Episode 5

Akashic Records, Timelines and Katniss Everdeen

Published on: 9th February, 2024

Show Summary:

  • Mel talks about launching her Soul School and Akashic Records training and reflects on the influence of Akashic Records.
  • Mel explains the Akashic Records for the listeners – sharing that it's a record of the soul's thoughts, experiences, and everything that has ever been before.
  • The hosts discuss the idea that our past influences our present and that there are techniques to bring healing and change to create a more soul-aligned future.
  • Mel and Beth discuss the transformative power of understanding and working with the Akashic Records and explore the concept of timelines.
  • Beth discusses her ability to feel transitions between timelines and the importance of 'feeling' self-awareness physically.
  • The hosts discuss the power of visualisation and the ability to create future timelines.
  • The hosts discuss the difference between fate and destiny, emphasising empowerment in creating one's own path, reflecting on the ability to predict the future and the malleability of future timelines and encouraging listeners to focus on creating a future aligned with their true selves.

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232

Mentioned in this episode:

Gratitude and Vision Building Journey

Gratitude and Vision Building Journey

Beth Hewitt:

Good morning, Mel. Good morning, Beth.

Beth Hewitt:

Welcome to another episode of Soul

Beth Hewitt:

inspired you. It's been a little

Beth Hewitt:

moment since we. Last connected, Mel, our

Melissa Amos:

busy time of year, isn't it? Isn't it? Everybody's doing all of the things, getting

Beth Hewitt:

all the things done so they can maybe relax a little bit more into

Beth Hewitt:

December. What kind of soul inspired things have you been

Beth Hewitt:

getting up to since we last connected?

Melissa Amos:

Isn't it all Soul inspired? What kind of soul

Melissa Amos:

inspired thing have I been getting up to? I'm very

Melissa Amos:

excited because I have just launched Soul school, which is my

Melissa Amos:

Akashic records training. And so I've been doing a lot of

Melissa Amos:

reflection on the Akashic records and how

Melissa Amos:

they've influenced me and how they've changed me and what

Melissa Amos:

my story is with them and all of that. And, and interestingly,

Melissa Amos:

some memories have also come up around

Melissa Amos:

on my facebook and on my socials, and I think, goodness

Melissa Amos:

me, like you can really see the difference or feel the difference between

Melissa Amos:

the before and after for me.

Beth Hewitt:

And so for our listeners who may be not familiar with the Akashic records,

Beth Hewitt:

how would you explain that to somebody who is brand

Beth Hewitt:

new to. So it's the theory

Melissa Amos:

that we have a book of our

Melissa Amos:

soul, or more probably accurately,

Melissa Amos:

this energetic stronghold that holds everything that us as

Melissa Amos:

a soul has ever done, thought, been,

Melissa Amos:

had, experienced, and

Melissa Amos:

can understand it. That as we're having our thoughts and as we're experiencing

Melissa Amos:

things through life, everything is remembered

Melissa Amos:

or everything's contained. And this theory that everything exists

Melissa Amos:

because it all exists in the, in this field of the Akashic records.

Melissa Amos:

And before I had experienced them, I'd never heard

Melissa Amos:

of them. And for me, what's important

Melissa Amos:

about that is a few things. It's understanding that our past

Melissa Amos:

does influence our present, actually quite

Melissa Amos:

viscerally and in probably

Melissa Amos:

more ways than we give credit to,

Melissa Amos:

but also that we can use techniques to go

Melissa Amos:

back into these memory banks and begin to bring

Melissa Amos:

healing and change and a different understanding to things so that we

Melissa Amos:

can show up differently and start to create this future

Melissa Amos:

that's more inspired and soul aligned. I love

Beth Hewitt:

it. It's so juicy. Isn't it? Juicy?

