Episode 20

Who Are You Leading, Really? A Deep Dive into Authentic Leadership.

Published on: 24th May, 2024

Show Summary:

Can you believe we are on Episode 20 already? - Let's have a deep dive into personal growth.

  • In this episode of Soul Inspired You, hosts Melissa and Beth engage in a deep conversation about personal growth, self-discovery, and the journey towards belonging and acceptance.
  • Melissa opens up about her recent transformative experience on a retreat and shares her insights into facing fears, embracing vulnerability, and healing the ego.
  • Beth and Mel discuss the power of a safe space for self-exploration that will allow for the release of barriers and fears that could be hindering our progress.
  • They discuss the human desire for belonging and acceptance and the revelation of the desire for belonging as a driving force for authenticity, acceptance, and connection with others, that can lead to a deeper understanding of self.
  • Melissa addresses the fear of leading others wrong or making mistakes in one's journey as a leader or mentor; and embracing vulnerability and trusting the process of growth and evolution.
  • Beth acknowledges the ups and downs of the human experience, and the power of vulnerability in creating connection and understanding among individuals going through similar challenges.
  • The hosts discuss the role of leaders in personal growth - Encouraging leaders and mentors to balance transparency and personal experiences with professionalism, setting the tone for openness and support in guiding others through their own personal evolution.
  • This episode identifies that the journey of personal growth involves facing fears, embracing vulnerability, and finding belonging in one's authentic self. By creating a safe space for exploration and sharing experiences, individuals can foster connection, understanding, and growth in their path towards self-discovery.

Thank you for tuning in to Episode 20 of Soul Inspired You. If you have any reflections or thoughts on today's discussion, feel free to reach out to us. Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations and insights on personal growth and self-discovery.

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Social Media @themelissaamos

Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232

Mentioned in this episode:

Gratitude and Vision Building Journey

Gratitude and Vision Building Journey

Melissa Amos:

Good morning, Beth. Good morning, Melissa. Melissa

Beth Hewitt:

2.0. You've been on your retreat. I'm expecting a new

Beth Hewitt:

melissa today. Do I look different? You

Beth Hewitt:

do. You do. I do.

Melissa Amos:

Yes. So we just went to Santorini

Melissa Amos:

with, there was eleven women

Melissa Amos:

on a business retreat that we didn't speak about business

Melissa Amos:

at all. And it was incredible. And I

Melissa Amos:

learned, I say I learned a lot. I learned a lot about me

Melissa Amos:

and about

Melissa Amos:

my barriers.

Melissa Amos:

And it's quite interesting, isn't it, that as you allow

Melissa Amos:

them to come up and be seen and feel safe enough to explore

Melissa Amos:

them, that somehow they just seem to dissipate.

Beth Hewitt:

Yes. And I think it's about having a safe space

Beth Hewitt:

to be able to do that. So that sounds

Beth Hewitt:

wonderful. And isn't it interesting that we go on these retreats? And

Beth Hewitt:

actually, and I think about this a lot, and a lot of the work that

Beth Hewitt:

I do is very holistic. And I think that if we want to improve

Beth Hewitt:

in business or we want to improve in whatever area of life that we're working

Beth Hewitt:

on, it comes back to, you know, us. And if our life, if

Beth Hewitt:

we ourselves aren't feeling it, then how can we expect

Beth Hewitt:

the business to thrive the way that we want it to? I love that you

Beth Hewitt:

did very little. The intention. The other retreats had been more business

Melissa Amos:

focused, and this time it wasn't. And I, and I

Melissa Amos:

think it was more to do with us and the women that were there than

Melissa Amos:

the intention of the. Of everybody.

Melissa Amos:

And yeah, it was. I went in there not

Melissa Amos:

knowing what to expect. I was probably expecting it to be more

Melissa Amos:

business focused if there was an expectation.

