Episode 23

Aligning with Your True Path

Published on: 15th June, 2024

Show Summary:

Aligning with Your True Path: Soul-Inspired Action and Business Growth

  • In this episode, Beth and Mel discuss the importance and challenges of staying aligned with one's true purpose while managing a business.
  • Beth talks about her experiences with the Gratitude Journey and making it an evergreen product.
  • Mel shares her insights on creating soul-led businesses, addressing the assumptions and limitations individuals face.
  • They explore how staying true to oneself can influence success, the significance of inner work, and ensuring that projects align with personal joy and fulfilment.
  • They also recount personal stories that emphasize following one's passion, the unexpected interconnections that can arise, and the importance of taking action despite fears, drawing inspiration from various examples, including Beth’s stepdad who started his first YouTube channel at the age of 80.

Phil Emerton Woodturning by an Old Man https://www.youtube.com/@philemerton

00:00 Introduction and Catching Up

00:35 Beth's Gratitude Journey

01:33 Creating Soul-Led Businesses

02:43 Aligning with Your True Path

04:08 Challenges and Growth in Business

06:52 The Power of Authenticity

10:22 Success and Following Your Bliss

22:37 The Importance of Dreaming Big

31:58 Taking Action and Continuous Growth

34:55 Conclusion and Call to Action

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Get Beth's Gratitude and Vision Building Journal

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Get Mel's Book - Memoires of a Mystic in Training

Social Media @themelissaamos

Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232

Melissa Amos:

Hello, Beth. Hello, Mel. Cats say good morning

Beth Hewitt:

today. Good afternoon. I know we're all out of sorts. You

Melissa Amos:

all in court at the same time every week, and now we're on a different

Melissa Amos:

day in a different hour, and we're going to come off here thinking that we've

Melissa Amos:

got our whole day ahead. Yeah, we do. I've got

Beth Hewitt:

a nine year old birthday party to go to and then the hospital to go

Beth Hewitt:

to to see my dad, and then I'll have my tea at some point and

Beth Hewitt:

then bedtime. I think that's enough to be

Beth Hewitt:

doing today. So what's going on in Beth's

Melissa Amos:

world, in the world of mystical, magical moments?

Beth Hewitt:

In the world of mystical moments of Beth, I have

Beth Hewitt:

just completed, or I'm just coming up this week, we'll be finishing the

Beth Hewitt:

gratitude journey for the month of May, and I've

Beth Hewitt:

been welcoming in new members, so that's all been really

Beth Hewitt:

nice. And then I'm looking at how I can

Beth Hewitt:

create an evergreen experience of the gratitude journey. Because a lot of the

Beth Hewitt:

people that do the gratitude journey, they come back again. They're like my little

Beth Hewitt:

boomerangs. So I'm looking at ways I can make that more of an evergreen

Beth Hewitt:

experience. So people can do the gratitude journey all of the time

Beth Hewitt:

and people can join whenever they want to join rather than at the start of

Beth Hewitt:

the month because gratitude is such an important thing to be doing and

Beth Hewitt:

staying on top of. And so if that's what the people want,

Beth Hewitt:

that's what I'm going to do. That's what the people want. That's what

Melissa Amos:

the people will get. Yeah. So that's what I've been

Beth Hewitt:

up to. And I know you've been doing your wonderful

Beth Hewitt:

event last week. Yeah. So my brain has

Melissa Amos:

been all around creating soul led

Melissa Amos:

businesses this last couple of weeks, which

Melissa Amos:

I absolutely love and adore, and being

Melissa Amos:

with all of the members of the group. And there

Melissa Amos:

was healers and energy workers and

Melissa Amos:

readers and coaches and actually some people who want bricks

Melissa Amos:

and mortar buildings. There was a definite range. And

Melissa Amos:

it's interesting to start to see some of the

Melissa Amos:

blocks that put, that we put up some of the assumptions that come

Melissa Amos:

when we're running a business where we

Melissa Amos:

hold ourselves in limitation, where we stop ourselves

Melissa Amos:

short. It was really interesting seeing this

Melissa Amos:

from such a wide point of view.

Melissa Amos:

And you know how it is when we're holding these experiences, these things

Melissa Amos:

mirror back to us. So it's fascinating

Melissa Amos:

how I think we're all being, but

Melissa Amos:

I think many of us are being pulled into a greater version of us, and

Melissa Amos:

it's quite hard to maybe know where that is coming and where that's

Melissa Amos:

happening. I think we should talk about that. I love this

Beth Hewitt:

idea piece of when

Beth Hewitt:

we have come into alignment with who we

Beth Hewitt:

are and what we're bringing forth into the world, and it's almost like

Beth Hewitt:

we start to feel a little bit untouchable. But I

Beth Hewitt:

don't mean that in a big headed way. It's almost like it doesn't really matter

Beth Hewitt:

now that I'm on this path because I'm following my path and I

Beth Hewitt:

trust in the path and I'm starting to align. And everything that I put out

Beth Hewitt:

there in terms of my offers and my words and my connections, it's

Beth Hewitt:

all, it just feels good. So maybe we could talk a little

Beth Hewitt:

bit about that today because it's quite a big topic, but it's

Beth Hewitt:

also one of those topics that's, I suppose it's the experience

Beth Hewitt:

for everybody is different. And it's like, almost like, how do you tell somebody when

Beth Hewitt:

they're in, like, how do you know when you're in alignment? Like, you just know.

