Episode 14
Embracing Your Spiritual Self
Show Summary:
- Welcome to Episode 14 Today, we're diving deep into the journey of authentic self-expression and the beauty of embracing our full selves, quirks and all. Join us as Beth and Melissa open up about their path to integrating their spiritual side with their corporate image amidst fear of judgment, and hear how this courage to be genuine attracts the right tribe to our lives.
- We'll explore the struggles and triumphs that come with showing up fully, embracing our unique beliefs, values, and the miracle of simply being present.
- Learn why our affirmation cards are more than just words—they're messages of self-worth that remind us of our inherent value.
- Ever felt the pressure to conform and question your own worth? We'll talk about the importance of recognizing that worth, the role of the ego in protecting us, and why making friends with this part of ourselves is crucial.
- Listen to our reflections on nurturing our dormant selves, the culturally created facade we present to the world, and how healing that aspect of us can allow our true essence to shine.
- This episode is an affirmation in itself that everyone is worthy and good enough, and it's essential for the world to see the real you.
- So grab your favorite stationery—it's okay, we have our preferences too—and join us for a heart-to-heart on living unapologetically and the positive ripple effects it can have. This is "Soul Inspired You,” where your true self isn't just welcome; it's celebrated. Let’s begin
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More from Melissa Amos
Get Mel's Book - Memoires of a Mystic in Training
Social Media @themelissaamos
Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232
Mentioned in this episode:
Gratitude and Vision Building Journey
Gratitude and Vision Building Journey
Good morning, Mel. Good morning, Bess. How are you today?
Speaker:I'm good. You've got your cards again. We've both got flowy hair. I hope we've
Speaker:got my hair down, but we both seem to have quite flowy hair today. Flowy
Speaker:hair, muted tones, glasses on today because we've
Speaker:been squirreling away this morning on my
Speaker:laptop doing all the fun stuff that you
Speaker:don't like to do. I actually, I just had them on my desk and I
Speaker:picked them up to move them, and then my hands just instinctively go to
Speaker:shuffling them. And the cards I have on my desk, these are one of
Speaker:my daily, almost daily
Speaker:pulls that I. They give me a really
Speaker:sharp, sweet, clear
Speaker:message. Don't have to go interpreting them. I put them
Speaker:on my altar, and they are Kyle
Speaker:Gray's raise your vibration cards. And they're really nice.
Speaker:They just have a little saying on it and some really quirky
Speaker:artwork. And
Speaker:when I've just pulled a card, two have come out stuck
Speaker:together, and they're very
Speaker:nice. So the first one says, you
Speaker:are worthy. And it's a
Speaker:picture of a jug, a yellow
Speaker:jug on a green, starry background pouring out.
Speaker:Looks like it's quite a full jug, because it's not, is it? And it
Speaker:is pouring out this abundance of water, which
Speaker:kind of looks a bit goddessy. I'm not sure if it's meant to,
Speaker:has those kind of curvy curves. So I love
Speaker:that. Now, the message it came with is, the world
Speaker:is blessed to have you. And it's
Speaker:a world globe with a sun. Sun
Speaker:coming up just behind it in a darkened,
Speaker:starry sky. The
Speaker:world is blessed to have you, and you are worthy. And
Speaker:I think that this is such an important message for all
Speaker:of us, because we often just go through life, right? We just go
Speaker:through the things and we don't know what we're doing most of the
Speaker:time. And it can be quite easy
Speaker:to just think, what's the point? Does anyone care?
Speaker:Especially when you've got kids and you're like, I must have said three times
Speaker:this morning, can anyone hear me?
Speaker:Am I speaking into a void? Hello? And
Speaker:messages like this just remind you, or remind me anyway,
Speaker:that the fact that we are here on this earth at this
Speaker:time, in any moment, right. Is actually a
Speaker:miracle. Absolutely. Yeah.
