Episode 64

Converging Timelines: Freewill or Destiny?

Published on: 11th October, 2024
  • In this episode, the Beth and Mel delve into the fascinating concept of timelines, exploring how different paths and choices might lead to similar outcomes.
  • They discuss experiences that suggest the convergence of life paths and question the extent of free will and destiny - drawing parallels with cultural narratives like the film 'Sliding Doors' and the Netflix series 'Umbrella Academy,' pondering if multiple versions of ourselves live out various potential realities.
  • The conversation touches on how visualisation and intentionality can impact real-life outcomes, citing personal experiences and the significance of pivotal life choices.
  • They also explore the idea that there may be a convergence point in our lives where all past decisions culminate in a single direction, suggesting an alignment with a higher purpose or destiny.
  • Listen in, it's a good one.

00:00 Introduction and Greetings

00:12 A Weekend Retreat and Timelines

01:15 Converging Timelines and Destiny

04:35 Quantum Realities and Free Will

08:14 Seasonal Changes and Reflections

10:17 Visualizing Future Timelines

15:59 Empowered Choices and Higher Self

22:21 Train Tracks and Life Paths

33:54 Conclusion and Call to Action

Melissa Amos:

Good morning. Good morning, Mel. I

Melissa Amos:

wanted to talk today about timelines. Ooh, yeah, let's

Beth Hewitt:

do that. Just go straight in it. Yeah, let's go.

Melissa Amos:

I was at a retreat this weekend. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

So when we're recording this, we've just hit the equinox.

Melissa Amos:

And I was at a retreat and it was really odd

Melissa Amos:

because the venue eventually got booked and.

Melissa Amos:

And I didn't know where it was going to be. And it was where I

Melissa Amos:

used to go to school. Like, it was literally down the road from where I

Melissa Amos:

used to go to school. And I was like, oh,

Melissa Amos:

that felt interesting. And then my mum says to me, why don't

Melissa Amos:

you come and stay with me? Because obviously

Melissa Amos:

she's not far away from there and where I am is

Melissa Amos:

quite a bit further. So I was like, well, I could do. And

Melissa Amos:

then suddenly I'm looking at the journey. I'm like, I am doing the same

Melissa Amos:

journey that I used to take from when I was a

Melissa Amos:

teenager, when I was about 15, when we moved into that house.

Melissa Amos:

And I was doing the same journey between

Melissa Amos:

home and school. And I was like, there's something going on here.

Melissa Amos:

And when I just closed my eyes and was like, what's this

Melissa Amos:

about? I got this real image

Melissa Amos:

about timelines that I. That when I

Melissa Amos:

left school, I had all of these openings, potentials, opportunities

Melissa Amos:

available to me now, I could have gone down any of the roads, and the

Melissa Amos:

road that I went down was the one, obviously, that's

Melissa Amos:

led me here today. But it felt as

Melissa Amos:

if whatever timeline I would have gone down, maybe

Melissa Amos:

not anyone, but certainly a few

Melissa Amos:

options, I would have still ended up in that

Melissa Amos:

retreat on that day, doing

Melissa Amos:

what we did. Yeah. And it was like the timelines

Melissa Amos:

converge together and there I was. It's

Beth Hewitt:

almost like when you look at, like, underground

Beth Hewitt:

station lines and maps, and if you've watched

Beth Hewitt:

the recent Umbrella academy, I don't know if you've ever watched

Beth Hewitt:

that. In the last season, there's this subway. The subway

Beth Hewitt:

plays quite a big part of that and they're trapped in

Beth Hewitt:

different timelines. And they spend seven years on the

Beth Hewitt:

subway trying to try out all the different routes to get

Beth Hewitt:

to where they need to be. And it takes them seven years to find that

Beth Hewitt:

as well. I think there's something about trains and tracks and the fact that

Beth Hewitt:

it's going in one direction and there's lots of

Beth Hewitt:

folks off that. That really brings that timeline to

Beth Hewitt:

life. Yeah. And there's that film, sliding doors,

Melissa Amos:

isn't there? That train. So maybe that is it.

Melissa Amos:

But the plot thickens, right? Because I

Melissa Amos:

then was looking on my Facebook memories. And

Melissa Amos:

five years before, I

Melissa Amos:

was the same weekend. So the same day that I'm talking about all

Melissa Amos:

the timelines, I'm looking on my memories,

Melissa Amos:

and I've written this post. So

Melissa Amos:

five years ago was the day that I had been invited

Melissa Amos:

by Kyle Gray to assist him

Melissa Amos:

at his event. And at that time, it was like, the biggest

Melissa Amos:

deal for me. It was. I was like,

Melissa Amos:

I don't know. I'd foreseen it. If you read my book, you'll know. Like, I'd

Melissa Amos:

foreseen this event happening. Like, I saw once on a

Melissa Amos:

stage with him, and I told him that despite

Melissa Amos:

thinking he's gonna make Armand Nutter, which maybe he

Melissa Amos:

did invite me on stage. And I

Melissa Amos:

remember on that day we were helping out. I didn't know I was going

Melissa Amos:

to be on stage with him at this point, but we were helping out his

Melissa Amos:

certified angel guide event. And, yeah, it was the biggest deal. I was

Melissa Amos:

like, oh, my God. He trusts me, recognizes me. I

Melissa Amos:

really have a lot of respect for Kyle and his work and everything that he's

Melissa Amos:

done, and I've learned so much from him. And then we're sitting there. There

Melissa Amos:

was six of us, I think. And then he said, oh, I want you

Melissa Amos:

to meet my angels. And he called us all up on

Melissa Amos:

stage. And as we are walking up on the stage, I had

Melissa Amos:

the weirdest feeling, like, this deja tzu

Melissa Amos:

thing. And how I described it in my post

Melissa Amos:

was, it was like five timelines all came together

Melissa Amos:

into this moment. Oh, wow. And then here we are five

Melissa Amos:

years later, and I was like,

Melissa Amos:

what is going on?

Melissa Amos:

So, naturally, I've been thinking about

Melissa Amos:

that and quantum realities and timeline

Melissa Amos:

potentials and destiny and fate and

Melissa Amos:

dharma and choices and free will, and all of that stuff

Melissa Amos:

comes up. Because if it's true that we had different

Melissa Amos:

timelines, and if it's true that we,

Melissa Amos:

there are moments that feel like they were

Melissa Amos:

destined or come to happen, then how much free

Melissa Amos:

will and free choice do we have? And

Melissa Amos:

could I have said no to that event, for example?

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And then what would have happened? Yeah, I think

Beth Hewitt:

probably another opportunity would have presented itself.

Beth Hewitt:

Until you decide to take up the mantle to get

Beth Hewitt:

you where you. Wherever you're heading. Or maybe the

Melissa Amos:

universe would have kept on conspiring, because this event,

Melissa Amos:

what's interesting is there was multiple opportunities for me to come

Melissa Amos:

and join it. And I did it. And I remember the first opportunity,

Melissa Amos:

I was like, no, I'm not. I just finished the retreat

Melissa Amos:

and we're putting on another one. I didn't know when it, where it was going

Melissa Amos:

to be in the world. And I'm like, no, I'm not.

Melissa Amos:

And I felt like I really wanted to,

Melissa Amos:

but I made a choice to know. And there was like these

Melissa Amos:

kind of, and then all of a sudden, I literally,

Melissa Amos:

I remember saying yes, I was, I should put out a message

Melissa Amos:

or post or something. And

Melissa Amos:

I found myself just writing for no reason,

Melissa Amos:

where's the PayPal link? Because she was like,

Melissa Amos:

just play on PayPal. And I'm like, there's no PayPal link. I was like, where's

Melissa Amos:

the PayPal link? And she's, oh, are you coming? And I'm like, apparently. And

Melissa Amos:

it felt like that, it felt almost like it was my choice, but it

Melissa Amos:

felt like there wasn't a choice. It just felt like something in me

Melissa Amos:

when I'm, okay, where's the PayPal link? And

Melissa Amos:

I'm like, what are you, what are you doing?

Melissa Amos:

But the event was incredible, and I learned

Melissa Amos:

a lot and had a lot of

Melissa Amos:

realizations about things. And I

Melissa Amos:

feel like I'm a different version of me

Melissa Amos:

now. And the

Melissa Amos:

course prior to the retreat was called New Era.

Melissa Amos:

And I feel like maybe it was the work I did, maybe it was the

Melissa Amos:

timelines, maybe it was the equinox, maybe it was the seven year

Melissa Amos:

cycles. Because I'm in a seven year in my

Melissa Amos:

life cycle, just at the beginning of a seven year

Melissa Amos:

cycle, maybe it was

Melissa Amos:

just, this was meant to be always. This was one

Melissa Amos:

of those pinpoint moments

Melissa Amos:

that my soul was like, do just like with Kyle,

Melissa Amos:

just like however many other. Just like when I,

Melissa Amos:

and actually, I'm thinking back now, when I learned Reiki, it

Melissa Amos:

was this time of year. Yeah. Do you get that? Where things happen

Beth Hewitt:

at a certain time in the year? Because for a long time, for me, that

Beth Hewitt:

used to be April. April was the start of new things,

Beth Hewitt:

always. I noticed that. I've probably not noticed it

Beth Hewitt:

recently, but a lot of things would happen. And I think it's interesting

Beth Hewitt:

with Facebook memories is that sometimes when you're reading

Beth Hewitt:

them, or even if you just, even from 1110 years ago,

Beth Hewitt:

whatever, it's almost like we're in the same kind of energy. Have you noticed that

Beth Hewitt:

when you read back in memories, it's like the same kind of thing? So

Beth Hewitt:

I think there's maybe something in that as well, which is really interesting.