Beth Hewitt:

But how do you explain that? How do you articulate that to people who maybe

Beth Hewitt:

are not feeling in alignment with what they want

Beth Hewitt:

to be doing in the world? Yes, because I think that often when we

Melissa Amos:

start doing this kind of work, so the healers and the readers

Melissa Amos:

coaches and the mentors. Mentors and the teachers and,

Melissa Amos:

and the artists and this work that just seems to

Melissa Amos:

come from soul or it seems to come from somewhere bigger than us,

Melissa Amos:

and it's maybe follows on from an

Melissa Amos:

expression of what we are, right? And so we go out in the world

Melissa Amos:

and we're like, I'm going to do this. It's going to be my thing. It's

Melissa Amos:

definitely what it is that I need. But this is what I noticed, that

Melissa Amos:

we are fueled by our purpose. Most of the people

Melissa Amos:

who are doing this work don't normally do things the way that everybody else does

Melissa Amos:

things and start it. I'm doing this as a business. I'm going to start

Melissa Amos:

offering my things. And then we get into

Melissa Amos:

our heads about this is how it needs to look, and if I'm going to

Melissa Amos:

make it a business, then I need to do it this way. And this is

Melissa Amos:

my clients want and this is how I need to give them and everything

Melissa Amos:

that's got us to the point of launching,

Melissa Amos:

starting that bravery of actually coming out and saying,

Melissa Amos:

yes, I'm doing this. It almost falls to the wayside. And then we

Melissa Amos:

start finding ourselves looking outside

Melissa Amos:

for how do I price this? How do I package this. How does this need

Melissa Amos:

to. I can't do it like this. And everyone says, that's not going to work

Melissa Amos:

for me because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then we wonder why

Melissa Amos:

we're doing work that's so aligned to us. But

Melissa Amos:

it feels off. Frustrating. Things

Melissa Amos:

aren't biting, unfulfilling, thinking things are

Melissa Amos:

failing. And what I've discovered even more so with

Melissa Amos:

working with. There was over 150 people in the group.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. Seeing this time and time again that it's,

Melissa Amos:

I think, partly because we come out of

Melissa Amos:

alignment with how our work then needs to look

Melissa Amos:

in the real world. Yeah, that's what I was just thinking. It's

Beth Hewitt:

almost. If you take it as a journey we're in our lifetime,

Beth Hewitt:

we're conditioned by this is how we need to be, this is where we need

Beth Hewitt:

to go to work, this is how we need to live our lives. Then we

Beth Hewitt:

get this soul's calling for. We've always got that souls calling. But we get

Beth Hewitt:

this. I'd quite like to be a healer or an artist or something else starts

Beth Hewitt:

pulling and then we start to embody that. And then it's almost. We're going

Beth Hewitt:

back to the condition. Like, almost like now

Beth Hewitt:

I can be who I am, but I'm gonna.

Beth Hewitt:

I'm allowing myself to be conditioned by everything that I feel like society

Beth Hewitt:

needs me to be, or the marketing needs to be, or the templates need to

Beth Hewitt:

be, or the scripts need to be. And so we go through that process and

Beth Hewitt:

then all of a sudden we realize, actually, when I'm fully me,

Beth Hewitt:

this is how I would do the thing and it wouldn't be the same as

Beth Hewitt:

anybody else. And that's where the magic,

Beth Hewitt:

I think, is. But you have to go through that process. And I think

Beth Hewitt:

we've all experienced some variation of that on the path

Beth Hewitt:

because we understand what it's like to be conditioned, we understand what it's

Beth Hewitt:

like to be trying to keep up with the Joneses or to keep

Beth Hewitt:

our parents happy or all of these things. And then we

Beth Hewitt:

find who we are and then we do it all over again. Because that's what

Beth Hewitt:

we know as human beings until we go,

Beth Hewitt:

actually, if I do it this way, that nobody else is doing, and it

Beth Hewitt:

feels good and easy, that's when we

Beth Hewitt:

crack open and wonderful things start to happen. And

Melissa Amos:

it can be quite subtle and it can

Melissa Amos:

quite. It can be quite

Melissa Amos:

insidious as well. Like, I've seen this as

Melissa Amos:

well, this. What's the difference between I'm

Melissa Amos:

doing something because I feel that I have to, or I'm not doing

Melissa Amos:

something because I feel it's not allowed, or I'm not

Melissa Amos:

doing something because I've got a wounding there or I've got. There's

Melissa Amos:

a lot life change there that I'm moving or working towards. And

Melissa Amos:

it feels safer to sit behind this

Melissa Amos:

somebody else's process or somebody else's

Melissa Amos:

thing. And it's so interesting,

Melissa Amos:

I shared just the other day that April,

Melissa Amos:

I did probably the most inner

Melissa Amos:

work for a long time on my business in

Melissa Amos:

various guises with various techniques and

Melissa Amos:

teachers. And then in May I had one of my biggest

Melissa Amos:

cash months. And is there a coincidence with that?