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah, really juicy. Yeah. You know, for

Melissa Amos:

me, it's my first

Melissa Amos:

experience in the records really

Melissa Amos:

started to shift things in my perception

Melissa Amos:

of me, and I learned things about myself that

Melissa Amos:

I had either denied or ignored or just

Melissa Amos:

hadn't risen in my awareness. And that came through

Melissa Amos:

some really good questioning, but through past life experiences of

Melissa Amos:

who I had been and what I had experienced and what had happened

Melissa Amos:

to me and the memories that I held around

Melissa Amos:

certain things. Like, for example, I discovered a life

Melissa Amos:

where I was a teacher. And I remember that

Melissa Amos:

question coming with the guide that I was working with where she

Melissa Amos:

said, find a life where you're a teacher. And I was like, why would I

Melissa Amos:

do that? I'm not a teacher. Like, it didn't.

Melissa Amos:

There was no connection there for me. And then when I found this life, and

Melissa Amos:

it was so, at the time, it was

Melissa Amos:

so weighted down by disappointment and

Melissa Amos:

regret and shame and things that I had let

Melissa Amos:

people down. And I work and all of this until I

Melissa Amos:

had this experience where somebody I

Melissa Amos:

taught in this life had come to me and told

Melissa Amos:

me what a profound change I'd made on just them. And because

Melissa Amos:

of that profound change I'd made on just them, they

Melissa Amos:

had gone on to invent something and change the world.

Melissa Amos:

And in that moment, I just got goosebumps. In that moment,

Melissa Amos:

I realized that life wasn't a waste and that I was following

Melissa Amos:

my path and that actually everything that I'd shrouded around,

Melissa Amos:

I won't do that again. That wasn't the best choice of my life. In that

Melissa Amos:

life just lifted. And within weeks, I started

Melissa Amos:

teaching Reiki and hard, holding circles, and it all just came.

Melissa Amos:

It wasn't like, I'm going to go and do this now. It all just happened.

Beth Hewitt:

It just happened. Yeah. Yeah. And I think whether you work in

Melissa Amos:

the Akashic records or not or whether you even believe in the concept of

Melissa Amos:

this understanding that

Melissa Amos:

these experiences that we had can

Melissa Amos:

be shifted just from a different perspective.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And I think the

Melissa Amos:

philosophy that we do have, this

Melissa Amos:

field that is constantly recording everything that's going on.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. Can change what you put in

Melissa Amos:

it. I think it's really powerful because

Beth Hewitt:

I think sometimes a lot of the work in the personal development

Beth Hewitt:

field is asking us to look at things from different

Beth Hewitt:

perspectives. But actually, in the akashic

Beth Hewitt:

records, the perspectives are, just, by the very nature,

Beth Hewitt:

from a different lens because it's different times, it's

Beth Hewitt:

different knowledge, it's different wisdom from a different place. And so I feel

Beth Hewitt:

like it's more profound. And I don't know whether

Beth Hewitt:

it's easier or not. I'm not coming

Beth Hewitt:

to a conclusion on that, but I feel that

Beth Hewitt:

we're so a lot of the time stuck in this

Beth Hewitt:

desire to change who we are right now in the present. And I

Beth Hewitt:

feel like when we've got this wealth of knowledge and wisdom from

Beth Hewitt:

afar, from a long time ago, it's easier to have those shifts because it's

Beth Hewitt:

almost like we're connected to it, but also disconnected to it at the same time,

Beth Hewitt:

if that makes sense. Yeah. And I've been thinking a lot about. It's

Beth Hewitt:

funny, because I've been thinking a lot about timelines recently,

Beth Hewitt:

and this might sound a little bit weird to our listeners, or

Beth Hewitt:

maybe it doesn't because it worked to you, but we attract who

Beth Hewitt:

we are, right? So maybe you're a listener just like me. But as I've been

Beth Hewitt:

looking in the mirror recently, it's almost like sometimes I feel like it's

Beth Hewitt:

somebody different. Like, sometimes when I look in the mirror and let me know if

Beth Hewitt:

you've ever experienced this, or I am being totally wrong, but it's almost like there's

Beth Hewitt:

a different person. Like, sometimes it's a different shaped face.

