Episode 63

Synchronicities: How the Universe Guides and Confirms Our Path

Published on: 27th September, 2024

Show Summary:

Welcome to Episode 63 of Soul Inspired You!

  • Join your hosts, Melissa Amos and Beth Hewitt, as they delve into the fascinating world of synchronicities. In today's episode, Melissa and Beth continue last week's conversation on the theme of "flying," sharing remarkable stories of how the universe aligns experiences in unexpected ways.
  • From pulling the same oracle card multiple times to synchronistic messages during yoga and spiritual readings, they reveal how these moments are often more than mere coincidences.
  • They discuss the deeper meanings behind these signs, drawing analogies to video games where challenges and rewards guide us on our journey.
  • Tune in as Melissa and Beth explore how synchronicities serve as confirmations of our paths, helping us navigate life's challenges with insight, intuition, and a sense of wonder.
  • This episode is an inspiring journey into the magical interplay of everyday events and the grander design of our lives. Are you ready to see the golden rings in your own life? Let's dive in!

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232

Beth Hewitt:

Good morning, Mel. Good morning, Beth. We're just sat here

Beth Hewitt:

going through the motions, just having a whole

Beth Hewitt:

giggle about what we're going to do today.

Melissa Amos:

Life is full of synchronicities, and when we take that

Melissa Amos:

inspired action, the universe just

Melissa Amos:

delivers again and again. Yeah,

Beth Hewitt:

absolutely. We're going to continue from the theme of last

Beth Hewitt:

week's episode, and we're going to talk more about synchronicities

Beth Hewitt:

today. If you remember, last week, we were talking about.

Beth Hewitt:

We talked a lot about flying last week. And

Beth Hewitt:

following that podcast episode, both myself and

Beth Hewitt:

Mel had synchronicities linked to flying.

Beth Hewitt:

So we're going to talk about more of that today or not. All of these

Beth Hewitt:

things that are kind of in our life path, whether it's people or experiences

Beth Hewitt:

or situations that happened, that maybe take us down a different path

Beth Hewitt:

or start to align, and it's. We don't realize until after an event. That's

Beth Hewitt:

why that thing happened the way it did, or people stepped in

Beth Hewitt:

and helped us at times of need and things like that. So let's

Beth Hewitt:

continue with the theme of synchronicities. I've

Melissa Amos:

got so much to say. Let's start with the synchronicities. So,

Melissa Amos:

on last week's

Melissa Amos:

call that we actually recorded yesterday. And

Melissa Amos:

why is this significant? Because yesterday I pulled a card

Melissa Amos:

while we were on the podcast, but it was just

Melissa Amos:

sitting here. And then yesterday I had one of my coaching

Melissa Amos:

calls, and I pulled the same

Melissa Amos:

card. And then this morning, I had the cards in my

Melissa Amos:

hand, and I'm giving them a good shuffle. Pull the same

Melissa Amos:

card, and this card is this beautiful

Melissa Amos:

angel with six wings. And you think that yesterday,

Melissa Amos:

in last week's episode, we were talking about flying and

Melissa Amos:

wings and the winged ones and birds and the rainbow colours, and this

Melissa Amos:

card is all of that. So it's Seraphim's

Melissa Amos:

gateway from the gateway of light activation,

Melissa Amos:

oracle by Kyle gray. And it's like,

Melissa Amos:

literally rainbow wings. So then I go to

Melissa Amos:

yoga, and my teacher, who

Melissa Amos:

has never once in the three or

Melissa Amos:

more years that I've been going, starts, gets us to do

Melissa Amos:

this thing. And she's, it's, imagine that you're flying. And I

Melissa Amos:

giggled and then messaged Beth as soon as I

Melissa Amos:

finished, I'm like, my teacher's talking about flying. What's going on?