Melissa Amos:

First day we set our intentions, and my intention was

Melissa Amos:

this to remove my barriers to greatness

Melissa Amos:

and to explore the fears that are stopping me from fully

Melissa Amos:

stepping in. Amazing, amazing

Beth Hewitt:

intention. And it was funny because

Melissa Amos:

the lady that was running it was the next day or later on she said,

Melissa Amos:

are your intentions the same now? And I'm like,

Melissa Amos:

yep. Because the moment that we started the

Melissa Amos:

first inquiry, it was

Melissa Amos:

like. It was interesting for me because I went into this

Melissa Amos:

meditation and I was asking myself,

Melissa Amos:

what is it that I really want? If it wasn't for anybody else, what is

Melissa Amos:

it that I really want? Yeah, I witnessed my brain telling me

Melissa Amos:

all of the things that I think I want. It was like going through the

Melissa Amos:

list and I'm like, no, that's not it. No,

Melissa Amos:

that's not it. Not because I was batting it away, but because there wasn't an

Melissa Amos:

emotion with it. There was just the things like all clarity,

Melissa Amos:

peace, understanding. And

Melissa Amos:

then suddenly it was almost like, if you could imagine

Melissa Amos:

a tulip, like, opening up. Yeah. And all of the petals,

Melissa Amos:

like, falling away. And then I was just left with this. What is

Melissa Amos:

it? The seed that sits inside it. And

Melissa Amos:

suddenly these words just rose up to

Melissa Amos:

me and said, you want belonging? And

Melissa Amos:

I was like, oh, that's it, yeah,

Melissa Amos:

yeah. And the emotions all came with it. And it was

Melissa Amos:

like anything that all of these other words

Melissa Amos:

and intentions were almost protecting

Melissa Amos:

that. Don't let her. Don't let her find out that's what she

Melissa Amos:

really wants. Yeah. Let's focus on these outer things, these outer petals.

Beth Hewitt:

Let's not get to the innids. The good stuff. But. And I'd never

Melissa Amos:

really considered it because I think we've spoken before that I've

Melissa Amos:

always felt like I'm quite different to other people

Melissa Amos:

and I have my own way of doing things. And

Melissa Amos:

I suppose there's that rebellious. Like, I very rarely think the

Melissa Amos:

same way as most other people and I've accepted that as one of my

Melissa Amos:

superpowers. I'm like, yeah, this is what makes me who I am and all

Melissa Amos:

of this. So when that came up, I was like, that's interesting. And I wonder

Melissa Amos:

how much of what I do has been to deflect from

Melissa Amos:

that and to stop that rejection coming in and coming up.

Beth Hewitt:

I think it's interesting, isn't it? Because belonging, and it's a little bit, I think,

Beth Hewitt:

we talked about on the previous episode, or was it when we were talking in

Beth Hewitt:

the Reiki class? I can't remember, but about my sense of, like, home,

Beth Hewitt:

which is similar to belonging, that feeling of connecting to

Beth Hewitt:

something, but also with belonging, it's

Beth Hewitt:

about community, it's about acceptance, it's about being part of something.

Beth Hewitt:

And I think we often feel like we want to be lone

Beth Hewitt:

wolves and independent, and we don't need to be. Not like

Beth Hewitt:

it's the centre of attention, but it's almost that

Beth Hewitt:

that's not who we are. So when we get given something

Beth Hewitt:

that is more in tune with that as a word,

Beth Hewitt:

then we start to question, oh, I'm going to hang on a minute, but

Beth Hewitt:

I think belonging means different things to

Beth Hewitt:

different people. So belonging. For

Beth Hewitt:

when we first think about the word belonging, we could be thinking about this sense