Melissa Amos:

I think so, like September, I think September for a lot of

Melissa Amos:

people, certainly in the UK,

Melissa Amos:

probably parts of Europe, September does feel like a new year

Melissa Amos:

because it's the new school year here. So we all

Melissa Amos:

get and in the jewish faith, the

Melissa Amos:

new year is normally September, so it comes up

Melissa Amos:

next week. So it's October, actually, this year.

Melissa Amos:

And I, and it, and I remember once thinking,

Melissa Amos:

why is the new year in January? When I was at school, I remember thinking,

Melissa Amos:

why the new year in January? Why don't they just make the new year on

Melissa Amos:

the 1 September? They're all in the

Melissa Amos:

northern hemisphere anyway. We've all had the sun. We're all feeling good. We're all,

Melissa Amos:

like, energized. Then it's, yeah, New Year, new

Melissa Amos:

Year. Whereas in December or January, you're like,

Melissa Amos:

oh, I just. I can't noom anything. I'm just.

Beth Hewitt:

I think, like, September time, the leaves are starting to come

Beth Hewitt:

off the trees and things like that. So you can physically see the change and

Beth Hewitt:

transition as well. And I think a lot of it is our willingness

Beth Hewitt:

to also go with that change at

Beth Hewitt:

that time as well. So, I don't know, it feels more.

Beth Hewitt:

You can visually see changes outside in

Beth Hewitt:

nature, but also we can feel those pulls and pangs of change inside

Beth Hewitt:

as well at this time of year. It's a nice. I like September 11. It's

Beth Hewitt:

a nice time of year, isn't it? Just walking to school this morning, and

Melissa Amos:

just as we got into the. It's beautiful there. Schools, trees everywhere.

Melissa Amos:

And we're just walking. And as we walked into the school, there was

Melissa Amos:

this gust of wind and loads of leaves fell down. I was like,

Melissa Amos:

oh, fall is falling, and I'm here. I've got, like, my

Melissa Amos:

mustard. Yeah, yeah, our terminal clothes

Beth Hewitt:

on. It just feels like that change. So maybe it

Melissa Amos:

is something to do with this turning of the wheel and the turning

Melissa Amos:

of the year, and that brings something up. Or maybe

Melissa Amos:

it's just me and my. My rhythms that find

Melissa Amos:

it in this. These timeline conversions

Melissa Amos:

in September or. I don't know. I don't know

Melissa Amos:

what it is, but what I've been thinking about is

Melissa Amos:

how, okay, we're going to go. We're going to go wicky wacky now. Okay, let's

Beth Hewitt:

go. Let's go. So those are the words that

Melissa Amos:

came out of my mouth. It felt like timelines were merging.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. So if that is the case, does

Melissa Amos:

that mean that there are. And quantum theory

Melissa Amos:

definitely suggests this, that there are multiple

Melissa Amos:

versions of me currently

Melissa Amos:

in a reality somewhere, having

Melissa Amos:

made different decisions, maybe living in

Melissa Amos:

different continents, maybe living,

Melissa Amos:

doing very different work. Maybe. Maybe one of

Melissa Amos:

me just has a. Doing the same thing and I've just got a purple top

Melissa Amos:

on instead of a. Is that the case? Is that what that

Melissa Amos:

means, do you think? I think the fact that we

Beth Hewitt:

thought it means that it must exist, because it's like visualization,

Beth Hewitt:

right? If you've got the thought of something

Beth Hewitt:

that you really want to do, the fact that you're having that thought, the fact

Beth Hewitt:

that is part of your consciousness to me, means that it's a

Beth Hewitt:

possibility. And therefore, when we visualize that

Beth Hewitt:

and we can see that's a very in a possible

Beth Hewitt:

moment, it's just that the person that we're embodying right now

Beth Hewitt:

isn't there, but it's still existing. So I do believe that we've got

Beth Hewitt:

these different timelines and there are so many different

Beth Hewitt:

directions in which we could have traveled. So,

Beth Hewitt:

yeah, I do believe that there are multiple. And I think I've spoken to you

Beth Hewitt:

before about physically. Sometimes I feel like when I look at myself like I

Beth Hewitt:

am on a different timeline, like I visually see the shape of my face

Beth Hewitt:

is like. And I feel slightly different, which might sound

Beth Hewitt:

really weird to other people. I'm okay with it, though. When

Melissa Amos:

I started my work doing psychic readings,

Melissa Amos:

that was what I would often find. So when

Melissa Amos:

I doing readings, it's like I connect in with your higher

Melissa Amos:

self and I look at potentials and then we land on one, which

Melissa Amos:

is timelines, which is okay. This is the time I was very

Melissa Amos:

much. I don't do future predictions. Whilst I could

Melissa Amos:

often see where it was we were going, that wasn't what

Melissa Amos:

was of interest to me. What was interesting to me is

Melissa Amos:

what's your highest timeline, your highest potential, based on what you want,

Melissa Amos:

needs, desire, and then how do we land on that?