Speaker:If you think of the odds, the odds of
Speaker:actually your parents meeting
Speaker:and. They'Re falling and their parents meeting and. Then their
Speaker:parents meeting and surviving, and then the
Speaker:whole conception thing, like the actual likelihood of
Speaker:that, the rights sperm with the right egg at the right time
Speaker:under the right stars signs and the right
Speaker:conditions and the right nutrition and the right. And then
Speaker:actually childbirth and being born and then
Speaker:actually just being here. Like, the chances of
Speaker:it are actually really slim. And if you've ever held
Speaker:a newborn baby in your arms, you know
Speaker:what a miracle life really is?
Speaker:The world is blessed to have you. You are worthy. The
Speaker:fact that you are here and that you're listening to something like
Speaker:this tells me that you're here for
Speaker:something great. Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker:And you're the only one that can do it. And I love
Speaker:these cards of affirmation because it's a reminder of that.
Speaker:Like, we forget. Yes. How
Speaker:amazing we are, how perfect we
Speaker:are. Imperfect imperfections.
Speaker:Our perfect imperfections. And yeah, sometimes we need to be reminded of how
Speaker:worthy we are, how good we are, how amazing we are, how unique
Speaker:we are, what makes us stand out,
Speaker:what makes us a nice person,
Speaker:what makes our quirks, make us who we are thing. And that we
Speaker:are all worthy and that we are all deserving of nice things and
Speaker:wonderful things. And people
Speaker:are blessed to have us in our lives. Lucky them. Lucky
Speaker:them. Because we do. Sometimes we don't hear that appreciation
Speaker:goes a long way, doesn't it? But sometimes we do. I think as mums
Speaker:shouting into the void, we don't always Mother's Day. We've just had Mother's day. And
Speaker:yes, it's nice to have that day to day. We don't always get that recognition.
Speaker:We're just, we're going with the flow. We're doing all the things, we're doing all
Speaker:the hard work. And so sometimes we need to be the one that gives
Speaker:ourselves those words of affirmation to remind ourselves.
Speaker:I have on my phone, I have. You are worthy pops up at random
Speaker:times throughout the day or the year, different things. And it's actually quite
Speaker:interesting when they do pop up like different messages. It's not all about being worthy,
Speaker:but sometimes it'll be like time to go to bed or
Speaker:put your feet up kind of thing. But it's amazing how those messages pop up
Speaker:at exactly the right time when you want to hear them. So I love that
Speaker:reminder today that we are all worthy, that we're all here as
Speaker:little miracles with work to do, but also with
Speaker:lots of blessings to come our way as well. Yeah. But then our work
Speaker:can be our blessing. And like I said, I've been this
Speaker:morning squirreling away on my laptop,
Speaker:doing the admin things, which, it's a means to an end,
Speaker:but when I'm doing it and I'm writing these words and
Speaker:I'm thinking, actually, maybe this word is going to come and inspire somebody.
Speaker:Maybe this word going to help somebody
Speaker:realize just how worthy they are. And I.
Speaker:And actually, it's not just that the, they're blessed
Speaker:to have me and my email land in their inbox. It's
Speaker:also I'm blessed to have them reading that. Absolutely. Yeah. And
Speaker:being there is allowing me to live my purpose, or
Speaker:not allowing supporting me and living my purpose and sharing my
Speaker:dreams. And, you know, you said about this perfect
Speaker:imperfections and all of our quirks. I think that through
Speaker:our lives, we're often. We can be led to believe
Speaker:that our quirks should be toned down. Yeah.
Speaker:We should just fit in. We'll just be like everyone else. And this is
Speaker:what's normal, and this is what's usual, and this is where we should
Speaker:be. And anything else that doesn't fit in this box is just something that
Speaker:can be hidden or only expressed in certain times.
Speaker:And actually, one of the benefits of
Speaker:having this spiritual journey, of really knowing
Speaker:yourself, of coming into that acceptance, is that
Speaker:allowance of my quirks. And then
Speaker:more than that, it's my quirks that actually
Speaker:are the things that go around touching
Speaker:others, that might inspire others, that might give others
Speaker:someone else permission to be themselves and to feel they're
Speaker:worthy. So, yes, the world is blessed to have you exactly as you are.
Speaker:But if I want to take that further, the world is blessed to have
Speaker:you exactly as you truly are.