Beth Hewitt:

And so I know that there's. I'm on a different

Beth Hewitt:

time. It's almost as an anchor, like in inception, where there's that little spinning

Beth Hewitt:

thing. So you know that you're connected to a certain timeline. It's a little bit

Beth Hewitt:

like that. And sometimes when I look at myself, I feel, oh, I'm on this.

Beth Hewitt:

I'm on this timeline, and things are going as they should,

Beth Hewitt:

I suppose they're always going as they should, but. And then other times, I'll be

Beth Hewitt:

like, oh, something shifted. I'm somewhere else. My perspective shift. Or maybe

Beth Hewitt:

I'm not. Maybe I'm coming from things, from a lack mentality,

Beth Hewitt:

or maybe I'm not in flow, that kind of thing. So I've been really noticing

Beth Hewitt:

that recently, which sounds a bit wacky, but I love the OTT.

Melissa Amos:

How do you feel when you. When, like, you do that and you have that

Melissa Amos:

moment gone? Internally? I think it's a good thing

Beth Hewitt:

because I have that awareness of where I am. But for me, it is

Beth Hewitt:

that. It's a reflection of, okay,

Beth Hewitt:

this is who is showing up today. And if it's not the person that

Beth Hewitt:

I want to have showing up today, it's almost okay, I can catch myself and

Beth Hewitt:

go, okay, let's think about those thoughts. Let's think about those affirmations. Let's

Beth Hewitt:

think about those things that I do want to have and be right

Beth Hewitt:

now. And so I can make those shifts. So it's just a really

Beth Hewitt:

weird thing. And I don't know. Can you physically feel sometimes

Beth Hewitt:

when you're moving through timelines, do you ever get those, like, almost

Beth Hewitt:

like this? The sand between. Beneath your feet, the ground is

Beth Hewitt:

almost shifting a little bit, and there's a little bit of a transition. I don't

Melissa Amos:

know if you know what I mean by that I do know what you mean,

Melissa Amos:

and I don't experience in the same way as you that I physically see

Melissa Amos:

that difference. And I think that's true

Melissa Amos:

for any intuitive sense or the way we pick up the world.

Melissa Amos:

We're all going to have our own unique ways of doing this. If you're listening

Melissa Amos:

to this, go, I don't see somebody. For

Melissa Amos:

me, I wonder if this is when deja vu and things can

Melissa Amos:

really sense. Because if we

Melissa Amos:

think about timelines, one of

Melissa Amos:

my bugbears is, can we predict the future?

Melissa Amos:

And I go to a psychic and the psychic and people come to me and

Melissa Amos:

say, oh, can you read my cards and predict my future? What's going to happen?

Melissa Amos:

I'm like, it doesn't really work like that, because we can predict

Melissa Amos:

the future. That's the truth. Yeah, but

Melissa Amos:

the future is malleable. The future is not set in stone. And the only way

Melissa Amos:

we predict the future is this is where I am, this is where

Melissa Amos:

I've been. It's coming into your energy field,

Melissa Amos:

what they're picking up on, even if genuinely, they're like, I'm predicting the future,

Melissa Amos:

because that's their skill, actually, if you break it down, what they're

Melissa Amos:

doing is they're moving back in time, looking at the patterns and the

Melissa Amos:

behaviors to the present, which is what do I believe and how am

Melissa Amos:

I acting and how am I responding to things? And that kind of throws

Melissa Amos:

a future timeline out into the world,

Melissa Amos:

which then you start moving towards. And so if nothing

Melissa Amos:

changes, you can always move along this path, and that's probably what's going

Melissa Amos:

to come true for me. And I know

Melissa Amos:

also how you work, Beth. It's more about how do I create that future

Melissa Amos:

and what do I need to change in the present in order to get there,

Melissa Amos:

and what do I need to, in my perspective, what can

Melissa Amos:

I bring healing to in the past in order to assist that

Melissa Amos:

present moment? Right, so where am I going

Melissa Amos:

with the. When we are

Melissa Amos:

so on? I know a lot of the work that you do, Beth,

Melissa Amos:

is this visualization is creating this future, and this is what I'm

Melissa Amos:

moving towards. You're setting a timeline in place. And

Melissa Amos:

what an amazing ability to be able to visually see,

Melissa Amos:

or in my case, it's more of a sensation,

Melissa Amos:

this. I like how you describe that feeling of this sand beneath your

Melissa Amos:

feet. There's this weird, like, slowing down is

Melissa Amos:

how I maybe experience it, but what a

Melissa Amos:

skill to be able to be like, okay, this is the timeline.

Melissa Amos:

So what I'm doing right now in this moment isn't

Melissa Amos:

what is driving me along there?

Melissa Amos:

And it's like this warning signal in a way that

Melissa Amos:

it's, you don't have to. Like, the universe isn't going to Beth, you need to

Melissa Amos:

go that way. That's your path. Go that way, this way.

Melissa Amos:

Only the universe is going, okay, this is what you want to create and

Melissa Amos:

actually where you are today, this is taking

Melissa Amos:

you somewhere different. Is this what you want? It's reminder, is this what you

Melissa Amos:

want? And the answer is yes, no, or maybe.

Beth Hewitt:

And when I teach visualization and when I'm doing

Beth Hewitt:

visualizations for myself, it isn't

Beth Hewitt:

just about looking to the future. It's like what you say, it's about looking

Beth Hewitt:

back at the past and mining those

Beth Hewitt:

experiences for all the wisdom that is

Beth Hewitt:

within them and bringing that. Sometimes that's healing. So it's needing

Beth Hewitt:

to do some healing around that. And sometimes it's just literally just

Beth Hewitt:

recognizing in the present that what we were going

Beth Hewitt:

through at the moment was a real lesson, was there was some real strength and

Beth Hewitt:

resilience in that. And we can bring all of those wonderful things into

Beth Hewitt:

the present. And so it's not, not just looking forward and going, this is

Beth Hewitt:

how I want my future to be. It's actually, how can I use the skills

Beth Hewitt:

and experiences and superpowers and all of these wonderful things to bring

Beth Hewitt:

them into the future? And I do firmly believe that when we connect the

Beth Hewitt:

dots on our life, we can predict to the future to some extent. I think

Beth Hewitt:

with the benefit of time, as we get older, we've got the benefit

Beth Hewitt:

of actually being able to look back on so many amazing things and

Beth Hewitt:

connect the dots and go. Actually, that gives us clues

Beth Hewitt:

to where we might want to be heading, or should be heading

Beth Hewitt:

as they should, but where we may be wanting to head in the future. And

Beth Hewitt:

like you say, with visualization, everybody's

Beth Hewitt:

way to visualize is different because it uses

Beth Hewitt:

all of the different senses. And some of our senses are more dominant than

Beth Hewitt:

others. You might have this real feeling sensation,

Beth Hewitt:

and that might be your dominance moving

Beth Hewitt:

forward. But some people might have really strong visuals. Some people may have really strong

Beth Hewitt:

sense of smell. Some people might have really good auditory.

Beth Hewitt:

However we visualize is how we visualize, how we experience our

Beth Hewitt:

life day to day is how we should create those

Beth Hewitt:

visions. So I love this idea that

Beth Hewitt:

we've got these many timelines going on, and we get to pick and choose

Beth Hewitt:

and, yeah, go on different

Beth Hewitt:

twists and turns, and we can. And it

Melissa Amos:

is, for me, that's the difference between fate and destiny.