Melissa Amos:

And often it's small changes, small choices, saying

Melissa Amos:

yeses or nos to things. And then maybe there is a

Melissa Amos:

part of you that says yes or no, but you, I don't know, you sometimes

Melissa Amos:

get that feeling, don't you? Like you've said no to something

Melissa Amos:

and. You just know that you should have said yes.

Melissa Amos:

You should have said yes. And maybe there's a version of you coming in now

Melissa Amos:

I can look back through my life and think of many things that I said

Melissa Amos:

no to that I'm glad I said no to, and that I said yes to

Melissa Amos:

that I'm glad I said yes to, and versions of the other way around.

Melissa Amos:

Now, this timeline converging thing, I'm like, what does

Melissa Amos:

that even mean? So my initial thought of that

Melissa Amos:

was if there's, say, seven versions of me and

Melissa Amos:

they're all moving along, seven who are on these

Melissa Amos:

similar paths, that we're going to converge here, there's seven versions of me. If

Melissa Amos:

we think of that as soul, that the soul is

Melissa Amos:

spread over these times and they're doing all of the things, and

Melissa Amos:

maybe we're gaining all of the experiences and

Melissa Amos:

information and insight of these different. That when

Melissa Amos:

these timelines come together and converge and they reach this meeting

Melissa Amos:

point, it's like all of me's,

Melissa Amos:

all of those aspects of my soul, maybe those fragments, I'm not sure

Melissa Amos:

they're fragmented, but facets of my soul are coming together

Melissa Amos:

into a meeting point. And it's this moment

Melissa Amos:

is a very pivotal, powerful moment because I've got the

Melissa Amos:

fuel and the understanding and the experiences

Melissa Amos:

of all of those versions of me coming. And it's

Melissa Amos:

okay. Now, which one are we taking now we need to

Melissa Amos:

be very intentional about what is it

Melissa Amos:

like, what future am I creating? What legacy am I

Melissa Amos:

leaving? Am I creating and leaving behind? Where? How

Melissa Amos:

clear am I on my purpose? What is it that I'm doing? And it's

Melissa Amos:

like all of me is now fueling that. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

And my job, it feels right now, is to remain super

Melissa Amos:

conscious and focused and

Melissa Amos:

open to choice

Melissa Amos:

and saying yes or no or this or that

Melissa Amos:

and having all of that behind me, like all of me behind. Do you think

Beth Hewitt:

that convergence comes sometimes when

Beth Hewitt:

you've almost. I don't think exhaust is the right word, but I can't think

Beth Hewitt:

another word, but almost exhausted all the other timelines in terms of your

Beth Hewitt:

yeses and your nos and you're chopping and you changing and that now they

Beth Hewitt:

are like, you've done everything that you could have done in all of those timelines

Beth Hewitt:

to maybe prepare yourself or to

Beth Hewitt:

avoid it or to go for it, but you've got it wrong, and there's been

Beth Hewitt:

some level of failure, but you still continued on, and then there's that

Beth Hewitt:

meeting point. I'm literally just thinking out loud. I'm thinking

Melissa Amos:

out loud, too, because I've been doing a lot of this inquiry in

Melissa Amos:

my mind, and sometimes I get these real. It's almost

Melissa Amos:

like this soul level understanding and my humans.

Melissa Amos:

So this is helpful, just having that, trying to

Melissa Amos:

articulate something which is actually quite bound. But

Melissa Amos:

it just feels to me that we make a choice,

Melissa Amos:

and the other choice, the equal and opposite choice,

Melissa Amos:

also happens on some level. And so maybe

Melissa Amos:

that's that regret. Oh, I know she's having the best time

Melissa Amos:

ever over there. And I know I'm like, you just know it

Melissa Amos:

somehow. And can you make the wrong choice? I'm not even

Melissa Amos:

sure that's true. But free will suggest, suggest to me you can

Melissa Amos:

make choice none of it is wrong, but it might go against your

Melissa Amos:

desire, or against your values, or

Melissa Amos:

against your potential. But

Melissa Amos:

that choice wasn't wrong because there will be learnings along the

Melissa Amos:

way. It's almost like there's a level of alignment at some point

Beth Hewitt:

that is outside of the conscious control. Let me just explain

Beth Hewitt:

that. So, for me, the example that you

Beth Hewitt:

gave where you asked for the PayPal link, and you didn't really know that you

Beth Hewitt:

were going to do that, but you did that and you went, okay, that's what's

Beth Hewitt:

happening. That's almost like where we've, we're going

Beth Hewitt:

with the flow, we've loosened the control. We're just,

Beth Hewitt:

we're just following the direction of what we're doing. For

Beth Hewitt:

me, that was when I handed my notice in on the job, in my

Beth Hewitt:

job, and I didn't know I was going to. I literally woke up in

Beth Hewitt:

the morning not realizing, that's what we're gonna do. I hadn't had a

Beth Hewitt:

conversation prior with my partner. That's what I was gonna do, is literally

Beth Hewitt:

in that moment, something went, I don't wanna do

Beth Hewitt:

this anymore. And it was like a channeled, I don't wanna. I'm

Beth Hewitt:

not here for that. That wasn't the rational

Beth Hewitt:

me. I'm not saying I was being irrational, but I

Beth Hewitt:

was being very rational because I was actually doing the thing that my soul was

Beth Hewitt:

calling me to do. But there was a lot of things that came before that

Beth Hewitt:

where I could have got a different job or I could have

Beth Hewitt:

gone down a different route, and it took me, I can't even remember, like six,

Beth Hewitt:

seven years for me to then be

Beth Hewitt:

in this flow state of, I don't want

Beth Hewitt:

to do this anymore. But that wasn't me. So that, for

Beth Hewitt:

me, was a convergence of all of the times and opportunities and

Beth Hewitt:

chances that I have had to get off those

Beth Hewitt:

rails and literally join a different station to go on a different path

Beth Hewitt:

completely. I think there's different levels, isn't there,

Beth Hewitt:

of, we have free will, we have conscious choice, we can

Beth Hewitt:

make choices, we can go down any route we can. But then

Beth Hewitt:

maybe it is the higher power stepping in and saying, okay, you've done

Beth Hewitt:

all of the things we know very

Beth Hewitt:

strongly. This is where you want to go because we're sending you the messages, you're

Beth Hewitt:

hearing the whispers, you're hearing them now. Let's

Beth Hewitt:

just, you know, give you a little nudge.

Beth Hewitt:

Oh, it was that simple. It was that easy, because it is easy. It's almost

Beth Hewitt:

like a, why on earth did I not ever

Beth Hewitt:

heed the call before. Why didn't I just send that email

Beth Hewitt:

on and then off again? It's very subtle,

Beth Hewitt:

easy. There's no resistance, there's

Beth Hewitt:

no nothing. It's just a clear channel, almost like a train

Beth Hewitt:

tunnel. Through this tunnel here. Yeah. I'm just seeing that image

Melissa Amos:

of the connectors that you get on. That's what I was seeing in my.

Melissa Amos:

Head somewhere on wherever it is that we're going and the stops

Melissa Amos:

along the way. And it's just brought up for me

Melissa Amos:

quite how intentional we can

Melissa Amos:

be and how that can actually really serve us.

Melissa Amos:

Because if it's true that all of these timelines are moving along

Melissa Amos:

in the right, in the same direction, or in

Melissa Amos:

various directions, then I can't make the wrong

Melissa Amos:

choice because my soul's going to learn all of those lessons anyway.

Melissa Amos:

But if I. So I might as well hold

Melissa Amos:

my highest timeline because I'm going to be experiencing all the things

Melissa Amos:

anyway. So I may as well human me, human version of me.

Melissa Amos:

And the human version of me is the one perhaps that creates

Melissa Amos:

those impacts and that creates those ripples.

Melissa Amos:

And the ones that, the one that actually, if you imagine

Melissa Amos:

having a hundred thoughts in your head, they're all there, they all

Melissa Amos:

exist. All of those thoughts exist. But it's the one that

Melissa Amos:

you speak out loud, or it's the one that you pick

Melissa Amos:

thinking of the Harry Potter of Dumbledore's wishing thinking

Melissa Amos:

plot thing. It's the one that you pick out and go, this. That

Melissa Amos:

is the one that actually manifests

Melissa Amos:

in conscious reality. So maybe it's the same

Melissa Amos:

thing. Everything exists, just like every thought in your head exists, just like

Melissa Amos:

every emotion exist, just like when I'm making a decision

Melissa Amos:

and I have my fear telling me one thing, my logic telling me another

Melissa Amos:

thing, my parents thoughts that I hold

Melissa Amos:

in my body telling me another thing, my societal

Melissa Amos:

expectations telling me another thing, my higher self telling me another

Melissa Amos:

thing, my ego telling me another thing. Like, we have all of these things going

Melissa Amos:

on in our minds and they all exist, they're all there, right?

