Episode 66

Politics and Spirituality: Finding Balance and Healing in Uncertain Times

Published on: 8th November, 2024

Show Summary:

Navigating Political Frustration with Spiritual Insight

Beth and Mellisa discuss their reactions to the recent US election results, acknowledging their limited knowledge of the specifics but focusing on the broad emotions it stirs. They use oracle cards to guide the conversation towards managing frustration and anxiety.

Emphasising the importance of focusing on desired outcomes and personal empowerment, they advocate harnessing collective energies for positive change. They stress that real healing and transformation come from beyond the rigid structures of politics, urging listeners to lead with love, unity, and a nurturing spirit.

00:00 Introduction and Setting the Scene

00:24 Discussing the US Election Results

01:15 Frustration and Emotional Reactions

04:20 Spiritual Insights and Tarot Readings

06:46 Empowerment and Personal Responsibility

10:42 The Role of Women and Collective Healing

19:28 Final Thoughts and Positive Outlook

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232

Beth Hewitt:

Good morning, Beth. Good morning, Melissa. We've got

Beth Hewitt:

cards today. We have got cards. They go and put a card. See

Beth Hewitt:

what we're going to talk about today. The very direct, these cards. Oh, you've got

Beth Hewitt:

a flyer out.

Melissa Amos:

Frustration. Wow. We were just discussing before this

Melissa Amos:

whether to have this conversation and I think spirit can support us in this

Melissa Amos:

conversation. I think so. We've woken up this morning a

Beth Hewitt:

time of recording, 6th of November. So

Beth Hewitt:

the US elections were last night. So

Beth Hewitt:

here in the UK we've woken up to the news.

Beth Hewitt:

Now, I know the little I know and

Beth Hewitt:

I want to caveat this whole conversation with both

Beth Hewitt:

Beth and I haven't really been diving deep.

Beth Hewitt:

We're not informed as to all the ins and outs of

Beth Hewitt:

things that safety. So I understand

Beth Hewitt:

that by the time this recording goes out, it might be

Beth Hewitt:

that results have changed. Like nothing's set in stone

Beth Hewitt:

yet. But from what everything I've seen this morning, it

Beth Hewitt:

looks like Trump has been voted

Beth Hewitt:

in so far. So

Melissa Amos:

far. And we just went and arranged whether to have a

Melissa Amos:

discussion about this. But I think the frustration card has suggested

Melissa Amos:

that we should go there because regardless of. In any

Melissa Amos:

contest, not just political contests, in anything that we're striving for in

Melissa Amos:

life or relationships, there will come a time

Melissa Amos:

when we experience this, those feelings of

Melissa Amos:

frustration. There'll be people today that are related and are super happy with the outcome

Melissa Amos:

and there will be people that, you know, in a different space and are wondering

Melissa Amos:

what does the future hold? They are frustrated because it's not the outcome that they

Melissa Amos:

were hoping for. Yeah. And from what

Beth Hewitt:

I've seen is it's different here in the uk, I think when we have

Beth Hewitt:

elections, because what everything I've seen and it's

Beth Hewitt:

not, and I've not seen much, but the little that I have seen,

Beth Hewitt:

the campaigns have been more about what they are not

Beth Hewitt:

rather than what they are. I'm not that. I'm not that. And so

Beth Hewitt:

what then happens and what I'm seeing happen and I'm

Beth Hewitt:

not actually that interested in which party comes in or what.

Beth Hewitt:

What I'm interested in is the dynam of what's going on with

Beth Hewitt:

the people, which is now everybody on the

Beth Hewitt:

other side, and that's both sides is, has

Beth Hewitt:

fears and they have doubts and they have concerns and they have

Beth Hewitt:

frustrations and they have anger and they have even

Beth Hewitt:

shame. They have all of these emotions that we know from

Beth Hewitt:

a spiritual point of view and from a human point of view are

Beth Hewitt:

not conducive to our health and to our well being and

Beth Hewitt:

are creation Capacities. Yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

And whoever would have won, whatever would have

Beth Hewitt:

happened, it's like half because it looks like it was a

Beth Hewitt:

very close vote. Yeah. Half are now in

Beth Hewitt:

that. Oh my God. Fear, shame. And

Beth Hewitt:

I'm pretty sure that whatever side of the fence you were on,

Beth Hewitt:

you still heard the counter arguments and maybe you're

Beth Hewitt:

in that. Oh, God, what have I done as well? And

Beth Hewitt:

so what's happening in the. Wherever we are, whichever side of the

Beth Hewitt:

fence we're on, we're left. And even if you weren't on

Beth Hewitt:

a fence, and even if you're not in the country, probably

Beth Hewitt:

we're left in this soup of energetic

Beth Hewitt:

fear, shame, doubt, illusion,

Beth Hewitt:

disillusion, anger, frustration.