Speaker:Yeah. The world's even more blessed if you can
Speaker:show up and actually be all of you, with the
Speaker:craziness, with the shyness, with the
Speaker:doubts and with the fears and with the. The wacky
Speaker:things that we like sometimes at home, I just do the weirdest
Speaker:things and my husband just starts. He's just, what you doing? And I'm
Speaker:like, I don't know. I am just expressing this
Speaker:energy that wants to come out.
Speaker:Is it always in the kitchen? It's often in the kitchen, yeah. That's where I
Speaker:do my crazy things. Like a bit of a wiggle, like my leg wants to
Speaker:do a little bit of a dance. Chicken dances, like,
Speaker:weird songs. And you, I think you and I, we have the same thing that
Speaker:we make up words to songs. Yeah. Based
Speaker:on. I don't know. I don't know the words to any song ever,
Speaker:literally. Just make all of them up. Right. It's just one of those things.
Speaker:And I think it, and my kids see it and they look at me like,
Speaker:oh, mummy's, gone mad again. But I think it gives them permission that it's
Speaker:ok. You don't just have. When they're at school, they have to be a certain
Speaker:way. It's at home sometimes it's irritating, but at home,
Speaker:like, this is your place, and how can we bring that out into the real
Speaker:world? And for me, that was probably one of the most
Speaker:freeing things that happened. When you come out and I speak about the
Speaker:things that I'm passionate about and that I love, which I always
Speaker:thought was just weird because people I remember
Speaker:once, years and years ago, when I'd first started, I just learned
Speaker:Reiki, and I was really getting into
Speaker:the mind and the philosophies and all this stuff.
Speaker:And I remember reading this thing in a book
Speaker:about a pencil, right? And that we are all a pencil. Have you
Speaker:heard this? I'm going to match this
Speaker:pencil. And that sometimes we have to be put into
Speaker:the. Into this. Into a. What's the word?
Speaker:A contraction and be sharpened so that. Okay. And that the
Speaker:more that we're used, that sometimes we can start to
Speaker:feel like we're getting smaller. But actually, the more we
Speaker:actually use ourselves, the more that we are expressed. And there was all of this
Speaker:stuff, and it was really deep and it was. And I was like, mind blown.
Speaker:And I remember writing on my face, I am a pencil. And my
Speaker:friends, who in those days, my
Speaker:corporate friends, like my normies, yeah. As
Speaker:we might call them now, were like, Melissa, what on earth is
Speaker:wrong with you? And I was like,
Speaker:oh. And I think there was something, God, in me then. I quite my, like
Speaker:this thing that's wrong with me. Yeah. I'm gonna find that pencil
Speaker:quote. I love that. I
Speaker:love that you did that. Shall I share the card that I've got? Yeah, please.
Speaker:It's. Welcome the new.
Speaker:Welcome the new butterfly. Look at that. So it's from the
Speaker:butterfly oracle card deck for life changes. Welcome
Speaker:the new. And as I'm thinking on this, it's almost
Speaker:not just welcoming the new,
Speaker:it's welcoming that which already exists
Speaker:within you that is maybe new to other people, but isn't
Speaker:really new to you. Because if we think about our superpowers and our
Speaker:uniqueness and our weirdness, that's not new to us.
Speaker:But expressing it outwardly might be new to other
Speaker:people, or it might be new to us to be able to
Speaker:express it openly without feeling that we're having to dim our light
Speaker:or that we're having to dim it down so that we fit in.
Speaker:So for me, this is about welcoming the
Speaker:new version of you, but maybe the version of you that already
Speaker:existed just hasn't yet been let loose in the
Speaker:world. And that when we're on this spiritual journey, like you said, when
Speaker:you start putting things out there that were maybe a little bit different to how
Speaker:some people with different hats on when you've got a different hat might have viewed
Speaker:that. But I think a lot of people who are going through on this spiritual
Speaker:journey, who are going through transformation, who are going through growth, feel
Speaker:this often. And it can often feel, I
Speaker:suppose that's where the growth is. A lot of the time when we allow ourselves
Speaker:to be more of ourselves, but it can also feel
Speaker:quite, I don't know if difficult is the right word, but it can
Speaker:feel like this is so different to how we
Speaker:were before. And a lot comes up with that. A lot maybe stuff
Speaker:that needs healing, a lot of beliefs and things start to come up with that.