Melissa Amos:

And then Beth messaged me and has

Melissa Amos:

a. So I do readings every Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Beth Hewitt:

inside my membership group. And yesterday morning,

Beth Hewitt:

the card that came out was the bat card, which is the bat of, it's

Beth Hewitt:

about consciousness, or rebirth of consciousness and flying and freedom and

Beth Hewitt:

realigning to that consciousness to be who you want to be, to feel

Beth Hewitt:

free. And so we'd got the beautiful bat card

Beth Hewitt:

had arrived. So I messaged that back to

Beth Hewitt:

Mel. And then not only has Mel

Beth Hewitt:

pulled her card this morning, I pulled a card which, if you

Beth Hewitt:

look. So this is from the unicorn, the oracle of the unicorns. So

Beth Hewitt:

there's different kinds of unicorns, got big wings and some have got small wings,

Beth Hewitt:

but this is quite magnificent unicorn with similar

Beth Hewitt:

colours to your card, actually, it's got the rainbow back. Yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

And then these giant big wings, and it says, leap into the

Beth Hewitt:

unknown. Have faith and move forward. Believe that you will

Beth Hewitt:

fly. So when we joined today's call, we were like, this

Beth Hewitt:

is definitely what we're supposed to be talking, talking about

Beth Hewitt:

today. So I'm here for it. But I would say

Beth Hewitt:

that whenever we connect, like, this whole

Beth Hewitt:

podcast is called soul inspired you, because it is about

Beth Hewitt:

us fully having faith and belief in whatever comes up and through. And

Beth Hewitt:

that we talk about is exactly what we're supposed to be talking about. It's completely

Beth Hewitt:

unscripted, and I think sometimes we forget that that's the premise of the

Beth Hewitt:

show. But there's been so many synchronicities that just me and you have had

Beth Hewitt:

just even, like, what we were wearing yesterday with the black, today we're

Beth Hewitt:

wearing our hair up. I never wear my hair up. I've got my hair up

Beth Hewitt:

and I've got. You've got your shawl, and I've got, like, a nice Shirley type

Beth Hewitt:

cardigan on. And there's always synchronicities. There's always things that

Beth Hewitt:

seem to align. And I think this is

Beth Hewitt:

true for everybody, and I think it's just having that awareness of that and

Beth Hewitt:

noticing some of those things. So

Beth Hewitt:

let's talk about that. It's more than that, because I think

Melissa Amos:

the synchronicities happen, and should you be open to

Melissa Amos:

them? I think the difference between. I don't believe in coincidence, but

Melissa Amos:

I think the difference between a coincidence and a

Melissa Amos:

is that the synchronicity, for me, is like a

Melissa Amos:

confirmation that you've done something, that you've taken the

Melissa Amos:

right step, that you're on the right path. Because

Melissa Amos:

if you think about what a synchronicity is and what is

Melissa Amos:

involved in a synchronicity, so let's say it is that you and

Melissa Amos:

I both turn up wearing the same

Melissa Amos:

outfit, right? If you think about what that would take

Melissa Amos:

from a divine orchestration point of view, like, it's

Melissa Amos:

mad, because I would have to think about.

Melissa Amos:

I don't know, I'd have to feel a certain way in order to pick a

Melissa Amos:

certain outfit out of my wardrobe and think that it's a

Melissa Amos:

certain color. And we don't live in the same part of the country as well.

Melissa Amos:

So the weather's going to have an implication on that,

Melissa Amos:

too. And it would have had to have

Melissa Amos:

been washed, and it would have had to. Whatever it is. There's all of these

Melissa Amos:

steps that need to happen in order for

Melissa Amos:

me to make a decision and you to make a decision, and

Melissa Amos:

for that to be. Just to be the decision. On the day

Melissa Amos:

that we are meeting up, like so much the

Melissa Amos:

birds in the. In last week's episode that just

Melissa Amos:

landed on that, I have never seen it, like, for the bird to take

Melissa Amos:

that step for whatever reason, and maybe it was because

Melissa Amos:

somebody or something put something in their garden or

Melissa Amos:

I. Whatever, but I had to be there at the right time, looking at that

Melissa Amos:

point out my window. Like, when we think about that and the

Melissa Amos:

steps that need to happen in order for a synchronicity

Melissa Amos:

to come about, it blows your mind.

Melissa Amos:

But what that tells me is if that is the case, if it is

Melissa Amos:

some divine orchestration that our job

Melissa Amos:

is to listen to that intuition, to

Melissa Amos:

listen to that even instinct, to take

Melissa Amos:

the action, to show up, to make a move.