Beth Hewitt:

Like all the things that actually keep

Beth Hewitt:

us weak, keep us sick, keep us against each

Beth Hewitt:

other, keep us separated. And for me,

Beth Hewitt:

that's where I get feisty. Yeah. And actually thinking about it, it's not

Melissa Amos:

that dissimilar to the recent UK elections

Melissa Amos:

where it felt like both of the choices didn't really feel like

Melissa Amos:

they were going to deliver what the people wanted.

Melissa Amos:

And so you might have made a decision and you made a

Melissa Amos:

decision just based on your best, the facts that were presented and your

Melissa Amos:

best possible. You've chosen one way or the other. And

Melissa Amos:

however you choose is however you choose again on both sides

Melissa Amos:

of the fence. Mel's pulled a face, which means a card has come out, which

Melissa Amos:

is suggestive. What are we receiving, Mel? What

Melissa Amos:

has come in? So I was just like, what's happened? What do we need

Beth Hewitt:

to know about this election? Third deck I've got is the

Beth Hewitt:

Archangel Power by Bradley Valentine. It's

Beth Hewitt:

the nine of Michael, which we know is the nine of swords in

Beth Hewitt:

tarot. And it's a chap

Beth Hewitt:

sitting on his bed looking out the window.

Beth Hewitt:

And there's an owl coming in through the open window

Beth Hewitt:

above the guy's head who we all need a bed like this.

Beth Hewitt:

Above. It's like a four poster bed above his head. There's

Beth Hewitt:

citrine crystal all above the bed

Beth Hewitt:

and he's looking a little bit worried. And then

Beth Hewitt:

it looks like this owl then comes in and what it says on the card.

Beth Hewitt:

So these cards have a little saying on there. It says, your worry is

Beth Hewitt:

unnecessary. And then it says, focus your

Beth Hewitt:

thoughts on the outcome you desire. This is where I was going to get

Beth Hewitt:

to. Yeah. And then it says, release feelings of

Beth Hewitt:

regret, guilt or worry to your angels.

Melissa Amos:

That just sums it all up, doesn't it? But before we get to the point

Melissa Amos:

that I know that we're going to get to, I pulled a second card it's

Melissa Amos:

illumination. So we've got the window, we've got the

Melissa Amos:

citrine colors of your top and also the citrine of

Melissa Amos:

the colors in the 9 of Michael card and it's the

Melissa Amos:

illumination card. And sometimes we don't know how

Melissa Amos:

something is going to unfold. And actually, I

Melissa Amos:

was talking about this last night, actually, in my community, the

Melissa Amos:

things that happen in our path, we don't always know why

Melissa Amos:

they happen at the time. There's usually a

Melissa Amos:

bigger. There always is a bigger something at play, something leading us to

Melissa Amos:

a better version of something or something that we just. We couldn't ever

Melissa Amos:

have fathomed on our own because it's bigger than

Melissa Amos:

us. Right. And so what maybe is happening

Melissa Amos:

right now, whether you are happy with the decision or you're not happy with the

Melissa Amos:

decision, is that there are better

Melissa Amos:

times to come in both instances.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And that also. And this is the part that I think we're

Melissa Amos:

both trying to get to, although we've not actually verbally said this out loud, we're

Melissa Amos:

just like reading the room

Melissa Amos:

is that we are all in control of our own.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah. Destiny. Right. So even in the midst of

Melissa Amos:

chaos or even when it's not chaotic, in any moment, in

Melissa Amos:

any second, we get to choose how our life

Melissa Amos:

unfolds. And I think when I think back to the UK elections, there was all

Melissa Amos:

like this, oh, now what kind of thing. But it's just life goes on. And

Melissa Amos:

you don't hear from the politicians after all of the months and months of

Melissa Amos:

campaigning, then they just disappear and get on with their job and they pop up

Melissa Amos:

every now, every time there's a scandal or some policy or something else. All the

Melissa Amos:

while we're just getting on with our life. Right. So is it not just

Melissa Amos:

better just to give ourselves the best

Melissa Amos:

chance to really take the reins on our life and decide how

Melissa Amos:

we would like things to unfold and how we navigate the choppy waters

Melissa Amos:

and the perspectives that we bring to the conversations and the

Melissa Amos:

perspectives and all of that. I'm going to hand back to Mel.