Speaker:And I know that I talk sometimes about how it took me a
Speaker:while, even though I was always spiritual, even though I was
Speaker:visualizing from four years old, even though I had a very spiritual family and I
Speaker:was able to, in my own home be
Speaker:myself and express and do past life regressions and all these weird things with
Speaker:my mama, which aren't really weird. The outside world would have been viewed as that
Speaker:if I just rocked up at primary school and started saying, this is what we
Speaker:did at home last night. But it took me a
Speaker:while in my thirties to merge what
Speaker:I thought was my corporate everyday Beth
Speaker:with spiritual Beth, all the while
Speaker:not fully realizing that I was always both of those people and it
Speaker:was just about integrating them. Like I hadn't changed in that
Speaker:integration and me feeling comfortable with who I was.
Speaker:I hadn't really changed as a person. It was just my perception of who I
Speaker:was showing up, as if that makes sense. And I think a lot of people
Speaker:who have worked in the corporate world or some other, it is that you
Speaker:do and then move into this spiritual sector and either you wanting
Speaker:to create a business that's more spiritual in nature, or you just want to bring
Speaker:more spirituality, bring more rituals and habits that support
Speaker:your spiritual growth, then it can sometimes feel a little bit like,
Speaker:how do I merge these two together? And sometimes we
Speaker:don't need to merge them. Sometimes we're already merged. It's just the acceptance of
Speaker:that. And it was fascinating
Speaker:to me when I started to welcome in the new of who I
Speaker:was to the world, how people started, the
Speaker:reception that I got from people who I thought would see me as
Speaker:in a different light. One of my very first clients was somebody who I'd
Speaker:worked with in the corporate world, and I would never have thought
Speaker:that they would be interested in anything that spiritual Beth had to say, but yet
Speaker:they've become one of my lifelong clients. And
Speaker:when I said what was it that attracted you to me, it just made sense.
Speaker:Like all of the things I knew you were good at in corporate land, I
Speaker:didn't really understand how you were able to manifest and
Speaker:do a lot of that stuff. I didn't know how you were able to fill
Speaker:events. And now I understand it was through the scripting and the visualization
Speaker:and your approach to project management, which is different
Speaker:to what other people might do in terms of project management.
Speaker:So I think we're always, we always are those people. It's just
Speaker:how we change our perception
Speaker:of that and how we allow ourselves to welcome in that version of us and
Speaker:move through that. But it's not an easy path. But it's not a hard path
Speaker:either. We talked about this another show, didn't we? That kind of
Speaker:pushing a boulder up a hill conversation we have. I think mostly
Speaker:it's quite scary. Yeah, because it's new and
Speaker:we really genuinely care what other people think of us, right? We genuinely do. And
Speaker:that's good because that's helped us survive this long, and it's helped us have
Speaker:the relationships or maybe the successes,
Speaker:but also this
Speaker:story that you've just shared with your client, by you
Speaker:showing up and being all of you, by you just going, okay, I'm going
Speaker:to show them how I managed to fill
Speaker:events and how I can do this. Actually, it's inspiring them into
Speaker:another way of thinking. Now, you could have done this in a hundred different other
Speaker:ways, which may be more
Speaker:textbook, but would they have had the experience and
Speaker:the realizations that they've had? And so by you showing up fully
Speaker:as yourself and going, okay, if you want to work with me, then this is
Speaker:what I, this is who I am, this is what I offer, this is
Speaker:my beliefs, these are my values, these are my skills, these are my
Speaker:experiences, then you are always going to
Speaker:invite in the right people all of the time. So many of
Speaker:us go through life feeling
Speaker:and like, it's hard work, right? And, oh, and people don't
Speaker:understand me and all of this, and I've certainly been
Speaker:there. But when I look back in retrospect, it's the people that don't understand
Speaker:me are the people where I felt like I had to put an act on
Speaker:in order to be there. Of course they didn't understand me because I didn't give
Speaker:them a choice to, a chance to understand me. I
Speaker:was being this version of me that I thought that would
Speaker:be acceptable. Yeah. However, as
Speaker:I've become more of myself, as I've understood myself better. Yes.