Melissa Amos:

No. And it didn't make sense. It doesn't make

Melissa Amos:

sense on paper why that would have been.

Melissa Amos:

But this is what happened and it

Melissa Amos:

keeps coming back into this know thyself, know thyself. Know

Melissa Amos:

thyself. And then trusting that whatever it is thats

Melissa Amos:

pushing you and moving you and calling you that, that

Melissa Amos:

is enough. And

Melissa Amos:

it doesnt mean that we throw all the strategies out the window

Melissa Amos:

because then where the other side of the coin as well. I feel

Melissa Amos:

I'm so in alignment and people should, I should be magnetizing my

Melissa Amos:

clients and so I needn't do anything. I don't think that's true.

Melissa Amos:

But finding the strategy, knowing the strategies, looking yes,

Melissa Amos:

outside yourself, working with mentors, working with other people,

Melissa Amos:

seeing the different processes and procedures that are available to you,

Melissa Amos:

and then bringing it in and going, okay, so how does this relate to me?

Melissa Amos:

Does this feel right to me? Does this go with my soul flow?

Melissa Amos:

Is this, if I had this biggest, greatest, grandest burden of

Melissa Amos:

me, would this align to that? I think it's

Beth Hewitt:

important that we try all of the different strategies

Beth Hewitt:

on for size to see how they feel, the ones that

Beth Hewitt:

feel good, the ones that don't, and using that as

Beth Hewitt:

a barometer of how do I want to add to this strategy? Do I want

Beth Hewitt:

to take away from this strategy? Do I want to put more of myself in

Beth Hewitt:

here? How do I want to use this to

Beth Hewitt:

articulate the thing that I've created in the world?

Melissa Amos:

Right. And that's a very powerful. When we get to that space, when we take

Beth Hewitt:

the, what do you call it, like the stable stabilizers off

Beth Hewitt:

the bike and we're just going for it and we're like, okay, I've got the

Beth Hewitt:

strategy, I've got the templates, I've got the idea of how I can do this,

Beth Hewitt:

but now I'm just going to take the wheels off and I'm just going to

Beth Hewitt:

see, I'm going to wobble about on my little bike.

Beth Hewitt:

And I'm just going to allow myself to learn to ride my bike

Beth Hewitt:

the way that I'm supposed to learn to ride my bike,

Beth Hewitt:

whether it's a bit wobbly or a bit off to the left or off to

Beth Hewitt:

the right, and all of a sudden you'll start to come back into your equilibrium,

Beth Hewitt:

your balance, and then we've got the wind, the universe

Beth Hewitt:

source at our back, supporting us and guiding us on that path. And

Beth Hewitt:

that when we get to that point where we feel comfortable

Beth Hewitt:

enough to do, that's when I think a whole world

Beth Hewitt:

of possibilities opens up to us in terms of

Beth Hewitt:

collaborations and connection and ideas and

Beth Hewitt:

just that ability to be playful and just try lots of new things

Beth Hewitt:

that maybe we didn't even think was possible for us.

Melissa Amos:

And that is the point if we are looking at this just from an

Melissa Amos:

energetic and purpose, sole purpose

Melissa Amos:

point of view, our purpose is to know ourselves and to become

Melissa Amos:

ourselves, know and become and take action on that. And that is

Melissa Amos:

through our intuition, that is through our nudges, that is through our joy,

Melissa Amos:

that is through understanding the challenges that we

Melissa Amos:

face and what skills, talents we have to

Melissa Amos:

move through them. And whatever it is that you're doing

Melissa Amos:

in the world, this is our purpose, and that will be different for

Melissa Amos:

everybody, but the fundamentals the same. And

Melissa Amos:

so when we are then bringing work, this

Melissa Amos:

into our work, and we're becoming the healers and readers, the coaches, the

Melissa Amos:

mentors, the yoga teachers, the thought leaders, or

Melissa Amos:

whatever it is, I wonder why it is that

Melissa Amos:

we feel that then we can't bring it fully into

Melissa Amos:

ourselves because we are fully into ourselves,

Melissa Amos:

then the people that we're meant to

Melissa Amos:

be connecting with, the people that we're meant to be

Melissa Amos:

collaborating with, the people that need our level

Melissa Amos:

of support, whatever that is, can then find us. But

Melissa Amos:

all the while that we're sitting behind something that's not quite us,

Melissa Amos:

all the while that we're sidestepping. What I'd really like to do

Melissa Amos:

is this. But what I think is the safe version is this. The

Melissa Amos:

people who are primed to

Melissa Amos:

work with the what you'd really like to do can't find you because you're not

Melissa Amos:

there. And I have found, the more I've

Melissa Amos:

known myself, and I need to caveat with this, it's not

Melissa Amos:

permanent. There's a growth and we carry on moving and growing,

Melissa Amos:

but the more I've known myself then, the more I've been able to be

Melissa Amos:

sure on, okay, this is the offer that feels good for me right

Melissa Amos:

now. This is the launch strategy that feels good for me

Melissa Amos:

right now. This is the collaboration that feels good for me right now.