Melissa Amos:

Fate is, this is my timeline and it's plotted, and I'm just going to chug

Melissa Amos:

along. It's almost this victim thing. This is what's happened to

Melissa Amos:

me, and this is. These are the cards I've been dealt. Yeah. So this is

Melissa Amos:

the life I'm gonna. I'm gonna lead. And then we have these

Melissa Amos:

fated moments that feel, oh, okay, I'm there, and

Melissa Amos:

this is what I should be doing, because you just know, don't you, when there's

Melissa Amos:

these big or small fated moments that come in.

Melissa Amos:

Whereas our destiny, I think, is something very different. Our

Melissa Amos:

destiny, for me, feels like that evolved version of us. It's this.

Melissa Amos:

These are all the things that happened to me, and this is the lessons

Melissa Amos:

that I learned from these, and this is the experience that I've

Melissa Amos:

taken from that, and that's all building me into this

Melissa Amos:

potential that I could serve. And for me, that's just a lot

Melissa Amos:

more empowering than, well, these are the cards that I've been dealt, and so

Melissa Amos:

now I've just got to make the best of it. It's. These are the cards

Melissa Amos:

I've been dealt, and how do I make the best of

Melissa Amos:

it? It's the feeling that sits behind it rather than the,

Melissa Amos:

you know, it's how we energize it and the

Melissa Amos:

decisions that we make from it and knowing that we can make the

Melissa Amos:

decisions. But it starts with that awareness

Melissa Amos:

of, why are you doing things? Are these really

Melissa Amos:

your thoughts? Are these really your wants and your desires? Because

Melissa Amos:

you can create anything. You can create anything. You visualize anything

Melissa Amos:

in the future. But if you bring something that's truly aligned to

Melissa Amos:

you, things are going to be a lot easier or a lot more

Melissa Amos:

fulfilling when you get them or even on the journey that

Melissa Amos:

they're so. Coming back to

Beth Hewitt:

Akashic records how, and I'm sure this is what you're going to

Beth Hewitt:

be teaching. So you don't want to give all of your goodies, your goodies away.

Beth Hewitt:

But how would people practically use Akashic

Beth Hewitt:

records to help them on that journey

Beth Hewitt:

of. I think that there's many ways,

Melissa Amos:

and I'm going to give a simple,

Melissa Amos:

very practical, empowering answer, that

Melissa Amos:

whether you're psychic or not psychic or

Melissa Amos:

intuitive or not intuitive or

Melissa Amos:

able to visualize or not able to visualize. Right. You can do this.

Melissa Amos:

You don't need any skill to do this, just need an awareness that

Melissa Amos:

just by understanding that there is this field out

Melissa Amos:

there that is recording everything. Like

Melissa Amos:

the. In the courtrooms, when you see

Melissa Amos:

those, the people that are typing

Melissa Amos:

everything that's happening. Yes. Yeah. It's like, we've got one of those.

Melissa Amos:

But they're not just typing what's happening, they're typing everything you're

Melissa Amos:

experiencing underneath that as well. The stories that are going on, the feelings that

Melissa Amos:

are around there, what memories it brought, everything is downloaded into

Melissa Amos:

this field in every single moment of every single day, even right

Melissa Amos:

now, as you are listening to this, my

Melissa Amos:

words and how you're taking them in and what that's bringing up

Melissa Amos:

for you and how you're sitting and if you're saying, oh, no, I can't do

Melissa Amos:

that, or, yes, I can, all of that is being recorded in this field, in

Melissa Amos:

this moment. And for me, when I understood

Melissa Amos:

that, it was like, wow, okay, what do I want written in my

Melissa Amos:

field? Because the truth for me is

Melissa Amos:

we are always visualizing or experiencing, usually

Melissa Amos:

in memory. We're usually going back into

Melissa Amos:

what happened. What did I do? How did I do that?

Melissa Amos:

How could I do that? How could they do that? All of these things where

Melissa Amos:

we spend a lot of our lives, they're not really in the present moment.