Melissa Amos:

Because without the move, you'd just be sitting in your room and we wouldn't know

Melissa Amos:

that we're wearing the same outfit, for example. And

Melissa Amos:

it, for me, it's this confirmation that, yes, you've done it. You've done the

Melissa Amos:

right thing. You've listened to your intuition. Because otherwise I would have gone that way

Melissa Amos:

and not that way, and I would have completely missed the whole thing. Yeah,

Beth Hewitt:

I think it's that easy. It comes back that easy and hard feeling that we've

Beth Hewitt:

talked about, we've spoken about before. It's that. It's that

Beth Hewitt:

alignment. It is a confirmation that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be

Beth Hewitt:

right now, on my path. And hurry, you're here. You're doing exactly what you're

Beth Hewitt:

supposed to be doing. Because I think there's so much talk around, I haven't done

Beth Hewitt:

this. I'm so far behind, or it's not meant for me, or I should have

Beth Hewitt:

done this ages ago, or we're never going to make it,

Beth Hewitt:

whatever. There is no cosmic alarm clock that's about to

Beth Hewitt:

go off. We are exactly where we're supposed to be.

Beth Hewitt:

So have you got examples? I've got a few examples from, like, my life and

Beth Hewitt:

when things have aligned, that

Beth Hewitt:

we can maybe talk about. But I would say. I would say, like everything, if

Beth Hewitt:

you pan out all the way out on your life, like everything's

Beth Hewitt:

aligned, right? Everything's happened exactly when it was supposed to happen. But when you're in

Beth Hewitt:

the moment, when you're there, or when the outcome to something isn't how

Beth Hewitt:

you would have wanted it to be, then when you don't necessarily

Beth Hewitt:

give yourself that grace to go, oh, hang on a minute, something better is coming

Beth Hewitt:

for me. This all. Which

Melissa Amos:

isn't always easy in the moment. It isn't. It is this

Melissa Amos:

or better. So if it's the case that synchronicities show up when you're

Melissa Amos:

on your path, does that mean that you can have a wrong

Melissa Amos:

path? No, I think we're all heading to the

Beth Hewitt:

theme destination or the version of our

Beth Hewitt:

destination. It's about how. It's about when

Beth Hewitt:

you choose to bring yourself back to in alignment with the

Beth Hewitt:

true essence of you. I think that's where we're being who we want to

Beth Hewitt:

be. I did that post last week because I've been having

Beth Hewitt:

a difficult year, but I've been goofing around in the last couple of weeks and

Beth Hewitt:

it's felt more aligned to who I am. And I think sometimes we forget to

Beth Hewitt:

be who we are, or we try to prescribe

Beth Hewitt:

to professional, professional male

Beth Hewitt:

or to strategic beth or strategic mel. And I think in doing

Beth Hewitt:

that, we forget who we are. And then it just

Beth Hewitt:

gets easier. When I had so much fun last week,

Beth Hewitt:

and that really benefited my business more

Beth Hewitt:

than any sales post or some kind

Beth Hewitt:

of launch strategy, just being me, just being fun.

Beth Hewitt:

Like, it doesn't detract away

Beth Hewitt:

from what you're trying to achieve, as long as you be new and you're doing

Beth Hewitt:

you and you feel comfortable being you. And that's sometimes

Beth Hewitt:

the hard part, isn't it? The feeling

Beth Hewitt:

comfortable being ourselves. Because a lot of the time we're

Beth Hewitt:

thinking about what other people are thinking about us and all of these things. But

Beth Hewitt:

we're going off on a tangent there. I'm literally going off the path.

Melissa Amos:

For me, that's the journey, is the knowing yourself.

Melissa Amos:

And those synchronicities that we see and feel

Melissa Amos:

are confirmation that we're doing it. When we're not getting a

Melissa Amos:

lot of synchronicity is coming up. Does that mean that we've

Melissa Amos:

gone off path? It doesn't mean we've gone off path. It just means

Melissa Amos:

that we've taken the detour. It means that we've gone the longer

Melissa Amos:

way rounds. And for some, that is the scenic route and that's beautiful and that's

Melissa Amos:

fine. And we're taking a break from, from this

Melissa Amos:

journey, taking a little vacation. And for some,

Melissa Amos:

that path is the arduous walk

Melissa Amos:

up the hike up the mountain, and

Melissa Amos:

both will have benefit. Sometimes you need to rest and

Melissa Amos:

recharge. Sometimes you need to really push yourself. What I'm

Melissa Amos:

learning more and more is the more that I

Melissa Amos:

take action before the universe starts squeezing

Melissa Amos:

me. Yeah. The

Melissa Amos:

more, like, now, the thing with that is it does take.