Beth Hewitt:

Well, it's absolutely like this card illuminate for me is coming

Beth Hewitt:

up to say that this is a great opportunity

Beth Hewitt:

to really think about what it is that we want. Because usually

Beth Hewitt:

we just spend our days doing the politicians,

Beth Hewitt:

they're doing the. Do we just spend our days and

Beth Hewitt:

our hours and our weeks just often just plodding along. And

Beth Hewitt:

so this can be a real opportunity to be like, okay,

Beth Hewitt:

rather than what's been fed in the media system over the

Beth Hewitt:

last few months, which is what you don't want, which is everything

Beth Hewitt:

I've seen, which, again, isn't everything, but everything I've seen has

Beth Hewitt:

been this is what you don't want. Which, as

Beth Hewitt:

we know in, in Law of Attraction world is what what you

Beth Hewitt:

focus on comes through and what you possess

Beth Hewitt:

persists. So this is saying, yes.

Beth Hewitt:

Is it acknowledging you have worry and you have fear? What

Beth Hewitt:

is it that you're worried about? And then what is the alternative? What is

Beth Hewitt:

it that you can do? And I totally understand that we can

Beth Hewitt:

feel really powerless because again, we feel like we're just

Beth Hewitt:

one voice in a sea of others. We feel like we

Beth Hewitt:

don't have power, but that's not true. Yeah. Every

Beth Hewitt:

single spiritual text, every single

Beth Hewitt:

spiritual text talks about how we

Beth Hewitt:

have this inner wisdom, this inner

Beth Hewitt:

guidance, is inner knowing that we have the power to create.

Beth Hewitt:

And we need to use that, because otherwise what we are doing is

Beth Hewitt:

deferring our power onto the very people.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah. Or systems that we, whether we support

Beth Hewitt:

them or not. Like, this isn't the conversation, like, whether you're

Beth Hewitt:

happy about the outcome or not. It's still this

Beth Hewitt:

sea in which the decision was

Beth Hewitt:

made. And so for me, it's this

Beth Hewitt:

advice of focus on the outcome that you desire

Beth Hewitt:

is so important. Now, I pulled another card. I just asked,

Beth Hewitt:

what should we do? What do we do now? And I got the nine

Beth Hewitt:

of Ariel. So it's another nine cards. I have the nine of Michael.

Beth Hewitt:

It's the nine of swords, the nine of Ariel in this deck is the nine

Beth Hewitt:

of pentacles. And the nine talks about the end of a cycle.

Beth Hewitt:

It talks about how we've moved through all of the other numbers.

Beth Hewitt:

We've started at the beginning, and now we're coming to the end of something.

Beth Hewitt:

And the pentacles is about work material,

Beth Hewitt:

whereas the swords is about our thoughts and

Beth Hewitt:

what it is, mindsets and think tanks and all of this kind of

Beth Hewitt:

thing. And so. So the nine of Ariel card

Beth Hewitt:

is a woman on a horse, a

Beth Hewitt:

unicorn, actually. And the unicorn has its head down and it's walking

Beth Hewitt:

through this beautiful lush land and there's mountains

Beth Hewitt:

behind her and a rainbow

Beth Hewitt:

overhead, and she's carrying this pink flag. And actually,

Beth Hewitt:

in the nine of Michael, there's the blue flag

Beth Hewitt:

there in the background. And here carrying it, the pink

Beth Hewitt:

flag, which is this coming together. And I know there's been a lot of stuff

Beth Hewitt:

about women's rights and everything, but this is really like the power of

Beth Hewitt:

women, especially, or the feminine is

Beth Hewitt:

so potent that we are the

Beth Hewitt:

ones that need to feel into what is it that's

Beth Hewitt:

possible. What are the cycles that are ending? And as they end, what

Beth Hewitt:

is it that we're bringing on? And it says here, your dreams

Beth Hewitt:

are fulfilled. Hard work leads to great success. A love for the

Beth Hewitt:

beautiful things in life. Yeah. And my

Beth Hewitt:

feeling is that there's more

Beth Hewitt:

to this than it seems. And that actually should we. And

Beth Hewitt:

can we. And as we focus on the outcome that we

Beth Hewitt:

desire and what it is that we want to

Beth Hewitt:

experience as an individual, as a community, as

Beth Hewitt:

a population, that it's. It's not going to

Beth Hewitt:

elude us. Yeah. But we need to focus on it. We can't just send

Beth Hewitt:

that horse running off in whatever direction it wants to it

Beth Hewitt:

needs to be. This is what is important to us. This is what we

Beth Hewitt:

value. This is what the future of humanity

Beth Hewitt:

needs. And this is what we focus on. And let's move away

Beth Hewitt:

from all the. What I don't want. Let's come together.

Beth Hewitt:

Let's come together. Come together

Melissa Amos:

right now. Yeah, absolutely.

Melissa Amos:

I love that your card is pink because I also peeled

Melissa Amos:

a pink card. It's a pink card. It says disruption,

Melissa Amos:

but. And there's lines on it a little bit like the rainbow that are on

Melissa Amos:

your card. Yeah. Where it's like starting of a new

Melissa Amos:

beginning after the storm kind of thing. We've got these

Melissa Amos:

ribbons or chords, you could say, or connections

Melissa Amos:

binding together. And for me, it's not disruption in the negative sense,

Melissa Amos:

it's creating positive disruption

Melissa Amos:

in the space that you live in. Like the power that you have to

Melissa Amos:

do your good in the world. And I think

Melissa Amos:

you're totally right. Like, it's about coming together and it's about

Melissa Amos:

healing and making change and moving forward in

Melissa Amos:

the direction that you wish to pursue for the benefit

Melissa Amos:

of the greater good. I also thought it was quite interesting that you said about

Melissa Amos:

the horse running away from herself, because the last video that I watched before I

Melissa Amos:

went to sleep last night was this horse running away from

Melissa Amos:

it, running away from its owner, just like running down the road and she's trying

Melissa Amos:

to catch up with it. And I know sometimes it's about getting back on the

Melissa Amos:

horse and sometimes it's catching our horses and stabilizing the horses and getting back

Melissa Amos:

on track with all of that. Interestingly, I thought

Melissa Amos:

like the other tiny, teeny bit I've seen of Trump because I haven't

Melissa Amos:

watched the full. Because I think he's already declared his triumphant

Melissa Amos:

victory, even though we've not re election is not yet over in Trump

Melissa Amos:

style was his words. He said something about

Melissa Amos:

healing. Like, I'm going To heal America or we're going to heal America or we're

Melissa Amos:

going to heal this country. And I'm not thinking about them coming

Melissa Amos:

out of Trump's mouth. I'm just saying, actually that those are quite powerful words.

Melissa Amos:

Like, we all get. It doesn't matter who is in power.

Melissa Amos:

We don't need to give our power over to the people in power. We get

Melissa Amos:

to stand in our power and heal ourselves and heal the

Melissa Amos:

communities and the tribes and the communities that, that we

Melissa Amos:

reside within. We all have that power to

Melissa Amos:

heal internally and externally.

Melissa Amos:

So with disruption and

Melissa Amos:

frustration, yeah. The path can

Melissa Amos:

and will always be illuminated as to where should we

Melissa Amos:

go next? What do we want to do now? I think

Beth Hewitt:

it's important to acknowledge that

Beth Hewitt:

feelings, like, it's easy for us to say we're

Beth Hewitt:

not there. Although the truth is that there is a world

Beth Hewitt:

impact when it comes to the superpowers.

Beth Hewitt:

And so there is frustration, there is fear, and there is all of this stuff.

Beth Hewitt:

And that's where this began, that card of frustration.