Speaker:There have been people who have fallen away, people who were like,
Speaker:Melissa, who do you think you are with the pencil comment?
Speaker:I speak to maybe two of them now.
Speaker:Yeah. But you know what? That's okay. Yeah. Because I don't have
Speaker:to be somebody who can't talk about these
Speaker:things for fear of rejection. I can be the full version of me.
Speaker:And just whoever's listening to this podcast, you've come to
Speaker:me and to Beth for a reason.
Speaker:Because where you understand there's a resonance there and
Speaker:we can only truly find our true tribes, our
Speaker:true soul families and
Speaker:real relationships that are supporting and loving and
Speaker:affirm this. You are worthy if and
Speaker:when we are on that road, at least to being fully
Speaker:ourselves. Yeah. So I would invite everybody
Speaker:to welcome in the new
Speaker:and be
Speaker:a bit quirky, allow yourself to have the dance in the
Speaker:kitchen and.
Speaker:Dance in the. Kitchen and see what that brings in, what
Speaker:laughter that brings, what kindness that brings. I
Speaker:think you've got to feel safe with it. So start there. Start with somewhere
Speaker:that it does feel safe. So for me, I
Speaker:had my people and I behaved. And it wasn't like I
Speaker:was always putting on this mask, but it was certainly there. And then
Speaker:it was actually when I started sitting in circle,
Speaker:I'm like, oh, okay, I don't need to be. It took a little while
Speaker:because I felt I needed to be something else. I don't know.
Speaker:But then I realized, okay, these conversations are quite
Speaker:normal. When I'm teaching in soul school, in the
Speaker:Akashic records training, one of the things that I'm, that we
Speaker:do in there is we have these posts and we're like, explain
Speaker:your journey, talk about your journey, talk about your questions, talk
Speaker:about the experience so that this becomes
Speaker:normal. So you start to find the words, so you start to see,
Speaker:okay, look, I can speak about this and nobody is going
Speaker:to go and burn me on a stake because that is a lot of
Speaker:our perception. At least I'm going to be able to pull a
Speaker:card in soul space in my inner community. It's okay, we can pull cards,
Speaker:we can ask the cards for our guidance. And we make this normal. We
Speaker:make this usual and we begin to find the language around it.
Speaker:And every time we do that, it proves to our psyche.
Speaker:Okay, look at that. I did that. No one died. This is
Speaker:good. It's great. Yeah. So it
Speaker:starts to build up that acceptance of self.
Speaker:So find somewhere that you can go and express
Speaker:that. A sharing circle, an online community, a
Speaker:friend, whatever it is,
Speaker:your spirit team, they're always there. And
Speaker:for me, another one of the biggest gifts I think that
Speaker:spiritual practice gave me was this.
Speaker:Knowing that I am worthy and that I'm here for a reason
Speaker:and that I'm okay and that I'm allowed. And it's
Speaker:that reassurance that
Speaker:allows me to keep on pushing these
Speaker:boundaries of, okay, what is normal? What's my
Speaker:normal? What can I do and be and have and all of
Speaker:that. What is normal? We've got these
Speaker:ideals, right? But what is that? We're all different, right?
Speaker:My world. It's interesting because last night I was teaching,
Speaker:I'm teaching a group of holy fire Reiki
Speaker:teachers at the moment, and we were
Speaker:speaking last night about the role of
Speaker:the three selves that they identify in the
Speaker:holy fire system, and they talk about this culturally
Speaker:created self. So the culturally created self is that part
Speaker:of us that feels that it needs to be accepted
Speaker:by who we are. So this is the programming that we had
Speaker:come in. This is the. Oh, look at that. I see colors
Speaker:around people. Oops. That freaked everybody out when I
Speaker:mentioned that. Or when I told my auntie
Speaker:that there's going to be a baby, and then it turned out two weeks
Speaker:later that she was pregnant or that, whatever. And
Speaker:we're like, oh, I better not. And we start to
Speaker:create this version of ourselves, and it's so deep.