Melissa Amos:

Courageous and it does take, oh, God, am I going to be rocking

Melissa Amos:

the boat? And do I really want to do this? And

Melissa Amos:

what are the consequences of this? Because things are nice and

Melissa Amos:

comfy over here and I've worked so hard to get here. Something comes

Melissa Amos:

and you're like, I'm going to stretch it before I

Melissa Amos:

get the real push and shove, like before. It

Melissa Amos:

necessarily has to become not so much from a free will

Melissa Amos:

option just. As you're talking about that,

Beth Hewitt:

because I've experienced that where the universe squeezes

Beth Hewitt:

you. And that's not always

Beth Hewitt:

the. If you've left that for a long period of time, that's not always a

Beth Hewitt:

good place to be. But it's like that door is always

Beth Hewitt:

going to. On that path, that door that you're wanting to step through is always

Beth Hewitt:

going to be available for you to step through. It's always going to open

Beth Hewitt:

regardless of whether you're taking

Beth Hewitt:

action or whether the universe is going to have to kick you to the backside

Beth Hewitt:

to get you through that door. So taking action in any form,

Beth Hewitt:

however small, we've talked about the baby steps before, is going to

Beth Hewitt:

build that momentum so that the passage through that door is a

Beth Hewitt:

lot, is. Feels a lot flowier and easier

Beth Hewitt:

than if you were like two steps away from the door. But the

Beth Hewitt:

door keeps you pulling it, and then you're not pulling it or whatever. You're putting

Beth Hewitt:

your foot in, your foot out, you're doing the hooky cookie, whatever. So you're going

Beth Hewitt:

to step through the door regardless. So why not give yourself the best chance of

Beth Hewitt:

flowing through the door rather. Than

Melissa Amos:

if you find that the door is just there and you want to come

Melissa Amos:

and move through it, but it's like you've got this bungee rope pulling you back,

Melissa Amos:

then those are the challenges and the opportunities

Melissa Amos:

that we have to really know ourselves more. Because I think that's what

Melissa Amos:

it always comes down to. Like these, if you want to call them lessons from

Melissa Amos:

the universe or tests or challenges or whatever they are, which

Melissa Amos:

I don't think they're imposed on us I think they become part of our

Melissa Amos:

growth and part of how we stretch ourselves,

Melissa Amos:

how we resource ourselves so that when we move through the door that we

Melissa Amos:

have the resources that we need. Like we were talking

Melissa Amos:

about the computer game, so

Melissa Amos:

now I know how to jump and collect a mushroom, or now

Melissa Amos:

I know how to whatever it is, or I've collected

Melissa Amos:

that item that's now going to go in my inventory, which

Melissa Amos:

I needed before I went in. And when we start

Melissa Amos:

to, just like in a computer game, if you know you're going the right

Melissa Amos:

way, especially on the. On these platform games where you can actually

Melissa Amos:

go anywhere, you know you're on the right path when the little golden

Melissa Amos:

rings come up or the. Whatever it is. And I think that the universe is

Melissa Amos:

the same like that. It gives you these little rewards, it gives you these time

Melissa Amos:

stamps, it gives you these fancy golden

Melissa Amos:

mushrooms or not, or fungi of choice

Melissa Amos:

to. To reassure you, to fuel

Melissa Amos:

you to go, yep, this is good. You're not going down some

Melissa Amos:

deep, dark thing, but sometimes we go down the deep, dark thing in the game

Melissa Amos:

and we find ourselves in a. One of those green pipes

Melissa Amos:

in Mario, and then you're. And then you're in this whole other world, which you

Melissa Amos:

never would have experienced had you have just stuck on the

Melissa Amos:

path. Is there a wrong or right way? No.