Melissa Amos:

This is the message that needs to go out. That just comes because I'm

Melissa Amos:

talking about what I love. And from the truth of me, I don't have to

Melissa Amos:

be wordsmith to be able to get that through. And then,

Melissa Amos:

from an energetic point of view, people are on the other side of that and

Melissa Amos:

they can feel it. They can feel like, yeah, this is. This is

Melissa Amos:

100% this person. And then we feel

Melissa Amos:

more as the reader, we feel more comfortable and confident

Melissa Amos:

in who it is that we're connecting with, even though it's

Melissa Amos:

on a subconscious, energetic, yeah, we don't even know that

Melissa Amos:

it's happening. There's a reception that's going

Beth Hewitt:

on, like, it's like dialing into the radio, tuning in

Beth Hewitt:

to the station that you want to be putting out there and the

Beth Hewitt:

listeners being, this is the channel. This is the right channel

Beth Hewitt:

for all of us. Yes.

Beth Hewitt:

It's really interesting because my stepdad,

Beth Hewitt:

he's 80 years old, and we went round

Beth Hewitt:

yesterday, me and Milia went around to see them yesterday, my mum and

Beth Hewitt:

my stepdad. And he just said, out of the blue, I've started a

Beth Hewitt:

YouTube channel. And we were all like, what?

Beth Hewitt:

He was. I've started a YouTube channel. It's just me in my garage

Beth Hewitt:

talking about making things with wood,

Beth Hewitt:

and I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm having fun.

Beth Hewitt:

And if it makes people laugh and it brings me

Beth Hewitt:

joy, then that's what I'm doing. And there was. Even though it was just a

Beth Hewitt:

silly conversation, and what he's doing is just. Is fun. There was something in that

Beth Hewitt:

about when we no longer.

Beth Hewitt:

I think it's care, really, when we no longer care what other people or how

Beth Hewitt:

we're going to be received, then we allow ourselves to do

Beth Hewitt:

these things that for a long time, we might have been stopping ourselves from doing.

Beth Hewitt:

And so there was like a beautiful message in all of this. And then he

Beth Hewitt:

put it on the tv, we were all watching his YouTube channel

Beth Hewitt:

and subscribing and things like that. And I just thought, if an eight year old

Beth Hewitt:

man who's been retired for a long time, who has hobbies, who changes these hobbies

Beth Hewitt:

all the time, wanted and decided to create a YouTube

Beth Hewitt:

channel, and he's doing it because that's what he wants to do, then why

Beth Hewitt:

can't I do this? Or why can't somebody else do that? If that's what they've

Beth Hewitt:

aspired to do for a long time. Does it really matter if nobody

Beth Hewitt:

listens or nobody subscribes? If it's the thing that you want to do

Beth Hewitt:

and you're going to have fun with it, why not just do it? But that's

Beth Hewitt:

easier said than done. I appreciate that. It is easier said than done, but also

Melissa Amos:

isn't. It's our own stuff. Somebody shared something today.

Melissa Amos:

First, while I'm looking for this, I want, if you know his YouTube

Melissa Amos:

name, I would love for you to shout out. I can find it. It's very

Beth Hewitt:

long. Even the name was mesmerizing and funny.

Melissa Amos:

Imagine that he might have done that. And, yeah, who

Melissa Amos:

knows? Maybe it will be the 100 million subscriber thing,

Melissa Amos:

right? Maybe. Maybe. Or maybe it's

Melissa Amos:

just. It's inspired this conversation. Maybe. Or maybe it's

Melissa Amos:

given somebody else permission to start their own YouTube channel

Melissa Amos:

that becomes the next 100 million subscriber YouTube channel.

Melissa Amos:

Or he's doing that and it brings him so much

Melissa Amos:

joy that he then raises his vibration and then

Melissa Amos:

he's a happier man to be around and then it affects everyone

Melissa Amos:

that's around him. What is success? Yeah, what is your

Beth Hewitt:

version of success? The name is so long that it won't even fit on my

Beth Hewitt:

screen, but I think we'll put it in the show notes. But it's something like

Beth Hewitt:

Phil Emerton Wood turning by an old man. That is

Beth Hewitt:

his name. That's what he's decided to put in. And it gives

Beth Hewitt:

lovingly quips to my mum. In it, he talks about my mum and what

Beth Hewitt:

she's up to and I know it's so cute.

Melissa Amos:

You just do not know where all these things will lead.

Melissa Amos:

I'm going to give you another example. Right. So in the call last night,

Melissa Amos:

in my challenge for business owners, we were doing hot seating, and there was

Melissa Amos:

one lady there and she was talking about all of the things that she has

Melissa Amos:

done and will do and actually what her dream is to create

Melissa Amos:

a bricks and mortar retreat space. And that's her thing.

Melissa Amos:

And my co host, Jessica, was saying, this has been a thing for a long

Melissa Amos:

time and all of this, but it's been there. But then she

Melissa Amos:

started sharing some synchronicities that have been happening, like,

Melissa Amos:

lately, and we were like, okay, like, why do we go ahead

Melissa Amos:

with this now? At the same time, Jessica and I have been

Melissa Amos:

having a separate conversation about potentially next

Melissa Amos:

year, I'm potentially coming to the states and I'm like, we

Melissa Amos:

will need somewhere to host a retreat. So we're having a separate conversation.