Speaker:It's so deep in our psyche, we don't even know. We think it's
Speaker:us. Oh, I am lazy. I am
Speaker:an accountant. I am.
Speaker:Whatever it is, it's so deep that we don't know that it's not
Speaker:what we are. If I ask, if I asked 100 people to describe
Speaker:themselves, they'd probably tell me what they do and some
Speaker:of their attributes, but that's not
Speaker:who they are. Not in truth. And the
Speaker:holy fire system starts to heal. Not let go,
Speaker:not dismiss, not separate, but starts to heal this
Speaker:culturally created self so that it allows more
Speaker:of this other self, which is the authentic self,
Speaker:to come in. So this is the part of us that is driven by
Speaker:our true desires and our true wants and
Speaker:this knowing, I suppose,
Speaker:that when we do have these challenges and these experiences
Speaker:that we need to move through, that this is part of our soul's plan. Yeah.
Speaker:We are here to move and grow and evolve.
Speaker:And then as we begin to work on these
Speaker:aspects, the authentic self needs healing
Speaker:too, because it's been hidden, it's been told, no, you're
Speaker:not allowed, you're not allowed. You can't be here. You're not allowed.
Speaker:Wait at the door and said, I. Come back for you. So it needs some
Speaker:meaning too. Yeah. And then it begins to awaken what they call the dormant
Speaker:self. And this concept is quite
Speaker:fascinating. It's almost like the visual I get when I think of
Speaker:that is this little bit of us that sits, like, inside, you know, where is
Speaker:it? In my solar plexus? And it keeps peeking out, going, is it safe?
Speaker:Is it safe for me to come out yet? And it's the part of us
Speaker:that's our potential. It's the part of us that gets us to, for
Speaker:example, sign up to these things, right? And be like, yes, I can do this.
Speaker:Then you get there and you. I'm not sure. Yeah, better not. I've got a
Speaker:hundred other things to do. I'm not going to. I'm not going to do it.
Speaker:It's the part of us that gets us booked onto something or
Speaker:makes us start to write down these ideas or have these
Speaker:dreams, and then it's a little mouse looking for its
Speaker:cheese. It's, oh, better not come out. But as the
Speaker:culturally creative self receives its healing and its understanding of,
Speaker:okay, I develop these traits, these
Speaker:experiences, these habits, these beliefs, because
Speaker:they help me be accepted. They stop me being thrown out of the tribe, which
Speaker:is a, which is an ancient survival
Speaker:mechanism, so that the authentic self can be like,
Speaker:oh, okay, look at me, look who I am, look where
Speaker:I want to go, look where something is driving me to. And then
Speaker:this dormant self, which I wonder if maybe we
Speaker:installed in ourselves before we were born, we're like, this is who you're becoming.
Speaker:This is who you're going to be. Do you think the dormant self is the
Speaker:whispers? Or do you think it's different? Because I feel
Speaker:like maybe it might be your impersonation of the dormant self that is making me
Speaker:think, because I think whispers is more, is stronger, it's
Speaker:more confident in who it is. Whereas the dormant self, as
Speaker:you described it, they don't. Oh, your voice described it was a little bit more
Speaker:timid of wanting to come forward, but. Or do you see it as like, the
Speaker:same thing? One of the same thing. I kind of wonder if, when it actually
Speaker:comes out, if it's actually really a big lion
Speaker:with the courage that it needs. Do I think so? Possibly. I sometimes
Speaker:get guidance and I think maybe we'll have a one of our
Speaker:episodes about our guidance team. But I think part of
Speaker:what it is that guides us is this future self.
Speaker:Yeah. And maybe the dormant self
Speaker:is that part of that future
Speaker:most aligned self of ours that sits
Speaker:within us. It's. This is where we are now. And I'm just wait. I'm
Speaker:waiting for the moment. And maybe
Speaker:its doorway into that is coming into this
Speaker:authentic path of ourselves. Which means the
Speaker:truth of I know who I am. I
Speaker:know what I want, or at least I think I do.
Speaker:And then questioning and exploring and being
Speaker:curious about where my values
Speaker:and experiences and wants actually truly
Speaker:lie. And I think alongside that, we've
Speaker:got this ego that is maybe trying to keep us safe
Speaker:and maybe trapped a little bit, like not time yet. Stay back.