Melissa Amos:

They're not really in what it is that we want to experience and create.

Melissa Amos:

They're reactive, or we're in the

Melissa Amos:

past or we're worrying about the future. That's generally

Melissa Amos:

the regular state of most. People.

Melissa Amos:

Which, first of all, that's good to know. That's

Melissa Amos:

generally where we go because it's a survival mechanism. But it doesn't

Melissa Amos:

have to be the way it's what we've been trained into. If I know at

Melissa Amos:

the moment that I'm thinking back to those things that I

Melissa Amos:

did, and I feel really shameful and guilty

Melissa Amos:

and outdone whatever it is hard done by it,

Melissa Amos:

then I'm recording that again and again and again and again. And that's what's going

Melissa Amos:

to dominate what it is, that how I'm showing up, and that's going to

Melissa Amos:

dominate the future that I'm creating because I am constantly

Melissa Amos:

writing it. So I'm not saying don't think of the past,

Melissa Amos:

but here's where the power of doing a session or working consciously in the records,

Melissa Amos:

if we can go back to that moment where we felt shame or fear

Melissa Amos:

or hard done by, and we go back through the Akashic

Melissa Amos:

records, which are this field that are held by these,

Melissa Amos:

if you like, beings that hold such compassion and non judgment

Melissa Amos:

and understanding, there's not a, you did this and you did this wrong. It's

Melissa Amos:

not a field of judgment. It's a field of, well, this happened and it

Melissa Amos:

happened. Yeah. And you're honored and respected. And

Melissa Amos:

we understand that you did the best that you could with what you've got. When

Melissa Amos:

you go back into that memory, with that

Melissa Amos:

understanding, with that higher perspective, then it

Melissa Amos:

changes how you then look back on it.

Melissa Amos:

Just as that story isn't there about the dog. If you get

Melissa Amos:

bitten by this dog's really barking

Melissa Amos:

and he comes and bites you with his bearing teeth, then you might

Melissa Amos:

feel a little bit victimized. But if you realize that the dog was actually

Melissa Amos:

stuck in a trap and was in pain, then you'd try and

Melissa Amos:

understanding. Yeah. And it's different. It's how we understand

Melissa Amos:

it differently. And then we can use it as a

Melissa Amos:

lesson. Then we can use it as something that. Where they're moving through and

Melissa Amos:

actually, that's then not dominating our thoughts. Because when we come

Melissa Amos:

into understanding with something, it doesn't. It's not that

Melissa Amos:

mind monkey anymore. It's those hard

Melissa Amos:

ones, aren't they? The things we're angry about, sad about,

Melissa Amos:

guilty about, shameful about, or victimized about,

Melissa Amos:

that tend to be the things that plague us.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. How amazing would it be if

Melissa Amos:

the things that plagued us were the happy memories

Melissa Amos:

and the higher perspectives and

Melissa Amos:

expectations of the things that we could do and the possibilities

Melissa Amos:

that are available to us and the amazing

Melissa Amos:

understanding. I'm going to give you an example. This is why

Melissa Amos:

I don't read and watch things that are too heavy.

Beth Hewitt:

Right? Yeah. But right now I'm reading

Melissa Amos:

the fourth Hunger Games book. The new book.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And I love those books. I read them years ago.

Melissa Amos:

New films coming out. And, like, Katniss Everdeen in

Melissa Amos:

the first three movies is like, my girl crush. And so I was like, I'll

Melissa Amos:

read this book, book because I quite like to go and see the movie. Anyway,

Melissa Amos:

something happened in it, and I was reading it before bed last night, and something

Melissa Amos:

happened in it that was a bit like, yeah. So then I'm like, I'm going

Melissa Amos:

to sleep and I'm thinking about it. I'm walking this morning. There's this beautiful

Melissa Amos:

blue sky, gorgeous day today, and I'm going for my walk.