Beth Hewitt:

And the question then begs is, what are we going to do with it

Beth Hewitt:

now? Everything that I know of

Beth Hewitt:

this path and my. I don't know, I think

Beth Hewitt:

part of my life purpose is to walk that middle

Beth Hewitt:

road, to sit on the fence. And it's not. And it's not a cop

Beth Hewitt:

out. It's actually difficult to find yourself getting

Beth Hewitt:

pulled to one side and then up. Keep on asking yourself,

Beth Hewitt:

how do I come back to the middle? So my

Beth Hewitt:

question to us all is, how can we use that

Beth Hewitt:

frustration to create the disruption

Beth Hewitt:

that is necessary? And it is necessary, but we

Beth Hewitt:

do so not to separate more, not to perpetuate,

Beth Hewitt:

not to other. He said, she said. They're right, they're

Beth Hewitt:

wrong, they're more us. How do we use

Beth Hewitt:

that to come back into that? And yeah, how do we use that to

Beth Hewitt:

come back into the this and that, you and

Beth Hewitt:

me? Because it is possible. And before we came

Beth Hewitt:

on this call, I pulled a card

Beth Hewitt:

about the election, about the results,

Beth Hewitt:

right? And the card that came was the Empress. So card number

Beth Hewitt:

three. And if you know about

Beth Hewitt:

Tarot, the Empress is a very powerful card. It's the card of the

Beth Hewitt:

Feminine of the Matrix. Now, you'd think

Beth Hewitt:

she's there and she's got her long dark hair and

Beth Hewitt:

she's in the lush rainforest, I suppose you could call it. And

Beth Hewitt:

it's almost like she's come out of the dark with the wings

Beth Hewitt:

behind her, like, glowing. And I did wonder, I'm like, is there going to be

Beth Hewitt:

a little curveball that comes in when I saw that. Card, I feel there's going

Melissa Amos:

to be somewhat of a curveball. I don't know what that is yet, but it's

Melissa Amos:

coming. I can feel it. Now, it could be that things get flipped. I

Beth Hewitt:

don't know, because I am not politically inclined, but I'm going to read it as

Beth Hewitt:

this, that what it says on the card is time to act

Beth Hewitt:

on your plans. Creativity is rewarded, luxurious or

Beth Hewitt:

abundant resources, because the Empress is the card of

Beth Hewitt:

the feminine creatrix moving through,

Beth Hewitt:

like, really using and coming into

Beth Hewitt:

that sense of I can birth

Beth Hewitt:

something. And in this particular deck, it's depicted

Beth Hewitt:

by Archangel Gabriel, who is the angel of

Beth Hewitt:

mothers, which I know has been a pertinent object

Beth Hewitt:

and political point, unfortunately. And

Beth Hewitt:

she's holding the horn, which for me

Beth Hewitt:

is about speaking truth and communication and

Beth Hewitt:

speaking with loving kindness. And like, a mother needs to have

Beth Hewitt:

that love and that nurturing capacity.

Beth Hewitt:

There's also this fierce love that comes with a mother. Like the mama

Beth Hewitt:

bear. Right. The protection. Yeah, yeah. And the boundaries. And

Beth Hewitt:

they're like, yes, darling, you can do anything you want. You can't go sticking your

Beth Hewitt:

hand in the fire or running across the road because it's not safe.

Beth Hewitt:

And so this, for me is really harnessing that energy

Beth Hewitt:

and going, okay. Because what has happened

Beth Hewitt:

and what I have seen is there has been this

Beth Hewitt:

insurgents of women coming out and saying

Beth Hewitt:

how important their voice is. And from what I heard,

Beth Hewitt:

the female vote has been the highest it's ever been,

Beth Hewitt:

which tells me that women are like, I am going to be heard. And I

Beth Hewitt:

don't want anyone to take what's happened and be like, that's

Beth Hewitt:

proof that no one cares about the women. It's, look what happens

Beth Hewitt:

when we come together. How do we use this voice? And how

Beth Hewitt:

do I stand in this, in this power? And rather

Beth Hewitt:

than, like, acquiesce to the powers

Beth Hewitt:

that be were. Maybe what

Beth Hewitt:

if we come together in. This is going to

Beth Hewitt:

sound really kumbaya, but what if we really come together in that love and

Beth Hewitt:

in that unity. Yeah. And in that

Beth Hewitt:

knowing that as women come together,

Beth Hewitt:

that it brings everyone together. Not women versus men. It's not what this is

Beth Hewitt:

about. It's the women coming together and

Beth Hewitt:

uniting as one. Not against the

Beth Hewitt:

masculine. Yeah. But as the women come in together

Beth Hewitt:

as one with that nurturing, fierce,

Beth Hewitt:

loving strength,

Beth Hewitt:

creative compassion,

Beth Hewitt:

passion. It. It will heal the world.