Melissa Amos:

And then this lady over here is having a thing saying she wants to have

Melissa Amos:

a retreat center. And part of the thing is because she wants to have people

Melissa Amos:

come in and teach and it's. Hold on a

Melissa Amos:

minute. If you follow your dream, if you do this,

Melissa Amos:

then it's also been the answer to my prayers,

Melissa Amos:

which is that I've been looking for this. And so you never know.

Melissa Amos:

And the point that you were making, Beth, about, as we

Melissa Amos:

follow this bliss, as we follow this desire and we

Melissa Amos:

don't know where it's going to lead, and then everything just

Melissa Amos:

seems to make sense. It

Melissa Amos:

completely changes the measurables at the

Melissa Amos:

end, because what is success? And again, if you

Melissa Amos:

look at the business metrics, it's. You need to be earning one,

Melissa Amos:

2510, 100, a million a month.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah, and that's what we see. Yeah, but

Melissa Amos:

if you don't. But you reach one

Melissa Amos:

person who then goes on and changes the world, or

Melissa Amos:

you reach one person and it hits them to then go and do

Melissa Amos:

something amazing, and then six months later they come back to you and they're like,

Melissa Amos:

Beth, that one thing you said to me on the gratitude journey

Melissa Amos:

changed everything. And now I'm earning my

Melissa Amos:

half a million a year and I want to invest in you and I'm all

Melissa Amos:

in. You don't know where it's going to go, but

Melissa Amos:

when you're like that aligned, it doesn't matter so much

Melissa Amos:

because you're loving what you're doing anyway and you get less in

Melissa Amos:

your head about, how do I need to message this? What words do I need

Melissa Amos:

to put out here right now? What do I write in my email? Because you're

Beth Hewitt:

just doing your thing. You're coming from that

Melissa Amos:

expression and it's not. I don't care what people

Melissa Amos:

think about this, because I

Melissa Amos:

think you'd agree, Beth, that when we do this, it is

Melissa Amos:

something that is bigger than us. So it's not just, I do it for

Melissa Amos:

me, what I'm doing, so controversial,

Melissa Amos:

but what I'm doing for me. I'm doing it for me. I'm doing it because

Melissa Amos:

it's my bliss and it's my journey and it's my purpose and it's my

Melissa Amos:

life and it's my Facebook lives and it's my Facebook wall and it's my

Melissa Amos:

podcast and it's me. And it's me and it's all me. And I have to

Melissa Amos:

do it for me and I make it bigger than

Melissa Amos:

me. Yeah, but I can't just do it all for you

Melissa Amos:

because if I do it all for you, then you're not getting a first rate

Melissa Amos:

version of me, there'd be somebody else who's going to do that better. Yeah. And

Melissa Amos:

I'm not. Where am I in all of this?

Beth Hewitt:

That's true. It's almost like it's a

Beth Hewitt:

selfish but non selfish act. At the same time,

Beth Hewitt:

I'm doing this for me. But the byproduct

Beth Hewitt:

of that is that you get the best version of me, and that is going

Beth Hewitt:

to allow you to maybe do the thing that you want to do.

Beth Hewitt:

But also, it's not just what the other person gets out of it, is it?

Beth Hewitt:

It could be that even if you do the thing that you are really called

Beth Hewitt:

to do, and nothing immediately comes as a result of that, there's nothing to

Beth Hewitt:

say. The. The dots, the connection of the dots doesn't

Beth Hewitt:

come later down the line. Like, you're doing this thing right now. You can't see

Beth Hewitt:

the benefit of it right now, but it still feels aligned. You hear all

Beth Hewitt:

the time that you have to keep going, don't give up. Don't give up. The

Beth Hewitt:

reward is there. It's coming. We don't know the how. We don't know why or

Beth Hewitt:

when it's going to happen, but it's coming. Okay. Yeah. And so

Beth Hewitt:

we're doing it, and then we receive that,

Beth Hewitt:

the benefit of that in probably more ways than

Beth Hewitt:

we could ever imagine. It's just that our limited perspective

Beth Hewitt:

as spiritual human beings right now is that we are only

Beth Hewitt:

focused on this part of the puzzle, this part that we're working

Beth Hewitt:

on right now. We're not necessarily thinking about the bigger vision

Beth Hewitt:

that we may or may not hold for ourselves or the vision that the universe

Beth Hewitt:

source divine has in store for us that we are just not party

Beth Hewitt:

to because all of the other conditions, all of the other people, all of the

Beth Hewitt:

other experiences, all of the other set of circumstances that have to

Beth Hewitt:

come into play. The planets align in all of that. We're just not parted to

Beth Hewitt:

that right now in this moment. So all we

Beth Hewitt:

need to do is just stay in alignment and keep doing the thing that brings

Beth Hewitt:

us joy. As soon as it doesn't feel good, don't do it anymore.