Melissa Amos:

I think our job is what brings me joy. What do I

Melissa Amos:

love? What is my passion? That's one

Melissa Amos:

thing following that. The other thing is, where am I

Melissa Amos:

restricted? Where do I doubt myself? Where have I created

Melissa Amos:

patterns, programs, beliefs that aren't in

Melissa Amos:

alignment to who I know

Melissa Amos:

myself to be and going and facing that,

Melissa Amos:

too. That's not the wrong path. This is not necessarily an easy path,

Melissa Amos:

but it's so rewarding and so

Melissa Amos:

healing and so that then we can move into these new versions of us

Melissa Amos:

that we all seem to be craving. I really love the,

Beth Hewitt:

the game analogy because there's different kinds of

Beth Hewitt:

games. Like with the Mario one or the Sonic the Hedgehog

Beth Hewitt:

one, for example. You know, that there's. It's very linear. There's a

Beth Hewitt:

direct path, there's a. You can go down or you can go up, or you

Beth Hewitt:

can go around the loops, whatever, but there's a. There's an end. Or especially the

Beth Hewitt:

games that we used to play, the original Marion. It's very different now,

Beth Hewitt:

like the Sims or Call of Duty, where you've got more control

Beth Hewitt:

over who you be and the conversations that you have

Beth Hewitt:

and the battles that you choose, that kind of thing. And I

Beth Hewitt:

think that's why sometimes we forget, because

Beth Hewitt:

we live in this world where we get to make choices and we get to

Beth Hewitt:

choose and we get to go down different paths and we get to go backwards

Beth Hewitt:

or forwards or left or right or whatever and wear whatever we want to wear,

Beth Hewitt:

we forget that there is an end, there's a

Beth Hewitt:

flag, there's a Mario jump at the end kind of thing for

Beth Hewitt:

us to experience, and I think we get caught up in that

Beth Hewitt:

sometimes. But like you say, like the games,

Beth Hewitt:

like, where you get to have conversations and meet people and jam and

Beth Hewitt:

make decisions that are different and can take you down different

Beth Hewitt:

routes, there's. For me, and this is an interesting thought as

Beth Hewitt:

well, is like, there's far more reward in that, right?

Beth Hewitt:

Especially if. And even though it's incredibly frustrating if you feel

Beth Hewitt:

like you've been banging on the same door, like, for ten years

Beth Hewitt:

because you haven't fully integrated that

Beth Hewitt:

shadow side or learned that lesson, and the lesson gets harder and

Beth Hewitt:

harder, but when you finally do receive all of

Beth Hewitt:

the goodness from that lesson, that is even more powerful. That

Beth Hewitt:

had you walk through that door the very first time,

Beth Hewitt:

it's nice to go through the door. Easy peasy.

Beth Hewitt:

It's nice to, like, oh, I've experienced this situation a couple of times, so I'm

Beth Hewitt:

going to do it differently now and walk through that door. But then the

Beth Hewitt:

tricky one, the harder one or the one where we go around the house, there's

Beth Hewitt:

so many times and we feel the pain and we feel all the. Feels like

Beth Hewitt:

multiple times and it feels difficult, or we might get into the victim

Beth Hewitt:

mentality or, like, why is this happening to me? Whatever. All of those different things.

Beth Hewitt:

And then when we finally go through that door, that reward is

Beth Hewitt:

not only massive for us, but the ability

Beth Hewitt:

to share that with other people who are also going through

Beth Hewitt:

that is so much more powerful. Like, you could have

Beth Hewitt:

gone through the door the first time or the second time. It was like an

Beth Hewitt:

easy ish lesson, and you might be able to share that story with

Beth Hewitt:

somebody. When we've been through really tricky, difficult times,

Beth Hewitt:

then we get to shine our light on a whole other level.

Beth Hewitt:

So it's an odd dichotomy, isn't it? Like, we would. We would

Beth Hewitt:

like life to be easy all the time and to always be flowy, but

Beth Hewitt:

there is real magic that comes from the

Beth Hewitt:

difficulties and the challenges and the obstacles. And I'm not saying that to be some

Beth Hewitt:

kind of seder, whatever the word is, like, enjoying the

Beth Hewitt:

pain, but there is great rewards that come from that.