Melissa Amos:

And then I kept thinking about this character and then. And what they did, and

Melissa Amos:

it was going on around in my head, and I checked myself and I'm like,

Melissa Amos:

it's not real. Didn't happen. But what I

Melissa Amos:

am writing and that might. Doesn't matter. It didn't happen to

Melissa Amos:

me. What I'm writing in that moment is these feelings

Melissa Amos:

of guilt. And I won't give the game away. Like these

Melissa Amos:

quite heavy feelings. And I thought, oh, my goodness

Melissa Amos:

me, I have got some amazing things going on in my life, and this is

Melissa Amos:

what I'm choosing to focus on right now. So I thought about

Melissa Amos:

the person that signed up to soul school, akashic training

Melissa Amos:

last night and all the people that are considering

Melissa Amos:

it and that have joined it, and it brought me back

Melissa Amos:

into something because this is what I'm working on right now,

Melissa Amos:

and this is what I want my energy to go into and be

Melissa Amos:

into. Yeah, I think when you look at it and

Beth Hewitt:

think about it that way, it's an incredible

Beth Hewitt:

privilege to be able to fill your life

Beth Hewitt:

with the passions and purposes that your soul wants to bring forth into the

Beth Hewitt:

world. And, yeah, like I say, when we watch the news, when we see something

Beth Hewitt:

terrible, when it just shifts our energy

Beth Hewitt:

and why do we allow ourselves to go there? But that's just life, right? That's

Beth Hewitt:

the world that we surrounded ourselves. It's just the choice that we make to be

Beth Hewitt:

in the energy that we want to be in. But we're always going to get

Beth Hewitt:

these things that try to infiltrate our mind.

Beth Hewitt:

But books are great. Films are great. We can't completely shut them all out.

Melissa Amos:

No, but it's knowing that, isn't it? It's catching, having that awareness.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. Catching fire.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah, they are great. They are great movies.

Melissa Amos:

And sometimes it's important to be open to different

Melissa Amos:

things, because actually, maybe the reason I'm drawn to those

Melissa Amos:

books, which is not really something that I'd normally spend my energy

Melissa Amos:

in, because maybe there's some. I'm not suggesting that I lived in some

Melissa Amos:

dystopian person, whatever, but maybe

Melissa Amos:

there's something in there. Yeah, maybe there's something in

Melissa Amos:

what happened with this character. And you know how

Melissa Amos:

that will pound out that I hold in me. Why would it?

Melissa Amos:

Me? Yeah, because I'm the same with, like, my partner likes

Beth Hewitt:

watching the saw films, and ten years ago, I could have watched one of those

Beth Hewitt:

and it wouldn't have had any impact, but today, they're just. Even the

Beth Hewitt:

thought that somebody could hold that idea and create

Beth Hewitt:

that story just freaks me out. Somebody would have that capacity to

Beth Hewitt:

create a story like that. But like you say, why is that? Why does that

Beth Hewitt:

trigger me? Why do I have such an intense

Beth Hewitt:

feeling to not want to watch something like that?

Beth Hewitt:

Obviously, it's gory and horrible, but also is a part of my timeline, is the

Beth Hewitt:

part of me that needs to heal a little bit more because of that as

Beth Hewitt:

well. So I think it's very telling where we're attracted and where

Beth Hewitt:

we're repelled from different things. But I would

Beth Hewitt:

say fill your life with lots of nice things and nice people, and

Beth Hewitt:

surround yourself with good energy and whatnot, and do the things that. That you

Beth Hewitt:

love. But I do feel like when you've got that perspective, to know

Beth Hewitt:

that by being able to follow the passion and

Beth Hewitt:

create those memories that are based on your highest, on

Beth Hewitt:

the things that you really desire, and you start to create that timeline,

Beth Hewitt:

and those timelines start to become the dominant timelines of the

Beth Hewitt:

positive stuff, I think that's an incredibly powerful space to

Beth Hewitt:

be in and want to be in. So what you're

Beth Hewitt:

doing, Mel, sounds wonderful. I want to say this.