Beth Hewitt:

As soon as it feels like this isn't quite the way I want to do

Beth Hewitt:

that, then twist it, change it, shape it,

Beth Hewitt:

or. And look at what it is that doesn't feel good

Melissa Amos:

because sometimes don't feel good, sometimes you're like, this is the scariest thing that I've

Melissa Amos:

ever done. And that's good. And that's a good thing because we're leaning towards

Melissa Amos:

something. So it does bring up the healing journey

Melissa Amos:

ahead. Right. I was talking about this last night that

Melissa Amos:

you. What seems to happen is we find ourselves in a place

Melissa Amos:

and then we're like, well, where I really want to go to is all the

Melissa Amos:

way over there. This is the dream. But actually all I think is possible is

Melissa Amos:

here. And it's only 6ft ahead of us. And so

Melissa Amos:

we start moving towards that and then there's going to be challenges.

Melissa Amos:

There's always going to be challenges. There's always going to be something that comes up.

Melissa Amos:

And I think that this is good for us as humans to evolve and grow.

Melissa Amos:

But if all we're aiming for is this 6ft

Melissa Amos:

ahead, we're still moving through these challenges, but they're

Melissa Amos:

actually not giving us necessarily need

Melissa Amos:

and the growth opportunities and the potential. And then we can

Melissa Amos:

go jump through these hurdles and we get there and we're like, meh.

Melissa Amos:

And that's it. Whereas if we are actually honest with ourselves

Melissa Amos:

and we dare to dream, this has been a big thing for me

Melissa Amos:

personally. Like, what am I allowing myself to dream? Yeah, what am I

Melissa Amos:

allowing to be possible into my future? And I'm like, this is all the way

Melissa Amos:

over here and it doesn't matter whether or not it's

Melissa Amos:

possible. Right now, in this moment, this is the dream. This is where I

Melissa Amos:

want to be. This is where I feel most alive. I feel. I look back

Melissa Amos:

at my life and this is the place where it just looks. No, it

Melissa Amos:

feels like I'm moving to and I aim for that. Then I will

Melissa Amos:

start, the challenges will come and I'll grow and

Melissa Amos:

I'll have to evolve. But then it's. It's preparing me

Melissa Amos:

for that. All the way over there, rather than just this thing that's

Melissa Amos:

six foot in front of me, Eric, it's going to take you

Melissa Amos:

further. But we don't let us do this. Yeah,

Melissa Amos:

and it's sad, actually.

Beth Hewitt:

I think it's because we think,

Beth Hewitt:

or a lot of the time, a lot of the people think that we have

Beth Hewitt:

to do this thing on our own and that we

Beth Hewitt:

forget that as we come into alignment and as we

Beth Hewitt:

say yes to the thing that we want to do,

Beth Hewitt:

there will be ways to make that happen, that we are being supported

Beth Hewitt:

divinely and that we aren't doing our own. But when we start

Beth Hewitt:

to think in the first instance, it's because we think we are doing it on

Beth Hewitt:

our own. We think, okay, this idea is way bigger than me. I

Beth Hewitt:

don't know how on earth I'm going to make this happen, but if

Beth Hewitt:

everything is supposed to happen and unfold. And the very fact

Beth Hewitt:

that you have that thought, to me is saying that this is a seedling idea

Beth Hewitt:

that needs to be brought forth into the world. Otherwise you wouldn't have that thought,

Beth Hewitt:

right? Somebody else would have it and it wouldn't interest you.

Beth Hewitt:

And if somebody was doing the thing that you wanted to be doing, you wouldn't

Beth Hewitt:

be feeling those feelings of jealousy or whatever starts coming up for you or triggering

Beth Hewitt:

you because you're interested in that. You want to do that. You want to have

Beth Hewitt:

that for yourself. And so if you have that,

Beth Hewitt:

then we owe it to ourselves to act

Beth Hewitt:

upon it and bring it forth and see what magic that unfolds.

Beth Hewitt:

But we're never doing it alone. No, we're not.

Beth Hewitt:

We're never. We're always supported. But I think

Beth Hewitt:

we either forget that or we don't know that. We don't know that for sure.

Melissa Amos:

And it. But it can feel quite lonely, especially entrepreneurship.

Melissa Amos:

It can feel lonely because you are doing the thing

Melissa Amos:

on your own. And so the reality of how it

Melissa Amos:

seems just in front of you is I'm doing it on my own. And I

Melissa Amos:

get it when we're posting on Facebook and we're doing all the things that we're

Melissa Amos:

meant to be doing and we're like, no, nobody's listening.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. So then we pull back. And we pull back. But

Melissa Amos:

the question I'd love for our listeners to just contemplate

Melissa Amos:

is what I'm doing truly the

Melissa Amos:

thing that I want to be doing? I'm going to give you another example.

Melissa Amos:

I was speaking to a really good friend of mine and she said to me,

Melissa Amos:

like, why is this not working for me? And

Melissa Amos:

honestly, she is one of the best healers that I know. She is

Melissa Amos:

so knowledgeable. She is so. She is incredible.

