I think if somebody can Matrix style, download into me a more positive or creative or focused or whatever it is that we're looking at, then that would be okay.
Beth Hewitt [:Have you watched any of the Black Mirror.
Melissa Amos [:People keep telling me to.
Beth Hewitt [:There's one of them, which is exactly that. I think everybody's got some chip in the head or something, and you can rewind scenarios. So imagine you're at a dinner party and something gets said, and then it Gets misinterpreted. You can literally access each person's perspective and then rerun it and see what actually was said. But imagine that in arguments and said like you said. But no you said they said that. No, you definitely said that we were going to meet at 7am 7am but whatever. There could be lots of negative ways that it could be used but it could really be helpful as well in terms of fighting crime or things like that.
Melissa Amos [:Do that in football, don't they? Or in sports decisions. Final.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:And now they can go and double check.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah. And it's still open for interpretation.
Melissa Amos [:Right.
Beth Hewitt [:So I think it's coming and it'll be interesting to see how it's used and how it's governed and what we do with it. Yeah. Hopefully it's all done for good.
Melissa Amos [:It was like this whole thing with should we trap? As I've read something of the day, they're like take off your period trackers and take off.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:Location trackers and all of this stuff. And it's actually I find that really helpful. And if I come into the fear of they're going to take the thing and then they know and they're going to target me, which probably they do. Come on. Like the targeted ads are like what on earth. How you can think something and it comes up.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:And that's another, that's another contemplation that we can talk about that I think goes deeper than the law of attraction. But I think it comes. Our consciousness doesn't work alone. And so I think if we use it for the good, if we use it as a tool that's empowering us.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:Then it's creating that cloud. Because the cloud, it's not like the cloud is created and we just pull from it. It's a co creation, it's synergistic and each individual has as much power as any other individual. It's not like certain people, because they've got a specific job title or in a certain position in society has more influence over the cloud than others. What I think has more influence over the cloud than others is a coherent like coherence. The mind, the emotions, the body, the actions are all in line with each other. I think that kind of creates a stronger fire and the intention, like how conscious am I around it? Because if my thoughts are all scattered then what's happening is we're just pulling and looping. Whereas when we have that conscious intention of okay, now I'm doing, now I'm moving towards, now I'm having.
Melissa Amos [:Then we can be more picky, focused.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:What it is that we're putting down and therefore what it is that we're putting up. And the other way around, as you were saying that.
Beth Hewitt [:I think we talk about co creation in the Law of Attraction. I think sometimes that can be. It's almost like we're over here doing our thing and the universe is over here doing its thing and then together we create something. And I think sometimes that can feel a little bit like, but what if I'm not doing the right thing or I'm not pulling from the right places and then blah, blah, blah. And what if I create. I think if it was from a. If we had this technology where. Because when we're doing that, essentially when we're co creating, we are pulling from our existing wisdom and knowledge and experiences.
Beth Hewitt [:It's just that I feel like there's a little bit of a disconnect because we haven't got that full picture of it. Whereas if everything was in the cloud, I don't know if I'm making sense, but if everything was in the cloud, where you're searching for information or past experiences or knowledge or documents or whatever that is, it becomes more real because you can trust. It's almost like you trust in that. I'm pulling from something and I can physically see that that isn't. Oh yeah, I remember that. And so it starts to become more powerful. So when we're co creating from that place, we've got real trust and belief behind it. Whereas I think from a Law of Attraction perspective, it's the trust and belief that is not necessarily always there.
Beth Hewitt [:So we don't see that manifestation come to life. I don't know if that made sense.
Melissa Amos [:It does make sense.
Beth Hewitt [:Okay.
Melissa Amos [:And I will meet that with. Isn't that the human journey?
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:I was having this conversation in Soul space the other day and one of my members was talking. She's been on this fast track to win a power and she works a lot with desire and Law of Attraction and Creation and she's. I feel like I'm really on this, this fast track and that I'm creating in an instant and it's okay. Then the question then becomes, because I think that's the journey. I think we all have this power and when we are not incarnate, when we're not in our body, we have that instant manifestation. We live in the cloud and we can go, look, there's my file. And then I'm in it. And then I'm in it and I'm immersed in the field of dreams.
Melissa Amos [:And there isn't that separation of space, of matter and of time. It just. Yes. And then here we come down into Earth and we are separated by space and matter and time. It's part of our governing laws of the universe. So the thing that we are cultivating as humans, remembering our spirit, is that trust and is that remembrance? I don't think that the end goal is necessarily instant manifestation. I think the end goal is, oh, my God, I'm a powerful being and I am the universe. Like that through realization, which even when we know it.
Melissa Amos [:Like, I know that on a conceptual level. I know that on a. Even on a physical level. Like, there's things I've experienced that have also led me to believe that to be true. Yet sometimes I still think that's over there and I'm over here and that I'm me, and that's that. Because the. The physical is so important and time is a factor. And if we do get into this space of instant manifestation, I can pull it down from the cloud.
Melissa Amos [:I can see it, I can feel it, I can taste it, I can touch it. Then what happens to us as spiritual beings? Like, where's the pursuit of that?
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah, I agree. I think instant manifestation, a bit like instant coffee. It's how you could create things and toss it away as quickly as you've created it. Because actually, that wasn't quite right. Right. But it's an interesting concept in terms of we lose out on the lessons and the experience of it all, which.
Melissa Amos [:Is the human experience. And it can get. It can get. We can get caught up in it. Especially when we're in these Law of Attraction circles or we're reading the books. And we do think that's the end goal. And I don't think that is the end goal at all. I think it is that trust, it is that those lessons.