Speaker:It's not safe. It's not safe out here just yet. Yeah,
Speaker:our egos are amazing. I think it's part of this culturally created self.
Speaker:Its job is to keep us safe. Yeah. And the only thing it knows is
Speaker:what it knows. And so I've got this far. I'm still alive.
Speaker:Let's not do anything to rock the boat. I think that's it. I think it's
Speaker:making friends with our ego because there's a lot of books
Speaker:and commentary around, actually.
Speaker:Ego is the negative and the soul is the positive.
Speaker:But if we can make friends with the ego knowing that
Speaker:it's doing a job, it's trying to keep us safe, it's trying
Speaker:to stop us jumping off cliffs and hurting
Speaker:ourselves, that it's that friend that we can
Speaker:choose to listen to or go. Okay, I appreciate
Speaker:your advice, ego. However, I'm
Speaker:still going to do this thing. We can inform it. It's
Speaker:another thing, we speak about this in the holy fire training as well, that our
Speaker:ego isn't something to be dismissed. It's again,
Speaker:it talks about the healing of the ego because the ego is what
Speaker:makes us, or part of what this human experience is.
Speaker:That if we didn't have an ego, we'd probably not be in a
Speaker:body or at least we wouldn't be an adult yet. It
Speaker:helps us in so many ways. However, it's just
Speaker:been misinformed. And I do believe that our
Speaker:job, this generation, and again, I don't mean
Speaker:that in age, I mean our generation of these
Speaker:awakening beings, is to help us
Speaker:heal those parts of ourselves so that ego can feel
Speaker:safe in exploring and doing these things.
Speaker:I don't know about you, but I found certainly for me that
Speaker:my ego is less
Speaker:activated now than it used to be. It used to
Speaker:just be in control. Yeah. And now it's
Speaker:there. Of course it's there. And it shows up in all funky
Speaker:ways. Let's not, let's not lie
Speaker:about that. But it's just less activated.
Speaker:It's just, ah, listen to me, because I think I've proven to
Speaker:it time and time and time again. It's all right, we got this. It's
Speaker:gonna be okay. Come with me. You've got a job. You've got a really
Speaker:important job to do with me today. Ego. Hold this clipboard.
Speaker:Yeah. This is gonna keep us safe. Can you be in charge of that?
Speaker:And it's, oh, okay, yeah, I can do that. And it's very clever and
Speaker:cunning and it often shows up in ways like this admin
Speaker:I was talking about, which I was meant to do two days ago
Speaker:and three days ago, but actually ended up me buying
Speaker:clothes for a photo shoot, doing something else, which I
Speaker:need to do anyway. The 25 other things that,
Speaker:because there's a part of me that's when I put this out there, then it's
Speaker:the stories we tell ourselves. So make
Speaker:friends with the ego. Another question that I think just dropped
Speaker:in was, as children, is the
Speaker:ego as developed
Speaker:or. Because if you think, as children, we're just going to. I'm just going to
Speaker:put this in my mouth and I'm just going to throw myself down the
Speaker:stairs on my little buggy. So is the ego
Speaker:there? Or is it just that we're not attuned to it? Or is it that
Speaker:as children, we've not been conditioned by society and cultural
Speaker:norms and all of this stuff? All of that? Yeah, I think the ego
Speaker:is being informed the whole time. I think it's there. I don't know what
Speaker:the psychotherapy this is, but
Speaker:my feeling is our ego's there.
Speaker:It's being informed in all of these early childhood
Speaker:experiences. Zero seven. And I can see, I have a seven year old
Speaker:in my house, bless him, and I can see it. I can
Speaker:see the ego coming into play.