Melissa Amos:

But it's the one that I go, yep, this one that creates

Melissa Amos:

my current physical reality, which then influences

Melissa Amos:

you. The part of me that said yes to yes, let's start this

Melissa Amos:

podcast is the part of me that's sitting here, which now has an

Melissa Amos:

influence on you, which then has an influence on

Melissa Amos:

even the algorithms of the whole Internet have now changed because we

Melissa Amos:

said yes to that, even subtly. And then the lives of

Melissa Amos:

anyone who might listen to it, who just has one aha moment, who then

Melissa Amos:

just goes off and does something else. So they're the ones that create the ripples,

Melissa Amos:

whereas maybe the other timelines are like these

Melissa Amos:

other. They're like these other veils or these other

Melissa Amos:

dimensions where things are just pinging out, but they

Melissa Amos:

don't have as much echo

Melissa Amos:

ripple. Does that make

Melissa Amos:

sense? It does make sense. I think it's good that we're doing this

Beth Hewitt:

inquiry and really thinking about all of these different aspects.

Beth Hewitt:

It's almost like at some point, there is no

Beth Hewitt:

other choice. Like before that point, we've had

Beth Hewitt:

lots of choice. We could go down one route or the other, then all of

Beth Hewitt:

a sudden, all of the choices have been made. There is no other

Beth Hewitt:

choice. Like, we've done the inquiry, we know what's right for us, we know

Beth Hewitt:

what's wrong for us. And so the natural, it's almost

Beth Hewitt:

like all of the traffic lights on the train track

Beth Hewitt:

all have turned to green, and some of them might have been red before, some

Beth Hewitt:

of them might be in amber, some of them might have been green, but then

Beth Hewitt:

all of a sudden, all of them are green and there is no other

Beth Hewitt:

route to take next. And then timeline

Beth Hewitt:

convergence. And when the timeline converges, it's like all the

Melissa Amos:

carriages are linked now. Yes, we're only doing

Melissa Amos:

that line, we've got all the fuel, we've gained the momentum, we're

Melissa Amos:

moving through. There's nothing. There's nothing crossing

Melissa Amos:

that path for the foreseeable, which going to, yes, get

Melissa Amos:

those lights to go red or making us having to slow down or

Melissa Amos:

being overtaken or undertaken or whatever, it's just

Melissa Amos:

that. And that doesn't mean that there are different

Melissa Amos:

scenes and different passengers on the train and different

Melissa Amos:

choices about whether we have a tea or coffee or sit in first

Melissa Amos:

class or regular, or on the

Melissa Amos:

driver's seat. Like there's still going to be choices in there. But yes, it's like

Melissa Amos:

now. And I feel that. I feel like the breakthroughs that I

Melissa Amos:

had this weekend, which were quite around

Melissa Amos:

my business, but they went out further than that. Now

Melissa Amos:

I feel like I've got no other choice to

Melissa Amos:

now continue along the

Melissa Amos:

decisions. No, it wasn't even decisions I made

Melissa Amos:

continue along the breakthroughs and the realizations. And it's

Melissa Amos:

almost as if I've come out of there with a new

Melissa Amos:

identity up leveled, if you like

Melissa Amos:

identity that now feels more

Melissa Amos:

fuel. It's like there's less indecision

Melissa Amos:

to that has to be made. It's like everything's

Melissa Amos:

coming along for the ride and I do. So you're

Melissa Amos:

the same as me, right? We do a lot of visualization work, especially with our

Melissa Amos:

clients and the power of that,

Melissa Amos:

as we, I often say, and I'll often

Melissa Amos:

bring people through, for example, into a future timeline.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And then even if they're making a choice, we can look at the two

Melissa Amos:

future timelines of the choice. And what I

Melissa Amos:

always feel in that moment, especially when I'm doing

Melissa Amos:

this personally, when someone says to me when

Melissa Amos:

I do these rituals, which I'm connecting with

Melissa Amos:

my future timeline, it feels like she is already

Melissa Amos:

in existence. She's already there. I wouldn't have been

Melissa Amos:

able to visualize her or experience

Melissa Amos:

her if she wasn't in existence on some

Melissa Amos:

level. And so all we're doing

Melissa Amos:

as we do that, and then we're like, okay, she's

Melissa Amos:

wearing this and she's feeling like this, and she's doing this and this is what

Melissa Amos:

she's saying and this is who she's with. And then you start to

Melissa Amos:

backtrack, you start to reverse engineer what was it that

Melissa Amos:

was going on and then realize that you're coming back today. And then it's,

Melissa Amos:

oh, okay. The answer was yes or no. And that's the one that's going to

Melissa Amos:

lead me there. It's not an imagination. It's not. That would be

Melissa Amos:

nice. It's like more if you thought it, if you can

Melissa Amos:

conceptualize it, it's there. Which is why, and why I

Melissa Amos:

love how you work, particularly Beth,

Melissa Amos:

with visualizations and scripting, is that you're making it

Melissa Amos:

even more of a reality. It's like, how do you feel? What are

Melissa Amos:

you doing? What are you telling? What do you feel? It,

Melissa Amos:

all of the things that sit with it, which is then bringing

Melissa Amos:

it more into the emotion, the

Melissa Amos:

sensual dimension. And then all we need to

Melissa Amos:

do is walk that into

Melissa Amos:

material dimension. Yeah, literally.