Melissa Amos [:It is that moving through what is possible for me and capable what I'm capable of, what I'm moving through, who I'm becoming, how I'm impacting. And if we keep on outsourcing that.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:Then what happens to the human? We might as well just be machines.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:Because it is about that mastery of emotions. Not the controlling of emotions, but the mastery of it and the real understanding of what is it that I as a human want to create and want to experience. And it's not all the pursuit of pleasure necessarily, because there needs to be the contrast. You can't know hot without cold.
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:And that's, for me, the. It's frustrating. Oh my God. And it's. You're like, why? And it's part of who we are and it brings the fun into things.
Beth Hewitt [:It does. We've not done bad to say we didn't know what we were going to talk about. Where do thoughts come? Do they come from the cloud? Do they come from the filing cabinet? Do they come from our dreams? Do they come from our experiences? All of the places? I think with the law of attraction, it's almost learn all the stuff, read all the book, read what you want to do, but then just forget about it and just enjoy the human experience. What I want to say to some people because I think whilst ever you're like trying to read the next book or I need to do this, I need to do this mantra or this spell or whatever it is, it's like we're in that lack energy of I need to do this, I need. And I think if it's like the other day I was literally just. I got overwhelmed with this feeling of joy. I was pulling weeds up in the garden and this thought just came in my head of, I'm alive. Like, I'm alive.
Beth Hewitt [:And like that feeling of joy in that moment, like it was always seemed a bit irrational. Maybe it's just the hormones or something, but it was this overall, this joyous feeling of, oh my God, I actually get to pull the weeds out between the cracks in the paving stones because I'm alive. And for the rest of the day then I was just like, nothing, nothing mattered. You know what? You could, you could have thrown anything at me that day and it would have been like, but I'm alive kind of thing. And that's a different feeling to I need to get this cow or I need to do this and I need to do that.
Melissa Amos [:So I suppose it's. It's not just the thoughts and it's not just the feelings. Maybe the journey is to master like the feeling thoughts. Thought feelings, the feeling thoughts. I think that way around where you can have a thought, it's just a thought. And every thought in one way or another has a positive or negative charge. Essentially, we live in that dualistic. We're dualistic beings in a.
Melissa Amos [:Well, we live in a dualistic universe at least. And perhaps this pursuit of whatever it is that we're pursuing is the mastery of not just our thoughts, but our feeling thoughts. Because those feeling thoughts are the ones that actually create. They're the ones that actually are the juice behind it. Like, you can't just think of a car and it just comes, thank God.
Beth Hewitt [:It just comes in on the drive.
Melissa Amos [:But it's, it's this combination of everything and where do our thoughts come from? I have, I obviously I've contemplated this because I'm me and that's the things I do and remember once walking. I used to every day do this practice and I don't say much anymore, but I used to every day do this practice. And I would say my declaration of intention is to serve my source. I commit to serving my highest power wholly, fully and completely. And I said it every day for about five years, probably maybe more. And I remember one day, probably three years in or like something thinking about that and I was like, oh, what I'm doing here is I am creating that real focused intention that my thoughts are coming from my higher mind rather than from all the other thing. So this is the, the thoughts that from the marketing companies that are beamed into us because that is what they're doing. They are using brilliant psychology.
Melissa Amos [:And I'm not saying whether it's good or bad or right or wrong or anything like that. It just is. I studied marketing. It's a brilliant science. Right? But what we're doing when we're making a declaration such as that we are going, okay, I know I have all of these aspects of me. What I'm serving is my higher self. What. And, and this isn't to be subservient.
Melissa Amos [:This is an empowering thing. This isn't something outside of me. It's not some gray headed man in the sky that I'm or somebody even who died on a cross. Right. This is like my highest power. Your highest power, whatever that means for us that we are then saying, okay, you, I'm listening to all of it can be there and I will take it on board and I will listen and I will understand. And if a fear comes up or a drama comes up or a trauma comes up or I see something happen, it's there. And I will honor that and I'll respect that.
Melissa Amos [:But where I make my decisions, where I move from, where I even manifest from comes from that higher being. And making that conscious voice almost opens that door up in the cloud. Yeah, it's like a vault in there that goes. I don't know if you use chat GPT and I do not understand it really, but you can get these different, the specific ones. One of my colleagues has just said, I've made this amazing GPT and it's goddess something and it will help you with this. And I'm like, I don't understand what you mean, but fine. But it's almost like this thing that's encoded then. Yeah.
Melissa Amos [:With my highest being and my highest self. And for me, that's been a journey and it's still a journey. I think it's an important one to consider. I was even. I was in a business community last night running a class on visibility and fear and putting ourselves out there and all the stuff that it means to us. And it comes back to, what am I listening to? Am I listen to the voice that says, no, I'm not ready, my hair looks bad, I've got no makeup on, Whatever it is, is that more important than my calling and my mission? And there's not again, there's not a right or wrong. It's just which one are you choosing in that day to listen to?
Beth Hewitt [:Yeah, all of that. So there we go.
Melissa Amos [:That's where our thoughts come from.
Beth Hewitt [:Love it, love it, love it. So we'd love to know what your thoughts are on the podcast and if you've enjoyed listening to us thus far.
Melissa Amos [:Yeah. Do let us know where you would like our thoughts to pull down from the cloud. We adore running this and hearing from you all and. Yeah, and remember to leave us a review.
Beth Hewitt [:See you soon. Bye.