Melissa Amos:

And when I asked her, what is it? I said, if money was

Melissa Amos:

no object, yeah, it didn't matter, but you could just do

Melissa Amos:

whatever you want to do. What would it be? And she told me, and I'm

Melissa Amos:

like, that's why it's not working, because the things that

Melissa Amos:

you're doing aren't that now. And she's not

Melissa Amos:

allowed herself for that to be a

Melissa Amos:

potential reality. Now, that doesn't mean that, okay, that's what I'm going

Melissa Amos:

to do. Therefore, now tomorrow, I'm suddenly

Melissa Amos:

world famous, blah, blah, blah, whatever it is, it doesn't mean that it's going to

Melissa Amos:

necessarily happen overnight. And it also doesn't mean that all of the things that she's

Melissa Amos:

been doing in this point would then just disappear. But when we're

Melissa Amos:

like, okay, but this is where I'm heading. And actually, the things that I'm doing

Melissa Amos:

now are supporting that. They're building my audience, they're building my

Melissa Amos:

repertoire. They're helping me get feedback on what the world

Melissa Amos:

needs. It's giving me whatever, like, all of the

Melissa Amos:

things. So you can still be doing essentially exactly the same

Melissa Amos:

things, but because you've got this, okay, the

Melissa Amos:

purpose of it is this. I'm realizing my purpose and I'm standing

Melissa Amos:

into that and I'm working on that in the background. Or

Melissa Amos:

I can see how one can lead to the other can lead to the other.

Melissa Amos:

Then it energetically aligns everything, and

Melissa Amos:

then suddenly, people, you feel

Melissa Amos:

it. You feel it when you look at a photo of somebody

Melissa Amos:

and they're smiling and you're like, they're not happy,

Melissa Amos:

but they're in the middle of Disneyland and everyone's there with

Melissa Amos:

their big grins, and they've been the happiest place in the world. And you look

Melissa Amos:

at them, and even though the face and the body and everything is

Melissa Amos:

unhappy and you look at them, they're like. Because we take in all of these

Melissa Amos:

different layers of information subconsciously. Yeah. Your clients

Melissa Amos:

are doing that as well. And even though you're authentically putting yourself

Melissa Amos:

out there, you're also hiding behind something. They

Melissa Amos:

feel it. They feel it. I know it, and I see it over and over

Melissa Amos:

again. Yeah. So we

Melissa Amos:

do this funny thing where we fall in the trap of, okay, this is what

Melissa Amos:

people want. So this is what I'm going to offer because this is the safe

Melissa Amos:

thing, and this makes sense, and this is logical in all of this, and then

Melissa Amos:

it doesn't work. And then we're like, if I can't even sell this, then how

Melissa Amos:

can I sell that? Well, maybe you can't sell this. You might as well go

Melissa Amos:

and sell that. You might as well go for the big thing. Yeah. Exactly. What

Melissa Amos:

magic happens? Who knows? And the more I have got to

Beth Hewitt:

know myself and my offers and what I put out into the world,

Beth Hewitt:

it's always been the things that have been an inspired thought

Beth Hewitt:

that I've acted upon that have had the greatest impact. And I know

Beth Hewitt:

that's probably the same for everybody. I don't feel like I'm a lone wolf in

Beth Hewitt:

that. I'm sure, Melissa, you have had downloaded ideas of inspired things

Beth Hewitt:

that you've put forth into the world and have just been magic.

Beth Hewitt:

And I'll often say to clients, if you're not, if you don't

Beth Hewitt:

fully have the belief in the thing that you're about to put out there,

Beth Hewitt:

then today's not the day to put it out there. If you don't

Beth Hewitt:

believe in your thing, then others will pick up

Beth Hewitt:

on that energy. Today is not the day. Yeah. And so energy

Beth Hewitt:

is a big part of this and

Beth Hewitt:

how it's received. But don't let that be the

Beth Hewitt:

thing that stops you going for the big thing. Like you say,

Beth Hewitt:

mel, you might as well go for the one that scares you the most but

Beth Hewitt:

feels so aligned. That, you know, because the truth is, no

Melissa Amos:

one really believes fully in themselves. Maybe some people do.

Melissa Amos:

And if they do, then they've done the work to get to there.

Melissa Amos:

Like, most of us have those pesky thoughts, thoughts in

Melissa Amos:

our heads that aren't very nice all the time. Right? And

Melissa Amos:

that's okay. And another conversation that's been coming up

Melissa Amos:

is this confidence when I'm more confident? You won't get more

Melissa Amos:

confident unless you do the thing. This meme

Melissa Amos:

that somebody shared earlier, like, it really hit me. I'm going

Melissa Amos:

to read it as two ladies, and it says, I'm afraid to be

Melissa Amos:

my authentic self with people because I don't want to be judged.

Melissa Amos:

And then the other lady's, like, whispering, and she says, hiding your

Melissa Amos:

authenticity means you're actually the one judging yourself.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah, that is powerful. Who's bulls?

Melissa Amos:

And we do, and we judge, and it's natural,

Melissa Amos:

is normal with what we do. And we also

Melissa Amos:

have this other thing, this other part of us that is spurring us

Melissa Amos:

on. And for me, it's as we tune into that more, as

Melissa Amos:

we trust more. I'm here for a reason. I have a purpose.

Melissa Amos:

I own that. I have certain skills and talents and

Melissa Amos:

gifts and challenges. And you begin to own that.

Melissa Amos:

That judgment, I don't think, will necessarily

Melissa Amos:

go away, but it will become less

Melissa Amos:

potent and prominent. And then it's okay.

Melissa Amos:

When I hear that judgment, what am I afraid of?