Beth Hewitt:

of wanting to be liked and appreciated and loved and visible and all

Beth Hewitt:

of these kind of things, but actually that individual

Beth Hewitt:

word and experience is very different. So your level

Beth Hewitt:

of belonging, not even level, but your version of belonging

Beth Hewitt:

is going to be very different to my version of belonging or a

Beth Hewitt:

celebrity's version of belonging. And I think that's the subtle difference

Beth Hewitt:

in that it's not like I'm the same as everybody else. It's that actually

Beth Hewitt:

my version of the thing. Cause I think belonging is something that a lot of

Beth Hewitt:

people aspire to have. That the family, the home, the

Beth Hewitt:

connection. I feel like there's some essence of that for everybody. Because

Beth Hewitt:

we're human beings. We all like to be liked. We're all social beings,

Beth Hewitt:

and we all like to be liked. But I think the variety of

Beth Hewitt:

that is different. The experience of that is very

Beth Hewitt:

different for everyone. I think it can

Melissa Amos:

manifest when we're, especially when we're younger, to try and fit

Melissa Amos:

into the different crowds. And, okay,

Melissa Amos:

I'm going to become less of me so that they accept me.

Melissa Amos:

This felt like I've

Melissa Amos:

lived a lot of my life, and I think it's this sense

Melissa Amos:

of, I am who I am and I'm

Melissa Amos:

happy with who I am. And I know that I'm not meant to

Melissa Amos:

be fitting in, but that isn't the same as, well. I

Melissa Amos:

belong where I belong. Actually, as I moved through the weekend and

Melissa Amos:

I was with women, some of them I knew, many of them I

Melissa Amos:

didn't. They were all people that you would look at and go,

Melissa Amos:

yeah, these people are. They know their stuff. They're doing

Melissa Amos:

really well. They're making impact in the world and all

Melissa Amos:

of this. And for

Melissa Amos:

me, understanding, okay, what I want is

Melissa Amos:

belonging actually allowed me to show more of

Melissa Amos:

myself, because it's not the version of me that I feel

Melissa Amos:

like I need to put on to belong with them. That's not what I

Melissa Amos:

want. What I want is the whole of me and who I am

Melissa Amos:

to be accepted or witnessed or

Melissa Amos:

understood or at least acknowledged. And

Melissa Amos:

actually, we can't do that if that part of us is hidden behind

Melissa Amos:

what we think we should be. It was deep. Yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

A couple of things came up then, because I think

Beth Hewitt:

sometimes we think we're

Beth Hewitt:

not visible when we are, like, energetically. Like, I know

Beth Hewitt:

I've mentioned in the past where

Beth Hewitt:

maybe, like, a client's attracted to you, to work with you,

Beth Hewitt:

and you thought you weren't showing up as

Beth Hewitt:

the person that they thought you were, if that makes sense. So, like, you're attracting

Beth Hewitt:

clients to you, but you never expected this person to

Beth Hewitt:

be a client of yours because you never thought that they saw you in the

Beth Hewitt:

way that you feel inside, but you're not physically showing on the

Beth Hewitt:

outside. So I think sometimes we want to be more visible, but

Beth Hewitt:

also we are being visible just by the very nature of

Beth Hewitt:

who we are in our energetics and it's more about our

Beth Hewitt:

perception and belief of who we're showing up as. Yeah. And that's,

Melissa Amos:

I think, what this is all about. When we speak about alignment, this is it.

Melissa Amos:

This is like, how does my inner world and my outer world come

Melissa Amos:

into that alignment? How do

Melissa Amos:

I allow myself to be and express,

Melissa Amos:

allowing myself to be and to express who I am without

Melissa Amos:

fear of judgment, but yet still wanting to

Melissa Amos:

be accepted? And I think

Melissa Amos:

that what I witnessed as well was when my ego gets

Melissa Amos:

in the way. And I love my ego. Like, I'm, I don't see ego

Melissa Amos:

as a bad thing. I look at ego as

Melissa Amos:

a part of us that wants to keep us safe.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah, right. And it's the part of us that really helps

Melissa Amos:

us to navigate through the world as a human. Right.

Melissa Amos:

But when the ego gets in the way, it's pretty fragile.