Melissa Amos:

What you just said about ten years ago, you might have been able to watch

Melissa Amos:

this, and now it's more difficult. I think that when you are in

Melissa Amos:

that energy and that becomes your dominant energy, you need

Melissa Amos:

less of this outside entertainment.

Melissa Amos:

And I'm not against it, watch what you want to watch. But you

Melissa Amos:

start to understand that this entertainment is actually giving you an

Melissa Amos:

internal experience, which can be quite exciting, it can

Melissa Amos:

be quite stimulating, and sometimes we're

Melissa Amos:

striving for that and we need that. Or it can also be quite. Just

Melissa Amos:

chill and relaxing and a bit mind numbing. We all like a bit of that

Melissa Amos:

sometimes. But I think that as you become

Melissa Amos:

more present in your creation of

Melissa Amos:

life, you start to understand these timelines. You start to

Melissa Amos:

understand how visualization works and

Melissa Amos:

how things like the book of Life are always recording things for

Melissa Amos:

you and how our nervous system needs

Melissa Amos:

regulating and all these different things. I just think

Melissa Amos:

that some of these heavier

Melissa Amos:

dramas, for me, it's the psychological

Melissa Amos:

stuff more, I think, more than the kind of gory stuff. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

Which gore has got in heaps, isn't it?

Melissa Amos:

I used to watch them. I used to watch them, like, when they went to

Melissa Amos:

cinema, I used to go and see them. Yeah. I couldn't even think about doing

Beth Hewitt:

that. Now. They just become less tempting. It's

Melissa Amos:

like you don't need that same

Melissa Amos:

stimulation that you do. And when you do it, it's

Melissa Amos:

more of a mindful choice, rather than just, I'm going to sit here and chill

Melissa Amos:

out, watching people slaughter each other on the tv. It doesn't

Beth Hewitt:

make. To me, that doesn't make sense. No. I also think that the

Beth Hewitt:

more that you work in it with your senses and have that sense of

Beth Hewitt:

your emotions and that it's almost like you've developed

Beth Hewitt:

those to an extent. And that then when you see something like

Beth Hewitt:

that, it has such a. It has an impact on you because of the

Beth Hewitt:

heightened sense of, like, the visual aspect, the actual sounds of somebody screaming, for

Beth Hewitt:

example, then as a hyper effect when it might not have

Beth Hewitt:

done that many years ago. If that wasn't, if that's something you. Weren'T working

Melissa Amos:

on, work on these senses and want to be my work with a lot of

Melissa Amos:

people who want to increase their psychic senses

Melissa Amos:

and then they wonder why they find things over stimulating. Yeah,

Melissa Amos:

it's the perk of the job. So we have to protect our energies as well.

Beth Hewitt:

Maybe we could talk about that in a later episode. This has been

Beth Hewitt:

a weird and wonderful. We've talked about things that I didn't think we'd talk about

Beth Hewitt:

the Hunger Games or the saw trilogy. Well, here we go

Beth Hewitt:

today. But this is what our soul inspired

Beth Hewitt:

podcast has been about today. See, I got Katniss

Melissa Amos:

Everdeen in there. So Mel, until we meet

Beth Hewitt:

again, have a wonderful day.

Melissa Amos:

You too. And to all our listeners, may your. Lives all

Melissa Amos:

be soul inspired.

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Soul Inspired You
A Podcast Inspired by the Soul
Join Mel and Beth on a truly soul-inspired journey. Each episode is unscripted and intuitive and follows the natural flow of life and creativity of the hosts. Each week on the show Beth and Mel tap into a range of spiritual practices and personal development and discuss how to intuitively follow your passion and purpose in the hope that they will inspire you to follow your own soul-inspired life too.