Beth Hewitt:

And that's what we need to focus on. That needs to be our focus.

Beth Hewitt:

All of us, nothing else. Yeah. I

Melissa Amos:

totally agree. And I think sometimes because of the world we live in and

Melissa Amos:

because of the structures that we've been brought up in, we see

Melissa Amos:

politics as the answer. If the right person

Melissa Amos:

gets in power, then this can change. But that isn't the only

Melissa Amos:

way that change can be formed in the world, in the universe.

Melissa Amos:

Right. And so whilst we might not have got or you might

Melissa Amos:

not have got or whoever has might not have got or maybe you have got

Melissa Amos:

the answer that you wanted through the election, that isn't to

Melissa Amos:

say that the real way that

Melissa Amos:

the power to transform and disrupt

Melissa Amos:

and create and heal and is going to come from a

Melissa Amos:

different structure, a different dynamic, a different approach than

Melissa Amos:

politics. Right. For me, when I think of politics, I

Melissa Amos:

think of a structure that's very rigid and solid and is

Melissa Amos:

filled with all kind of mechanisms and policies and things like

Melissa Amos:

that. And when I think of love and healing,

Melissa Amos:

I see it as expansive and outside of that structure and far

Melissa Amos:

reaching and omnipresent everywhere.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. There is no way that if we try to resolve. This is

Melissa Amos:

my. There is no way that if we try to

Melissa Amos:

approach changing the world through the limitations of a structure,

Melissa Amos:

of a pillar such as politics, that we're ever going to have the impact in

Melissa Amos:

the world that truly deserves to happen.

Melissa Amos:

And whilst some of you may be feeling the frustration today that

Melissa Amos:

you've not got the answer or that it feels harder to get

Melissa Amos:

the better world society that you want to have because the

Melissa Amos:

political outcome has been different to how you

Melissa Amos:

would have hoped, it doesn't stop us in

Melissa Amos:

your own mission, but also in our collective mission to heal

Melissa Amos:

the world. Masculine, feminine nature, all

Melissa Amos:

of it, like we can all heal each other together.

Melissa Amos:

We have to find a different route and a different way. And actually I'm just

Melissa Amos:

looking back at the frustration card. We've got. We've got a little hole

Melissa Amos:

and then we've got this oblong square

Melissa Amos:

peg in a going around hole. And that's what I think

Melissa Amos:

is when we try to make something fake and

Melissa Amos:

that's essentially what we're doing when we're voting on anything. We're essentially just pinning our

Melissa Amos:

hopes on something trying to fix itself in the right possible way or the right

Melissa Amos:

outcome to come out. And that very rarely. We've all been around the block

Melissa Amos:

long enough now to know that when any political party comes into the

Melissa Amos:

power, do they really ever

Melissa Amos:

totally do what they said they were going to do in the

Melissa Amos:

manifestos? Maybe sometimes, maybe a little bit.

Melissa Amos:

Maybe a little bit. But a lot of the time not so much. We

Melissa Amos:

just back here again having the same conversations again, hoping for a

Melissa Amos:

better world and to me, that is proof enough that

Melissa Amos:

politics is not the answer to the healing of the world that

Melissa Amos:

we desire. Anyway, went on a bit of a. Run there, but no, it was

Beth Hewitt:

a great run because you're absolutely right. And I love that

Beth Hewitt:

visual of this pillar that's

Beth Hewitt:

filled with all these mechanisms and then. And that's

Beth Hewitt:

politics. And love is this expansive energy

Beth Hewitt:

surround it. Now, each of those

Beth Hewitt:

structures and mechanisms in this pillar, they're like these little cogs

Beth Hewitt:

moving. What, the love is the thing that drives it all. Yeah. And

Beth Hewitt:

that is what. That's the only place, really, that we

Beth Hewitt:

have power over. And I know

Beth Hewitt:

it can seem like it's really. It's invisible, it's

Beth Hewitt:

wispy, it's. It's not concrete. Because I want to cog. I want to cog in

Beth Hewitt:

there. But actually, if we think of it, that this is what's driving

Beth Hewitt:

it. And right now, unfortunately,

Beth Hewitt:

what I'm seeing and feeling in the collective is

Beth Hewitt:

what's driving it is anger, fear, shame, worry, doubt, which

Beth Hewitt:

is the only thing that we have any control over of

Beth Hewitt:

transmuting. Now, that sounds really easy. And I.