Melissa Amos:

The ego needs, like, a lot of reassurance and a lot, is

Melissa Amos:

this okay? Is this right? Am I doing the right

Melissa Amos:

thing? I'm not sure this is. And maybe we should just

Melissa Amos:

not say that thing now. And so it's, it's

Melissa Amos:

often, for me anyway, this commentary that runs in the back,

Melissa Amos:

and when we listen to that is when we think, oh, no, I better

Melissa Amos:

not, or, oh, no, what if? But when you

Melissa Amos:

really land into what. When I heard that you want

Melissa Amos:

belonging, it came from a part of me that wasn't my ego, it came

Melissa Amos:

from this. It was almost like I could be all where it was in my

Melissa Amos:

body. It was like lower down in the, like the depth of

Melissa Amos:

my belly. And when I kept witnessing that and

Melissa Amos:

going, it's okay, we're going to bring that to you.

Melissa Amos:

The ego, even though at times it was shouting

Melissa Amos:

the reassurance from that part of me

Melissa Amos:

was, yeah, it was, it was reassuring.

Melissa Amos:

The ego, rather than trying to fight it or bat it away, it was going,

Melissa Amos:

it's all right, we can do this, and let's just see what happens. And come

Beth Hewitt:

along for the journey. Ego, you get to come, you get to

Beth Hewitt:

discover. I see egos, like, in my head is like

Beth Hewitt:

Hugo, the health and safety advisor who

Beth Hewitt:

has got his little checklist, and he's, nope, we can't do that today.

Melissa Amos:

And what we're speaking about Reiki and what I love, particularly about the holy

Melissa Amos:

fire Reiki system, is it talks about healing the

Melissa Amos:

ego rather than transcending the

Melissa Amos:

ego. You don't see that very often. This, how do I heal

Melissa Amos:

the ego? And this is how we heal the ego. We understand what it is

Melissa Amos:

that we really want. We understand what it is that ego is scared or

Melissa Amos:

frightened of. And this is when we go into shadow work and into

Melissa Amos:

fear work and into removing the barriers to greatness.

Melissa Amos:

And we reassure it, we love

Melissa Amos:

it, we say, it's okay. I thank you for trying to keep me

Melissa Amos:

safe. Let's try this. And I'm reassuring you that

Melissa Amos:

I'm going to keep you safe in another way. Like, we've

Melissa Amos:

survived this far. It's almost like a transferring of roles, isn't it?

Beth Hewitt:

I'm going to protect you. Thank you for protecting me. I'm going to protect you.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah. Let's do this together. Yeah. And I

Melissa Amos:

feel like that, for me, that's been my journey for the.

Melissa Amos:

Probably, at least for the last ten years and probably

Melissa Amos:

since I had kids, it's been that the ego comes up a lot, I

Melissa Amos:

think, when you, when you come into a new role. And for me, that was

Melissa Amos:

that role of motherhood. And then as I stepped up in this role as

Melissa Amos:

teacher and mentorship, there's other things. And

Melissa Amos:

I feel now, having gone through the deepest layers

Melissa Amos:

of my fears and some other things that came up for me,

Melissa Amos:

one of which was,

Melissa Amos:

what if I lead you wrong? Those words came up. It's like,

Melissa Amos:

why aren't. What are you scared of? Why aren't you moving into the next level?

Melissa Amos:

You. And for me, my inquiry was around my business and working

Melissa Amos:

with, with people like you, working with other leaders and

Melissa Amos:

mentors and healers and coaches and

Melissa Amos:

dads and employees, and I'm working with real human

Melissa Amos:

beings. And as I started to

Melissa Amos:

break it down, I got this again, the same

Melissa Amos:

sense, what if I lead you wrong? And

Melissa Amos:

as I looked at that and it held so

Melissa Amos:

much potency of also, what if I lead myself

Melissa Amos:

wrong? What if I've been led wrong? A lot of the work that we do

Melissa Amos:

is quite misunderstood, and it works with a

Melissa Amos:

lot of faith. There's not that tangible, okay, I'm making

Melissa Amos:

this thing, and here is the product. And look at this.

Melissa Amos:

There's an intangibility around it, which you need to ground in

Melissa Amos:

faith, otherwise. And so having this what if I lead you

Melissa Amos:

wrong? Was coming up for me. I think, as a

Melissa Amos:

shadow of, I'll work with this person and not this person,

Melissa Amos:

or I'll step into this and go, yeah, but then now it's you

Melissa Amos:

or, I work with other people, so we're halving the blame.