Beth Hewitt:

If you can see that, if you can feel that,

Beth Hewitt:

then you know what it's to be there.

Beth Hewitt:

Like, you can be there. That version of you exists. Otherwise we just

Beth Hewitt:

wouldn't feel excited about that, right? We wouldn't feel excited about the way that

Beth Hewitt:

we look or the way that holding self, or the way that think, smell, or

Beth Hewitt:

the people that we want to talk with. It just wouldn't exist in

Beth Hewitt:

that. Why would we be given this carrot

Beth Hewitt:

of this is available to you?

Beth Hewitt:

And then, yeah, it's just working back from that.

Beth Hewitt:

I literally call that process the one step back action

Beth Hewitt:

plan, because it is literally just

Beth Hewitt:

identifying. Sometimes you might not be sure, like, what is the full

Beth Hewitt:

process. Step after step, you might come up with something over

Beth Hewitt:

here and something over here, and you might have to move things around the page,

Beth Hewitt:

to put them in a particular order. And even if you don't put them in

Beth Hewitt:

the right order to begin with, just the fact that you've taken that step,

Beth Hewitt:

sometimes the next clue drops in.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. I love that we're talking about timelines today and

Beth Hewitt:

that whatever version of you that you

Beth Hewitt:

dream of, that you visualize, that want to be, want to

Beth Hewitt:

experience that is available to you and

Beth Hewitt:

everybody, whatever that version is for you.

Beth Hewitt:

And it's about those baby steps

Beth Hewitt:

and saying yes to the opportunities or saying no to the

Beth Hewitt:

opportunities and being okay with that, too, that the time will come when

Beth Hewitt:

things converge and come back together. As long

Beth Hewitt:

as we're moving forward in some

Beth Hewitt:

respect, then we will get to that final destination. How

Beth Hewitt:

fast or slow is another thing, but even that when we're going

Beth Hewitt:

at a slow pace, that doesn't be nice. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

I don't necessarily believe that things are

Melissa Amos:

predestined by anything outside of what you are. I think that

Melissa Amos:

for me, it seems my whole mission is this

Melissa Amos:

ability to help people to be able to take their highest

Melissa Amos:

version, timelines, whatever that is. And that means. And

Melissa Amos:

that doesn't mean necessarily, oh, I'm going to have the best

Melissa Amos:

life in the world, because my version of the best life isn't going to be

Melissa Amos:

the same. That values driven, that true understanding of

Melissa Amos:

who I am and what I want and how I serve and who I'm

Melissa Amos:

becoming, which I do believe we. I'm not sure

Melissa Amos:

this is a destiny, but I do believe that we set that course in action

Melissa Amos:

before we incarnated on this earth. I do believed that we came

Melissa Amos:

down onto this earth with this. This is what I, you

Melissa Amos:

know, the conditions that I have, and these are the things that I want to

Melissa Amos:

learn and understand for this lifetime, at this

Melissa Amos:

time. And maybe there's versions of me that are going

Melissa Amos:

around doing other things, but I think the point for me

Melissa Amos:

is the human me, the one that is really

Melissa Amos:

fueling this soul, because our soul can be fragmented. But

Melissa Amos:

the one that has the. That's voicing, actioning, speaking,

Melissa Amos:

doing, rather than. And just the thought is the one that's going,

Melissa Amos:

okay, I'm gonna keep saying, yes, I am gonna

Melissa Amos:

push those boundaries of what it is that I've known. I am gonna

Melissa Amos:

listen to those fears and those judgments and those doubts and

Melissa Amos:

go, okay, what are you, and how are you wanting to help me

Melissa Amos:

and assist me? Because I think there's so much golden magic in that, I think

Melissa Amos:

where we often go wrong, and it's almost

Melissa Amos:

like how we're programmed in this day and age is

Melissa Amos:

you listen to your fears and your doubts and your worries and all of those

Melissa Amos:

things. Things. And then what we're doing is we're listening to them. And so

Melissa Amos:

we're manifesting that timeline, which still has

Melissa Amos:

gold, it still has lessons, and maybe that's it and you. And you can

Melissa Amos:

learn it that way. Or maybe because if I

Melissa Amos:

go down my fear route and that's my timeline, I'm sitting and listening to

Melissa Amos:

that, I am going to learn so much, right? I'm going to learn about what

Melissa Amos:

I'm scared about, I'm going to learn about the empathy around that. I'm going to

Melissa Amos:

learn about maybe the courage and the

Melissa Amos:

strength it takes to come in and come out of that. And so it's not.