Melissa Amos:

It's the same with the game. Like, you, if

Melissa Amos:

you got a new game, and you did

Melissa Amos:

the first level and you alert. That was easy. And then the

Melissa Amos:

second level was exactly the same as the first level, and you were like, that

Melissa Amos:

was easy. Like, how long would you continue on that game before you're like, oh,

Melissa Amos:

my God, this is so boring. But what happens in the

Melissa Amos:

game is we do a level and there's a level of

Melissa Amos:

challenge, and then we get through it, like, amazing, and then we

Melissa Amos:

do another, and then we do another when we get to a point and

Melissa Amos:

we have to master it. And that's what makes the game good

Melissa Amos:

fun. That's what if I think back to when

Melissa Amos:

I. When I was a teen or and used to do that, it was those

Melissa Amos:

games like Tomb Raider, where you really had to collect the

Melissa Amos:

things and get that jump and defeat that

Melissa Amos:

whatever that really engaged

Melissa Amos:

you and you enjoyed, like, the ones

Melissa Amos:

that were just. Even someone like Tetris, who

Melissa Amos:

doesn't love Tetris, it was always just that really

Melissa Amos:

slow dunk, dunk. You

Melissa Amos:

just stop playing it. But as it gets harder, as it gets more

Melissa Amos:

challenging, and that makes it so interesting,

Melissa Amos:

and I think that's the same

Melissa Amos:

as life. And if we can look at it like, okay, this is a

Melissa Amos:

challenge that I'm moving through, and this is. Look at

Melissa Amos:

that feeling that I've got coming up. Look at that emotion that I've got coming

Melissa Amos:

up. Look at this difficulty, look at this support, look at this trigger, look at

Melissa Amos:

this discomfort, and, like,

Melissa Amos:

we do need to feel it. And, of course, nobody wants to do it. And

Melissa Amos:

I hope for everyone that they have a really nice, easy life.

Melissa Amos:

But a lot of the challenges, this is what I want to say. A lot

Melissa Amos:

of the challenges that we go through are

Melissa Amos:

there to help us move and grow. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

And if we can zoom out on the everyday

Melissa Amos:

challenges, if we can zoom out from them and go, okay, what is this

Melissa Amos:

lesson that I'm. If there is a lesson here, what am I learning and

Melissa Amos:

what can I grow from this, and how can this help me in the future?

Melissa Amos:

If we just ask those questions? It just makes

Melissa Amos:

things less

Melissa Amos:

daunting. You could almost say, this is another thought. We'll see

Beth Hewitt:

where this goes. You could almost say, so, like, when we're talking about synchronicities and

Beth Hewitt:

coincidences, which, again, I agree that there's no such thing as a coincidence. It's

Beth Hewitt:

like just two things coexisted at the same time, you know, as

Beth Hewitt:

they are supposed to do. You can almost say that challenges are obstacles, and

Beth Hewitt:

life lessons that repeat themselves are synchronicities

Beth Hewitt:

or coincidences. But they are. They're further apart, so you can't

Beth Hewitt:

actually see them if you. Because I think we think about time as

Beth Hewitt:

linear and going in one direction, but actually, when

Beth Hewitt:

we zoom out and we think, take that time, construct away the

Beth Hewitt:

lessons, you could. I don't know if this is true. It's just what's coming

Beth Hewitt:

through at the minute is. Could be a synchronicity, but yet there's

Beth Hewitt:

bigger space between them, so we don't necessarily see the

Beth Hewitt:

synchronicity. Does that make sense? So it's a

Beth Hewitt:

repeating instance that we haven't yet

Beth Hewitt:

mastered. Right. But it's. I

Beth Hewitt:

don't know, are they one of the same or are they completely different? I think

Beth Hewitt:

it's. I don't know. It just dropped in. I don't know the answer to that.

Beth Hewitt:

But I think it's an interesting concept because they are things that repeat themselves.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah. And do they need to

Melissa Amos:

repeat themselves? Maybe they need to keep on going until you.

Melissa Amos:

Until you've mastered it. Maybe they do keep getting harder

Melissa Amos:

or they get more challenging and then you've got more, and so therefore they get

Melissa Amos:

easier in some way, but they're still just as

Melissa Amos:

frustrating, or they're just as whatever. But our goal, if we

Melissa Amos:

stick with this video game thing, our goal is to get through the door at

Melissa Amos:

the end of the thing. And you know what? I think, just like in a

Melissa Amos:

game, sometimes the door isn't the door leads us to the world that we don't

Melissa Amos:

even need to go and master it. It's just here's

Melissa Amos:

a fun little underground world that you can go and explore if you

Melissa Amos:

want to, but it's not part of the main game. You know

Melissa Amos:

what? I don't think life was ever meant to be easy. I think

Melissa Amos:

that life is meant to be filled with joy and filled

Melissa Amos:

with emotion and filled with this, with

Melissa Amos:

connection. But I think it always comes back down

Melissa Amos:

to know thyself. Like, I will have any conversation in the

Melissa Amos:

whole world, and it will always come back to know thyself.