Melissa Amos:

Coming back into that and working on that and seeing just

Melissa Amos:

things about me where I didn't allow myself to be the full

Melissa Amos:

version of me and I didn't even know. I didn't even know that was a

Melissa Amos:

thing. I'm like, I'm following my authenticity and I'm growing. And

Melissa Amos:

actually, had I landed in that realization six months

Melissa Amos:

ago, it might not have been the same. But then I realized, and I'm

Melissa Amos:

like, that feels

Melissa Amos:

good and true now. And as soon as I landed and accepted that and went,

Melissa Amos:

you know what? Actually, this is one of my gifts, and said it out

Melissa Amos:

loud. Then suddenly it was like a

Melissa Amos:

door opened that I didn't even know, was

Melissa Amos:

closed. And like, suddenly the fresh air comes in and you're like, that's

Melissa Amos:

amazing. See, I don't think it's something that you just do once

Melissa Amos:

you keep on going and you just keep on checking yourself and you're like,

Melissa Amos:

okay, why does this feel

Melissa Amos:

unlike right now? Why am I now feeling that

Melissa Amos:

resistance? Is it because there's some healing and an

Melissa Amos:

inquiry understanding to come from it?

Melissa Amos:

Probably. Or is it because I've just gone a

Melissa Amos:

little bit far in the wrong direction for a while and now I

Melissa Amos:

bring it back and I suppose that's the work, isn't it? It is

Beth Hewitt:

the work. I think it's important that we do

Beth Hewitt:

the work and we understand what's going on and we feel all

Beth Hewitt:

the feels. I think there is a danger

Beth Hewitt:

in staying in that space for too long. So often I see,

Beth Hewitt:

like, really amazing human beings who have got so many

Beth Hewitt:

skills and experiences, who want to be doing all

Beth Hewitt:

of these things, but they're spending so much time on the inner

Beth Hewitt:

work and not then allowing themselves to reap the

Beth Hewitt:

benefits of that. A lot of people stay in that

Beth Hewitt:

position for far too long, and that's there. We have to do the

Beth Hewitt:

work. But also, like you said, confidence.

Beth Hewitt:

Action breeds confidence. The more that we do something, the more that confidence

Beth Hewitt:

is going to just grow. And so if you're listening to this

Beth Hewitt:

and you're in that kind of bubble of doing the work, just

Beth Hewitt:

check in. Have you been doing the work? Have you done the work and

Beth Hewitt:

you're ready, or do you still need to do the work? We all still need

Beth Hewitt:

to do the work. We all still need to check in and learn and grow

Beth Hewitt:

all of the time. But there comes a point where we have to go.

Beth Hewitt:

Let's bring forth that dream that I have

Beth Hewitt:

been growing and shaping

Beth Hewitt:

and getting, preparing for all this time.

Melissa Amos:

And let yourself dream it. Yeah, because we actually spend more time. We

Melissa Amos:

dream, it says possible and then we spend and that's

Melissa Amos:

say, 1% of the time. The other

Melissa Amos:

99% of the time is all the reasons why I can't do

Melissa Amos:

it. And it's not possible. And

Melissa Amos:

it's helpful to understand what hurdles might come

Melissa Amos:

ahead. And this isn't about ignoring that, but it's how much

Melissa Amos:

time do you allow to spend on the dream and getting super

Melissa Amos:

clear and keep asking, that is the dream that I had. Is that still

Melissa Amos:

aligned? Is that still me? Have I now grown beyond it? Because that

Melissa Amos:

happens too, and that's amazing.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah, we don't need to get lost in it. For me, it's a

Melissa Amos:

practice that it's just keep checking

Melissa Amos:

back in. But the truth is that as you do the work, as

Melissa Amos:

in go out and do the thing and offer the service and

Melissa Amos:

put yourself out there and start to create things,

Melissa Amos:

that's when the opportunity to do the inner work, the

Melissa Amos:

useful inner work, the productive,

Melissa Amos:

if you like the real stuff, because as soon as you,

Melissa Amos:

like, reach your limit of your comfort

Melissa Amos:

zone and push yourself out, then something's going to come up. And

Melissa Amos:

then you're like, we're ready for this. And if the

Melissa Amos:

answer is no, then we go, okay, what's going on there? Yeah,

Melissa Amos:

then we do the work and then we push ourselves further. There's no point doing

Melissa Amos:

all the work while you're still in the comfort zone because as soon as you

Melissa Amos:

come out, you're just going to open up to something new.

Melissa Amos:

So we might as well, listener, you might as well dream big

Melissa Amos:

because the work's going to be the work. Amazing. Hopefully we've inspired some

Beth Hewitt:

people into action today, into a soul

Beth Hewitt:

inspired action. We would love to hear all about

Beth Hewitt:

the things that you have created and started as you've allowed

Beth Hewitt:

yourself to dream and do the thing. Thank you all for

Melissa Amos:


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Soul Inspired You
A Podcast Inspired by the Soul
Join Mel and Beth on a truly soul-inspired journey. Each episode is unscripted and intuitive and follows the natural flow of life and creativity of the hosts. Each week on the show Beth and Mel tap into a range of spiritual practices and personal development and discuss how to intuitively follow your passion and purpose in the hope that they will inspire you to follow your own soul-inspired life too.