Melissa Amos:

And then actually, as I realized that, I was like, this is gold. This

Melissa Amos:

is keeping me humble, this is keeping me

Melissa Amos:

assured of what I'm doing. This is helping me research other ideas. This

Melissa Amos:

is golden. But until it came into my awareness

Melissa Amos:

of, okay, this is something that I'm activating in its

Melissa Amos:

shadow. It had a hold on me that I

Melissa Amos:

didn't. Yeah. That wasn't serving anyone, really. Yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

So it's actually there to support you, to think as you go

Beth Hewitt:

through the different variations of whatever it is that you're

Beth Hewitt:

sharing with the world, the knowledge, your wisdom. Because there is that element of the

Beth Hewitt:

work that we do in the world out our kind of world, is that this

Beth Hewitt:

is what I believe this for today. I fully believe in it. I'm showing up

Beth Hewitt:

as a leader and I'm sharing this information. But what if

Beth Hewitt:

tomorrow? And we change our perspective all the time, right? Because our experiences are

Beth Hewitt:

changing all of the time. And I think it's just

Beth Hewitt:

that knowing that it's always okay if we've always come in from

Beth Hewitt:

that place of honesty, doing good work, trying to do nice things

Beth Hewitt:

in the world, being kind and helping people, that it's always coming from a place

Beth Hewitt:

of love. But that's not to say that we might sometimes get things wrong.

Beth Hewitt:

And if we get things wrong, that's okay. We might also

Beth Hewitt:

get things amazingly right. And then we grow even further in that

Beth Hewitt:

belief. And that also gives us more confirmation that the work that we're doing, it's

Beth Hewitt:

like when you start a membership or a product or a service and you may

Beth Hewitt:

be doing it for the first time with a group of people, it's in that

Beth Hewitt:

beta and you're like, I'm not even sure how this is going to unfold. And

Beth Hewitt:

the more that you do it, the more you get that confirmation that actually this

Beth Hewitt:

is good work. This is amazing. We can build on this. But before we

Beth Hewitt:

allow ourselves to do that, there's that trepidation, there's that

Beth Hewitt:

fear. And I think it's about being okay to not be okay.

Beth Hewitt:

That this is what I believe today and this is the good intentions I want

Beth Hewitt:

to bring forth into the world. And I'm not sure how it's going to unfold.

Beth Hewitt:

I'm going to trust myself and the process enough. And I trust the fact that

Beth Hewitt:

the people who are here to hear the messages of the work I want to

Beth Hewitt:

do in the world are also the right people for me to be doing this

Beth Hewitt:

with right now. And I think when we can be open about that conversation as

Beth Hewitt:

well with others, then magical things can happen. Because

Beth Hewitt:

we can, especially in the business world, we can ask for feedback, we

Beth Hewitt:

can find out how it was for them, we can reflect on it, we can

Beth Hewitt:

make things better. And also we can talk through the process. We

Beth Hewitt:

might start out doing one thing one way and then ten years down the line

Beth Hewitt:

we're doing think something in a very different way. But the journey and the experience

Beth Hewitt:

and the stories that we can tell in between those two points

Beth Hewitt:

is sometimes more powerful then the result,

Beth Hewitt:

the final thing that we're doing over here. But I think, yeah,

Beth Hewitt:

it's about being okay to. To believe in what we're believing in the

Beth Hewitt:

moment and know that we might. Our beliefs might change and that sometimes we get

Beth Hewitt:

it wrong and sometimes we get it magically and beautifully right.

Melissa Amos:

And when we get it wrong, are we still getting it wrong? Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

When we do come from that heart space and we go,

Melissa Amos:

okay, I'm doing this and it's being done for the right reasons.

Melissa Amos:

And I have the experience or the

Melissa Amos:

training or the knowledge or the connection or

Melissa Amos:

whatever it is, we need to be responsible with this work we're doing because it

Melissa Amos:

is deep work. But when it comes from the

Melissa Amos:

heart and when it comes from that good intention and when it comes from that

Melissa Amos:

groundedness of yeah, I know this does

Melissa Amos:

work and I'm going to trust this will work.