Speaker:And with my nine year old, I can see
Speaker:how the ego can often control
Speaker:him in that. It's like, oh, I better
Speaker:not. He's quite quiet, my
Speaker:nine year olds, and I can see it's like, oh,
Speaker:everyone's looking at me and that's an, that's an ego
Speaker:thing, isn't it? Because you don't feel safe in there. So, yeah, I think that
Speaker:it's there. It's just not in charge. And
Speaker:at some point it gets brave. It doesn't have to, maybe
Speaker:doesn't ever have to be in charge. Maybe the next generation of children and the
Speaker:generation after that, there will be more of this balance and God
Speaker:help me, I'm. It's hard even knowing that as a
Speaker:parent trying to bring up children in this way. If we do the work
Speaker:with our kids and then they'll start and then they'll start and
Speaker:maybe in two or three generations it will be something very different.
Speaker:Maybe it's good that we have an ego. It's
Speaker:good. Yeah. And don't get rid of it. We need it. We're human.
Speaker:Yeah. I think it's just how we, like you say if
Speaker:lots of people, lots of parents are all
Speaker:different spiritual
Speaker:inclination, then maybe the children of the future will
Speaker:approach things slightly different. It's an interesting
Speaker:concept. You know what it is. Comes back to the
Speaker:card. Maybe what it is allowing our
Speaker:ego to know, yeah, I'm worthy. Yes, the world
Speaker:is blessed to have me. Yeah. Maybe when it really knows that.
Speaker:Because there was always that kid at school that you're like, oh, they've got a
Speaker:really big ego. They love themselves so much and it's, oh, that's the worst thing
Speaker:ever. But the truth is, and I see this in retrospect now,
Speaker:that those ones that walked around, oh, they loved themselves so much and
Speaker:they, who do they think they are? Probably were the most insecure
Speaker:people. Yeah. They had to keep up this appearance. They had
Speaker:to be, it's like the, like the mean girls in, in
Speaker:the movie when you actually look beneath it, they're the ones that are really
Speaker:insecure and the ones that don't feel safe being them. And
Speaker:so they're trying to be in control of the situation.
Speaker:Exactly. So it's like their ego is on high
Speaker:alert all the time. It's, I need some, this culturally created
Speaker:self needs to be there because that's the only thing that I know how to
Speaker:be. And so maybe if what we're feeding our
Speaker:ego naught to seven and then now it's not like we have to wait for
Speaker:the next incarnation to do this. Let's get clear. We have control
Speaker:over that now, we have impact on that now. But maybe
Speaker:it's how we inform it. You know what? You are worthy and the world
Speaker:is blessed to have you truly. Not the world is blessed
Speaker:to have you because you can, because you've got the right
Speaker:outfit on or because you can speak these certain words
Speaker:or that you're always with the computers or whatever it is
Speaker:that we've been. That we've been prizing, but truly, just because
Speaker:I'm here. Yeah. The world is blessed. I say to
Speaker:my son, my nine year old, like, quite often, he's
Speaker:quiet. I'm like, I love hearing your words. Your words are really
Speaker:important. Make sure he even writes really
Speaker:tiny. And he writes small, but your words are
Speaker:important. We want to hear them. Yeah.
Speaker:So, I don't know, maybe that's feeding this ego so it feels
Speaker:safe. And when it feels safe, it doesn't need to
Speaker:act with these destructive behaviors that it's so known
Speaker:for. Interesting. So I love
Speaker:today's episode. Yeah. That we're all worthy, we're
Speaker:all good enough and that we can welcome in that version of us
Speaker:that the world needs to get to know. I'm a
Speaker:pencil. I am worthy.
Speaker:You're a pencil, I'm a penny.
Speaker:Oh, it's very safer to be a pen.
Speaker:But then once you run out. Yeah. We could have a whole
Speaker:stationery debate, couldn't we? Pencils and pens and just. I
Speaker:got Mother's day, so. Oh, nice. I'm
Speaker:very happy restocked. I love a little bit of coloured pens
Speaker:and. Well, maybe for another time,
Speaker:but, yeah. All of you listening, just know that whatever it
Speaker:is that you are, and even if you feel
Speaker:that you have things that
Speaker:could be improved, that could be better, that could be more accepted, that
Speaker:could be. It could be born in you. The world is blessed to have
Speaker:you as you are and we need you as we are. And
Speaker:just contemplate on that journal on that, be reminded
Speaker:of that. Maybe this is your sign from spirit, that, yes, you are worthy.