Melissa Amos:

What brings you joy? What's fueling you? What are you

Melissa Amos:

overcoming? What is it that you want to achieve? What is it that you want

Melissa Amos:

to receive? What is it that you want to give? What is it that's fueled,

Melissa Amos:

fueling you and inspiring you? And the more we

Melissa Amos:

follow that, the more fuel we have, because then our soul is

Melissa Amos:

guiding, like, our purpose is guiding us. Our

Melissa Amos:

reason for being here is guiding us. And then as we're being

Melissa Amos:

pulled along that path, then those challenges, which is

Melissa Amos:

also part of our path, that we need to overcome the

Melissa Amos:

okay. Do you know what? I've realized that I hold a lot of judgment

Melissa Amos:

around something. I hold a lot of shame around something. I hold

Melissa Amos:

a lot of separation around something. As you're being pulled

Melissa Amos:

forward into your purpose, those things come up like little knots in your

Melissa Amos:

bungee rope. And then our job and our

Melissa Amos:

path, that's the obstacle. That is the okay. Now,

Melissa Amos:

how do I go into that and learn the moves that I need

Melissa Amos:

to make and what resources that I need to have and what

Melissa Amos:

allies I need to have to come and help me to help to

Melissa Amos:

untangle those? Not necessarily snip them off, but

Melissa Amos:

untangle those. So then you've got more slack, and then you're moving along, and then

Melissa Amos:

bang, it comes up again in. And those

Melissa Amos:

synchronicities that happen along the way hold

Melissa Amos:

messages and they hold information. Like that magpie

Melissa Amos:

that showed up in. In the first episode of

Melissa Amos:

season two. He showed up

Melissa Amos:

for so many reasons. And it wasn't just,

Melissa Amos:

oh, there's a confirmation. It was like, okay, there's something there

Melissa Amos:

about the beauty and the blackness. There's something there about

Melissa Amos:

what our eyes see and what's really there is something different. There's

Melissa Amos:

something there about going for the shiny object

Melissa Amos:

syndrome. And all of those themes came up for me yesterday

Melissa Amos:

in other different ways. And so that magpie was representing

Melissa Amos:

it. So as those synchronicities come up, it's okay. How

Melissa Amos:

is this resourcing me where it's like a signpost? Where is it

Melissa Amos:

guiding me to what thoughts,

Melissa Amos:

musings, actions are coming

Melissa Amos:

in that now I need to take in order

Melissa Amos:

to enjoy that

Melissa Amos:

path for another 24 hours.

Melissa Amos:

Till next time. Have you seen him today, mister

Beth Hewitt:

Magpie? I've not seen Mister Magpie today,

Melissa Amos:

no. He's probably in some warm nest

Melissa Amos:

somewhere going, oh, it's all wet and dampendeze. Probably somewhere

Beth Hewitt:

else with somebody else who's doing a podcast, and they're going to get infused with

Beth Hewitt:

his wisdom tomorrow. Be funny if he showed

Melissa Amos:

up now. Yeah. So just talking about synchronicities, then. So, as you were talking.

Beth Hewitt:

So I muted myself because I needed to cough. And as I muted myself, I'd

Beth Hewitt:

forgotten to take the WhatsApp off my desktop, and I got a message that went

Beth Hewitt:

ding dong, which would have obviously have been on the podcast had I not

Beth Hewitt:

muted myself at that exact moment. So

Beth Hewitt:

there you go. Sync. It's saying that it's probably going to get another one in

Beth Hewitt:

a minute, and. You could have repressed, suppressed

Melissa Amos:

that call, because that's

Melissa Amos:

the thing we do we're like, no, that's not pretty. I'm going

Melissa Amos:

to hold that in and then it becomes even more a

Melissa Amos:

problem. And that's the thing. That is the thing with life. I don't think

Melissa Amos:

we always have to take every action. Come on. It'd be exhausting. If every

Melissa Amos:

time we have something then, well, I would, I better do this. But the more

Melissa Amos:

we can act and have that courage, so this courage for me comes

Melissa Amos:

from, I know the soul is guiding me. I know that everything is

Melissa Amos:

happening as it needs to happen in the moment. And so if

Melissa Amos:

that's true, then that means that

Melissa Amos:

my body, my thoughts, my inspiration are

Melissa Amos:

all assisting me and how can

Melissa Amos:

I use it? That golden ring is there for a reason.

Melissa Amos:

And actually as I jump to go and get it, I'm like, oh, look, there's

Melissa Amos:

a shortcut or a long cut or a extra

Melissa Amos:

whatever that I can reach. Or you can go swing on

Melissa Amos:

past it and then you'll be like, why do I not have enough rings to

Melissa Amos:

beat this? I've got to go back and go and get it.

Beth Hewitt:

I've got a strange urge to play Sonic the Hedgehog. I don't think

Beth Hewitt:

I've got Sonic the Hedgehog or maybe they're in the loft or something, but I've

Beth Hewitt:

got this urge to play it. But old times coming

Melissa Amos:

out. I've not seen any of the movies. They're quite good. They

Melissa Amos:

are there. And there's a new movie coming out because I went to go and

Melissa Amos:

see Beetlejuice, which was ridiculously hilarious.

Beth Hewitt:

I've seen such mixed reviews about it, but I think I will enjoy

Beth Hewitt:

it. It is ridiculous. Like it's Tim

Melissa Amos:

Burton. I like that though. Yeah, ridiculous. Don't go there expecting

Melissa Amos:

some deep philosophical and the storyline is

Melissa Amos:

obvious and but for me, like seeing

Melissa Amos:

Winona Ryder when I was a teen, she was like my hero.

Melissa Amos:

I'm like, yeah, I love Emojd and

Melissa Amos:

what's Jenna Ortega and Catherine O'Hara is just like one of my

Melissa Amos:

favorite actresses. She is just so extra and she was

Melissa Amos:

so extra in the movie. If you've seen Schitt's Creek,

Melissa Amos:

have you ever watched that? I love that. And she's

Melissa Amos:

extra like that. So yeah, I enjoyed it. My

Melissa Amos:

twelve year old was like what is this? What was that? What

Melissa Amos:

is going on, mummy? And we saw the sonic

Melissa Amos:

advertising. He's like, can we go and see that next time? I'm like, yes,

Melissa Amos:

we can. I love that, though. Had you not been to see Beetlejuice, I'm sure

Beth Hewitt:

he would have come across the Sonic the hedgehog movie, maybe he wouldn't have realized

Beth Hewitt:

that it was. We may not have known. And we might go there and we

Melissa Amos:

might see something, or they might be like, do you always take these, like, deep

Melissa Amos:

philosophy, whatever? Even in Beetlejuice, I can find some deep

Melissa Amos:

philosophical discussions to start to have, let alone how much I

Melissa Amos:

connected with Lydia, who's a psychic medium in the

Melissa Amos:

movie. And the kids are like, oh, God, mum.

Melissa Amos:

And I, like, is that what my kids think of me? Don't tell them what

Melissa Amos:

mummy does at school. They all know. So, yeah, it's a fun

Melissa Amos:

game. And those synchronicities are. If we can

Melissa Amos:

think of those synchronicities as the rings or the

Melissa Amos:

mushrooms or the resources that we need to move forward,

Melissa Amos:

and there's these little signposts and we're like, okay, why might I need

Melissa Amos:

that? What might. How might that come in useful at some

Melissa Amos:

point? Is this something for me, then, that will

Melissa Amos:

help us live this more inspired life?

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Soul Inspired You
A Podcast Inspired by the Soul
Join Mel and Beth on a truly soul-inspired journey. Each episode is unscripted and intuitive and follows the natural flow of life and creativity of the hosts. Each week on the show Beth and Mel tap into a range of spiritual practices and personal development and discuss how to intuitively follow your passion and purpose in the hope that they will inspire you to follow your own soul-inspired life too.