Beth Hewitt:

And you know, when you're in the depth of these things, and

Beth Hewitt:

I want to also acknowledge that these are genuine

Beth Hewitt:

concerns, it's not, fine, let them do anything, because we're not

Beth Hewitt:

going to create change that way either. But whatever

Beth Hewitt:

we can do to lift our frequency in some way and not

Beth Hewitt:

be pulled down into. You should

Beth Hewitt:

be feeling. Because this is the next thing that's coming. You should be feeling

Beth Hewitt:

shame for voting this way, or you should be feeling

Beth Hewitt:

shame for not voting this way, or you should be feeling doubt about

Beth Hewitt:

what's in the future. You should be angry because look at what they're going to

Beth Hewitt:

do. You should feel whatever it is. And you

Beth Hewitt:

shouldn't. You shouldn't. Yes. You'll feel these

Beth Hewitt:

things. And what can we do to alchemize them

Beth Hewitt:

into creating positive change? How can we bring

Beth Hewitt:

more love in our life? How can we now go and look our

Beth Hewitt:

neighbor in the eye and say yes? Even though we have differing

Beth Hewitt:

opinions on things, we know that we both

Beth Hewitt:

want safety for our family. Yeah. And food on our

Beth Hewitt:

table. And love in our hearts. Like, we all want that. So

Beth Hewitt:

what can we do? We can't

Beth Hewitt:

change from the outside in.

Beth Hewitt:

We can't. Unless you're in politics. And if you are, yay, you.

Beth Hewitt:

And you can go in there and you can bring your pure heart into that

Beth Hewitt:

space. And I hope that you can be one of the. Put a little cog

Beth Hewitt:

in there that could change everything. But that is not going to happen.

Beth Hewitt:

If we are sitting in hate, separation

Beth Hewitt:

and powerlessness, what can we

Beth Hewitt:

do? And this is the time for the

Beth Hewitt:

healers, for the therapists, for the coaches, for the

Beth Hewitt:

mentors, for the. For the mothers,

Beth Hewitt:

for the educators to really come together

Beth Hewitt:

and be like, hey, guys, we got this.

Beth Hewitt:

We can do this. But we can't do it alone. We've got to do it

Beth Hewitt:

together. And that starts inside,

Beth Hewitt:

always. I love that. I don't think I would

Melissa Amos:

add anything to that because it's just a perfect end to

Melissa Amos:

this episode. So however you're waking up today, know that

Melissa Amos:

it's not the end of the story. It's just the beginning. I pulled a final

Beth Hewitt:

card, okay, Just. Just for hope. And it's so

Beth Hewitt:

beautiful. The Queen of Raphael. And

Beth Hewitt:

it's a lady sitting on a big

Beth Hewitt:

shell in the water. So Raphael is the cups, the

Beth Hewitt:

emotions. And she's there with her trident. And there's two dolphins

Beth Hewitt:

together jumping behind. And there's this angel Raphael

Beth Hewitt:

over her head, and there's a slither of a moon

Beth Hewitt:

just in there, and there's a dawn breaking behind her.

Beth Hewitt:

And it says on

Beth Hewitt:

there. So the Queen of Raphael is depicted by kindness,

Beth Hewitt:

understanding, giving, and also very intuitive psychic

Beth Hewitt:

information. And it says, follow your heart. A love

Beth Hewitt:

of home and family. So that's what we focus on. Follow

Beth Hewitt:

our heart. We love the people around us. We love our family,

Beth Hewitt:

whatever their beliefs. We love their. Our neighbors and

Beth Hewitt:

our animals. And that is what

Beth Hewitt:

we bring our focus on today, tomorrow, always.

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Soul Inspired You
A Podcast Inspired by the Soul
Join Mel and Beth on a truly soul-inspired journey. Each episode is unscripted and intuitive and follows the natural flow of life and creativity of the hosts. Each week on the show Beth and Mel tap into a range of spiritual practices and personal development and discuss how to intuitively follow your passion and purpose in the hope that they will inspire you to follow your own soul-inspired life too.