Melissa Amos:

That is wrong. But I also think that if I'm coming into

Melissa Amos:

my highest timeline and these fears and these doubts come in and I look

Melissa Amos:

at them and go, hey, what's the lesson? What are you teaching me?

Melissa Amos:

What do I need to know? Then you're having that same growth,

Melissa Amos:

but you're having it whilst you are making the

Melissa Amos:

decisions from that more empowered

Melissa Amos:

choice. And so it's then I'm having the

Melissa Amos:

transmuting fear timeline, which is going off in one

Melissa Amos:

direction, and I'm having the activated higher self me

Melissa Amos:

thing that's going on. But when I take the activated higher self me

Melissa Amos:

version, it brings the fear,

Melissa Amos:

doubt and the lessons I might learn going down

Melissa Amos:

that into a more, if you like,

Melissa Amos:

higher frequency space.

Melissa Amos:

And maybe because I was. There was many times where I was

Melissa Amos:

like, not sure terrified the right word, but

Melissa Amos:

doubtful about the decisions

Melissa Amos:

of going this weekend and of staying with. At my

Melissa Amos:

mum's. Yeah, I'm away a lot, but not loads, but I'm away

Melissa Amos:

more than I have been with the kids and stuff recently. The things that

Melissa Amos:

have come up this weekend, I'm like,

Melissa Amos:

but I think if these opportunities would have come three months ago

Melissa Amos:

without all of those yes decisions coming for

Melissa Amos:

me, I wouldn't have been

Melissa Amos:

ready to be where I am, where I really feel

Melissa Amos:

like I'm that steam train and I'm full of steam and I've

Melissa Amos:

got all my wood and I've got everything, and I'm about to go on that

Melissa Amos:

run to Hogwarts, on the Hogwarts Express,

Melissa Amos:

fueled and ready. I love that. I'd like

Beth Hewitt:

Thomas the tank engine, but with Melissa's face at the front, not

Beth Hewitt:

Thomas on the track. I was talking about

Melissa Amos:

Thomas the other day. My kids, we used to. Oh, they used

Melissa Amos:

to love my brother. Used to love Thomas as well. Do you think it's

Melissa Amos:

a coincidence that, like, one of my favourite, like, mom duty

Melissa Amos:

was creating the train tracks, like the wooden train.

Melissa Amos:

We had such a. Which I'm going to buy more, and I would literally

Melissa Amos:

create these masterpiece wooden train track

Melissa Amos:

adventures around the house. And actually, we sold it all

Melissa Amos:

recently. I was a bit. I hung onto that train track.

Melissa Amos:

My kids have not played with that train track for at least three years. And

Melissa Amos:

I'm like, no, you can't get rid of it. It's the best thing.

Melissa Amos:

They didn't care. Is it coincidence that

Melissa Amos:

literally. When was it? Like a month ago, probably?

Melissa Amos:

Oh, yeah. Start the summer holiday. So a couple of months ago that

Melissa Amos:

I said goodbye to them all and all of my Thomas the tank

Melissa Amos:

engines. So, yeah, maybe one day,

Melissa Amos:

actually, Beth, it came up on my memories the other

Melissa Amos:

day that I was at the Thomas experience, where they

Melissa Amos:

get the tank engines at the. The old

Melissa Amos:

stations on the steam train. And it was like a couple of weeks ago,

Melissa Amos:

maybe even less than that. So clearly trains

Melissa Amos:

timelines, because the. I

Beth Hewitt:

don't know if you've been watching the night sleeper

Beth Hewitt:

on BBC currently on right now, it's about a train that gets taken

Beth Hewitt:

over cyber security. And then my daughter was on

Beth Hewitt:

a train yesterday. She had to sit on the floor because there were no seats.

Beth Hewitt:

She was very disappointed. All of these train things going on.

Beth Hewitt:

I love that we've been talking about timelines today, and maybe we'll continue that.

Beth Hewitt:

That another time. Another timeline,

Beth Hewitt:

if you're listening. And you now, I have

Melissa Amos:

questions. Mel and Beth, send them to us.

Melissa Amos:

We will happily jam on that. Who knows what will come

Melissa Amos:

out. But, yeah, we'd love to know.

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Soul Inspired You
A Podcast Inspired by the Soul
Join Mel and Beth on a truly soul-inspired journey. Each episode is unscripted and intuitive and follows the natural flow of life and creativity of the hosts. Each week on the show Beth and Mel tap into a range of spiritual practices and personal development and discuss how to intuitively follow your passion and purpose in the hope that they will inspire you to follow your own soul-inspired life too.