Melissa Amos:

And if it doesn't work how I thought

Melissa Amos:

it should, as long as I'm not causing any

Melissa Amos:

harm, it's okay. Yeah. I'm having this

Melissa Amos:

conversation in soul school in my Akashic records training.

Melissa Amos:

So up until now, a lot of the work has been on

Melissa Amos:

self. Yeah, we've been working on self

Melissa Amos:

and journeying and doing the healing and

Melissa Amos:

understanding who we are in our records

Melissa Amos:

ourselves. And now it's fledglings. You are

Melissa Amos:

ready to open the records of another person.

Melissa Amos:

Right. And that was their homework

Melissa Amos:

this month. And it's been interesting to see

Melissa Amos:

the comments and the kind of the fears that are coming up. And

Melissa Amos:

I said in the group yesterday, the fact that you're

Melissa Amos:

afraid of doing this and

Melissa Amos:

of getting it wrong tells me that you've got nothing to be afraid

Melissa Amos:

of. It's. I have the responsibility.

Melissa Amos:

Like what I said to them was this. We know that we're doing deep

Melissa Amos:

work. Yeah. And I wouldn't have said to them

Melissa Amos:

right now it's time to open the records for someone

Melissa Amos:

else just because we are so many months into it. I've been.

Melissa Amos:

I've been quite fluid with the curriculum in there is because I know

Melissa Amos:

that they're ready. And the fact that there

Melissa Amos:

is this, what if I lead them wrong? Tells me that they'll be

Melissa Amos:

grounded enough and aware enough that they're

Melissa Amos:

going to be responsible in the work that they do. This is where we

Melissa Amos:

start. Yeah. You'd be worried if they weren't worried, right?

Melissa Amos:

You'd be worried if they weren't worried. So this, when I came into this fear,

Melissa Amos:

what if I lead them wrong? It's not a case

Melissa Amos:

of me going, oh, no, I'm going to smash through that fear.

Melissa Amos:

It's going, okay, where's the gold in that? And I can

Melissa Amos:

see now, I can see the gold in that. But while it was on, it

Melissa Amos:

was unspoken in me. Yeah,

Melissa Amos:

there was a. And I did have an awareness of it in

Melissa Amos:

some way, but maybe not in those words and not quite so

Melissa Amos:

confrontational, but it now

Melissa Amos:

will, and I can feel it already. It's manifesting in more

Melissa Amos:

assuredness and more, okay, maybe I do need to

Melissa Amos:

know something more about this. Maybe I do need to know a little bit more

Melissa Amos:

research about this. Maybe I can find the alternative point of view on

Melissa Amos:

this, not to bring doubt into what I'm doing, but to

Melissa Amos:

give that more rounded, broad

Melissa Amos:

point of view. Maybe what I do

Melissa Amos:

know is that I feel so

Melissa Amos:

much more landed in my body about the work that I'm

Melissa Amos:

doing and the messages that I'm bringing,

Melissa Amos:

which seems ironic. If I said to you, like, if you

Melissa Amos:

were like a muggle, and I said to you, I discovered that my fear, what

Melissa Amos:

I want is belonging, and I'm scared I'm going to lead you wrong.

Melissa Amos:

Muggle friend would be like, okay, don't do this thing. Don't do this

Beth Hewitt:

thing. Just go and see what everyone else is doing and just do

Melissa Amos:

that. And. And it's okay. And maybe just go and get all the

Melissa Amos:

training in the world and so that you know everything

Melissa Amos:

and then go and do it. Because you're right. The work that you're doing, you

Melissa Amos:

could break people. And there's another. Whereas

Melissa Amos:

what I'm feeling is I'm doing good work. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

I've spent my life training for this, and now who

Melissa Amos:

am I not to do this? How am I ever going to find that belonging

Melissa Amos:

if I sit behind a fear of. I've got this wisdom and

Melissa Amos:

I'm not going to share it with you in case it's not right, because it's

Melissa Amos:

going to be right. Like, it's going to be right for them in the moment

Melissa Amos:

because that's how it works. Yeah, I love

Beth Hewitt:

that. And that trust that comes from that. It's so powerful.

Beth Hewitt:

I'm glad that you're sharing. I'm glad that you've had that experience because I think

Beth Hewitt:

a lot of listeners and myself as well, it's that reassurance if

Beth Hewitt:

you're someone who already does this kind of work in the world, it's that reassurance

Beth Hewitt:

that you're doing good. You're doing good work in the

Beth Hewitt:

world. You know what? We all have layers.

Melissa Amos:

And I think sometimes you can be in

Melissa Amos:

this position and just be like, yeah, I've got to also sorted. Yeah, so, fine,

Beth Hewitt:

yeah, but complacent. And actually, the work that we do, it is

Melissa Amos:

so important that we go into our own energetics, that we

Melissa Amos:

go into our own triggers, that we go into our own identity,

Melissa Amos:

that we allow ourselves to move and grow and evolve. And

Melissa Amos:

as we do this, then other people can look at it and go, okay,

Melissa Amos:

they're doing this, and maybe I can do this, and maybe it's okay to come

Melissa Amos:

on a podcast and tell people my deepest, darkest

Melissa Amos:

fears, because me sharing this with you. Oh, what if I lead you wrong? Well,

Melissa Amos:

that's not. If that's not your fear, you might not get the depth of that.

Melissa Amos:

For me, but for me, that was what was sitting underneath all

Melissa Amos:

of these things that I was doing, because that. And I knew that was

Melissa Amos:

the right one because when it was presented, it was like, you

Melissa Amos:

know, full body. That's

Melissa Amos:

it. Yeah. Okay. Now I know. And now

Melissa Amos:

I can see where it's moving back. And what I

Melissa Amos:

would say if I know myself pretty well, like, I

Melissa Amos:

do this work, this is the work that I do. It's not like I've gone

Melissa Amos:

from zero to, oh, my God. But wherever you are in this,

Melissa Amos:

there's always a little bit more inquiry. And sometimes just

Melissa Amos:

sitting there or being with somebody or working with a

Melissa Amos:

coach or a mentor or a therapist or a combination

Melissa Amos:

of all of those things can

Melissa Amos:

help you see your blind spots. Even though that's really scary,

Melissa Amos:

and I know it is, when you do it, it is so

Melissa Amos:

freeing. Yeah. It comes back to that safe

Beth Hewitt:

space to be able to do that with others, because we can do that

Beth Hewitt:

for ourselves. I think we can do a lot of the shadow work. We can

Beth Hewitt:

work on ourselves a lot in isolation. But I think when we're

Beth Hewitt:

presented with other people in a neutral setting, in a safe space where we allow

Beth Hewitt:

ourselves to share our deepest. Whatever's coming up and through, there's something very

Beth Hewitt:

liberating about that. It's almost like setting. It's free,

Beth Hewitt:

isn't it, in the world and other people holding a mirror up to us. And

Beth Hewitt:

that's it. I learned this weekend when I saw these other women

Melissa Amos:

who, like I said, they're very successful.

Melissa Amos:

And all the things that maybe we aspire to be. And

Melissa Amos:

then you see their struggles and their

Melissa Amos:

sharings and their kind of blind spots,

Melissa Amos:

and there's a potency in that because

Melissa Amos:

then it was like, we're all human and we're all going through the. Stuff,

Beth Hewitt:

and I think that naturally creates a sense of

Beth Hewitt:

belonging. I know I have been very open and

Beth Hewitt:

honest in my own communities about what's been going on for me

Beth Hewitt:

personally, because I'm a human being and, like, I need

Beth Hewitt:

support as much as I'm supporting them. And I think in

Beth Hewitt:

showing my vulnerabilities, it's allowing other people to also know that it's a

Beth Hewitt:

safe space for them to share when they're going through difficult times. But

Beth Hewitt:

I think certainly in this industry, sometimes a lot of coaches might be like,

Beth Hewitt:

everything's amazing. I'm like, fantastic. Nothing ever goes wrong in my world,

Beth Hewitt:

and it's just not. We're human beings. Things happen. We have

Beth Hewitt:

our ups and downs. So I think it's. It's very humbling and also

Beth Hewitt:

very. It is powerful when you see leaders leading. Like, I

Beth Hewitt:

know you went there with, you know, your mentors, as well, people

Beth Hewitt:

who you work with, and so just the very fact that they're also bringing people

Beth Hewitt:

along and you're bringing people along is a. An amazing space to be

Beth Hewitt:

in. Magical things happen. Magical things happen when

Melissa Amos:

they face the darkness. Yeah. And I do

Melissa Amos:

recommend it. And if you are a leader and you do

Melissa Amos:

work with people, there's a balance. Like, you don't go around and, like, trauma

Melissa Amos:

dump over everybody, like client, but being open

Melissa Amos:

to that and going, okay, you know what? This

Melissa Amos:

stuff happens, and this is what's happening for me and right now. And, yeah, I've

Melissa Amos:

got all the tools in the world, and sometimes it's hard to use the tools

Melissa Amos:

when you're in the middle of the thing. And actually,

Melissa Amos:

as a. As the mentee, it

Melissa Amos:

gives you that hope that, yeah, you know what? I know things go wrong in

Melissa Amos:

my life because if you were always, everything's

Melissa Amos:

fine. Because I do the spirit work. Nothing ever goes wrong.

Melissa Amos:

You think you're broken. And I see this all the time. People are like, I'm

Melissa Amos:

doing the affirmations and I'm talking to the angels and I'm

Melissa Amos:

giving myself Reiki every day, but things are still going wrong. Am I doing it

Melissa Amos:

wrong? And it's. No, you're doing the human experience.

Melissa Amos:

These things aren't meant to be. Be like a

Melissa Amos:

padded room where you're like, man, you just go sit in

Melissa Amos:

there. Hello. Yeah, this is

Melissa Amos:

part of it. And I think this is what the new wave of

Melissa Amos:

leaders, healers, readers, guides are coming into. And

Melissa Amos:

this is what it's stepping into. And you know what? It starts with us, with

Melissa Amos:

you, with the listeners here of going, all right, do you

Melissa Amos:

know what? I'm a human and I'm having this and I'm willing to

Melissa Amos:

explore it so that I can keep on evolving. You do that,

Melissa Amos:

in my opinion, you're fulfilling your mission on this earth. Yeah,

Beth Hewitt:

you've been of service by just doing your thing. See,

Melissa Amos:

we got deep again. We did. So thank you for everyone

Melissa Amos:

listening for being my. Being my therapist today and

Melissa Amos:

witnessing my evolution. Thank you for being vulnerable as well, and thank

Beth Hewitt:

you for sharing that. And I'm sure a lot of people will get a lot

Beth Hewitt:

from that. And hopefully our listeners will get their own sense

Beth Hewitt:

of belonging, knowing that we were a safe podcast. I don't know what the word

Beth Hewitt:

is. We're a safe place for you to listen and get in contact with

Beth Hewitt:

us if you want to be part of our other world. So,

Melissa Amos:

yes, if this has triggered anything in you, do you do

Melissa Amos:

reach out? Sometimes when we voice it, it can really help.

Melissa Amos:

Like you said, best set it free. So do get in touch. Let us

Melissa Amos:

know. Let us know if this has inspired you or triggered you or anything else.

Melissa Amos:

And yeah, we look forward to supporting you through our different ways.

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Soul Inspired You
A Podcast Inspired by the Soul
Join Mel and Beth on a truly soul-inspired journey. Each episode is unscripted and intuitive and follows the natural flow of life and creativity of the hosts. Each week on the show Beth and Mel tap into a range of spiritual practices and personal development and discuss how to intuitively follow your passion and purpose in the hope that they will inspire you to follow your own soul-inspired life too.