Episode 62

Dreams of Flight: What Birds Teach Us About Freedom and Purpose

Published on: 20th September, 2024

Show Summary:

Welcome back to Soul Inspired You! In Episode 62, your hosts Melissa Amos and Beth Hewitt return for the much-anticipated second season.

  • We kick off with a lighthearted yet profound conversation about magpies, spirit animals, and the deeper meanings behind these avian encounters. As they meander through dreamscapes, lucid dreaming, and the sensation of flight, they explore the idea of human existence as a soul's playful experiment.
  • Delving into the concepts of purpose and the limitations of the physical body, Melissa and Beth reflect on how their personal experiences intertwine with broader spiritual philosophies.
  • From reminiscing about childhood dreams to contemplating the essence of purpose, this episode offers a captivating blend of whimsy and wisdom. Tune in and let the journey begin!

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232

Melissa Amos:

Good morning, Beth. How are you today? Good morning, Melissa. I'm

Beth Hewitt:

good. The sun is shining. Spring has

Beth Hewitt:

sprung. I think my daffodils are coming

Beth Hewitt:

up. I've got my tulips out. Spring is trying to

Melissa Amos:

spring, isn't it? It is. So I've been doing

Beth Hewitt:

a bit of decluttering, which I think a lot of people do with this time

Beth Hewitt:

of year as well. So letting go of the old and

Beth Hewitt:

allowing space for the new to come in. So that's what I've been up to,

Melissa Amos:

really. Well, that makes sense why this morning I had this sudden

Melissa Amos:

urge to go around. It's like that song

Melissa Amos:

collecting your jar of hearts. I literally picked up all

Melissa Amos:

my, like, empty jars. I saved them. I work with this healer.

Melissa Amos:

She makes all these balms and the lotions and I give her. I have

Melissa Amos:

a lot of, like, blue bottles from Neil's yard and they're really

Melissa Amos:

good at stopping the sun, like, getting in and all of that. And so I

Melissa Amos:

keep them all, but they get scattered around. And this morning, pick them all

Melissa Amos:

up, put them all in a bag, and I'm like, oh, I'm going to get

Melissa Amos:

them ready for my friend in it. So maybe there's a decluttering

Melissa Amos:

thing going on, maybe. Yeah,

Beth Hewitt:

like pruning and cutting back and gathering and nesting and

Beth Hewitt:

all of the things. So, yeah, I like that energy. I think sometimes it can

Beth Hewitt:

feel like an effort to do that, but then other times it can feel like

Beth Hewitt:

today I want to sprinkle in kind of thing. Right? That feels like the order

Beth Hewitt:

of the day. It's really interesting, I think, when we really

Melissa Amos:

dip into our bodies cues and our

Melissa Amos:

inspirations and our thoughts that we can

Melissa Amos:

tell. I have a story that I hate cleaning. I

Melissa Amos:

like, hate. I'm like, everything. And

Melissa Amos:

so I tell myself that story, but sometimes I get this

Melissa Amos:

urge, like, it's more to do it. And

Melissa Amos:

we have a choice, don't we? At this point, we either go back to a

Melissa Amos:

story like, oh, no, I hate that. Or we do it and

Melissa Amos:

then somehow it helps us feel more

Melissa Amos:

energized. And that story can

Melissa Amos:

park itself for the days where I do not like

Melissa Amos:

clean. Yeah, maybe I should change it to most of the time.

Melissa Amos:

Some of the time, I don't like cleaning. I know what you

Beth Hewitt:

mean. I'm not a big cleaner. It's not my thing.

Beth Hewitt:

But there's something of clarity that comes with

Beth Hewitt:

decluttering and cleaning. And I think sometimes when we're feeling a bit

Beth Hewitt:

stuck or in that busy energy that actually just stopping and

Beth Hewitt:

clearing the decks is actually a really good way just to allow

Beth Hewitt:

new inspiration to come in, allow new things to come in, like physical objects and

Beth Hewitt:

people and all of these things. So it's a good thing to

Beth Hewitt:

do. But, yeah, should we be, and I don't think it matters, but

Beth Hewitt:

should we be led by when we feel like we need to do that? Or

Beth Hewitt:

should we be carving that space out in our diaries regularly so that we

Beth Hewitt:

can really cultivate that power? But then

Beth Hewitt:

it starts to become more of a habit and something that we might want to

Beth Hewitt:

do or might not. Want to do, I can't ever imagine. I

Melissa Amos:

think that if I had that diet, that would be the thing that got

Melissa Amos:

the same. But I do have

Melissa Amos:

my space here, and last week I was teaching Reiki, so

Melissa Amos:

I had all my Reiki books out. Sometimes I

Melissa Amos:

think I learned by osmosis, right? So I just have all the books, even if

Melissa Amos:

I'm not using them, and then the notes and all of the things, and there's

Melissa Amos:

a couple of manuals that go with it and all of that. So they've been

Melissa Amos:

sitting there, and then I've got this harrow decks and my notebook

Melissa Amos:

from the business mastermind. I'm in. And this week

Melissa Amos:

I've been doing my challenge, and it's interesting

Melissa Amos:

because I can be in, for example, teaching Reiki and have all my

Melissa Amos:

Reiki things around me, and it doesn't bother me, but as soon as now,

Melissa Amos:

I've moved into a new space, a new

Melissa Amos:

teaching, a new experience. The

Melissa Amos:

Reiki books, which are taking up the exact same space

Melissa Amos:

they were the week before, they are

Melissa Amos:

like, oh, you need to go away. Like, you need to go. You need to

Melissa Amos:

go in your home.

Melissa Amos:

So, yeah, so then again, I had this urge, although I'm looking at

Melissa Amos:

my 12345 tarot decks

Melissa Amos:

that are sitting on my chest right now. But then,

Melissa Amos:

yeah, I got this urge to, okay, I just need to clear that

Melissa Amos:

out, and it suddenly happens. And I think for me, if I force

Melissa Amos:

myself to do it, it doesn't have the same

Melissa Amos:

impact. I know what you mean. Yeah. It is an energetic thing,

Beth Hewitt:

though, isn't it? I think, like, just having something physically in your

Beth Hewitt:

space is we're connecting with it on some level. We're

Beth Hewitt:

seeing it, we're sensing it, we're feeling it, we're in that energy.

Beth Hewitt:

And so when we're wanting to bring or start something

Beth Hewitt:

new, to clear that space is a good thing to

Beth Hewitt:

do. We used to have a lot of places to do, have the clean desk

Beth Hewitt:

policy, which I used to hate because I, like, I'm one of those people. I'm

Beth Hewitt:

not messy, but I know where everything is. My other half is,

Beth Hewitt:

like, very much. He likes everything in a certain way. He's very OCD about stuff,

Beth Hewitt:

like, even how the cups are in the cupboard, whereas I'm like, one cup could

Beth Hewitt:

be upright, one cup could be down, one cup could be to the side.

Beth Hewitt:

So when I put. If I put the shopping away, ten minutes later,

Beth Hewitt:

he'll be rearranging the soup in the right order, which is fine, but, like,

Beth Hewitt:

we just live with each other's quirks kind of thing. But I know where

Beth Hewitt:

things are. If somebody says, where's the hairbrush? It doesn't have a designated

Beth Hewitt:

place, but I will know where the hairbrush is. It's interesting, isn't it,

Melissa Amos:

how we create our lives and how what's

Melissa Amos:

important to us. And then understanding this energetic space. I had that

Melissa Amos:

same desk policy. Yeah. Was working in the

Melissa Amos:

showroom. And I remember saying to my boss, who

Melissa Amos:

very much took umbrage with the state of my desk, I even had one

Melissa Amos:

of those pads that you could just write notes on. Right?

Beth Hewitt:

Like the big ones. Yeah, the corporate ones with a. Branded on.

Melissa Amos:

And I had. So I had one of them, and they just look. They do

Melissa Amos:

not look pretty, do they? And then I didn't have to fumble around for

Melissa Amos:

notepads. And I said to him once, I said, the day that my desk is

Melissa Amos:

clear is the day that I have got no. Nothing on.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And he was like, you need to keep your destid.

Melissa Amos:

And I think that we all work in different ways. Like, for

Melissa Amos:

me, a lot of the time, I can have things

Melissa Amos:

around, and they don't really bother me. But then sometimes,

Melissa Amos:

like, when there is this energy change, I'm like, now I need to

Melissa Amos:

change. Now I need to get rid of the Dex. Now I need to. I've

Melissa Amos:

got this energy clearing spray that I use as a

Melissa Amos:

cleaner. Like, literally, I hate the smell of

Melissa Amos:

polish. And I think it's for our listeners. I think

Melissa Amos:

sometimes it can feel like, oh, okay, energy is important, so you need to work

Melissa Amos:

in a really clear space, and that's the way we do it. And feng shui

Melissa Amos:

will tell us that this needs to be here and that needs to be there.

Melissa Amos:

But the truth is, I think that our environment and

Melissa Amos:

our human, there's an interaction going on. And

Melissa Amos:

for some of us, that kind of

Melissa Amos:

chaos energy

Melissa Amos:

helps. And I think you, like me, are

Melissa Amos:

one of those people that can take chaos and

Melissa Amos:

turn it into coherence. Like, we can take energetic

Melissa Amos:

wisps and inspirations and crazy

Melissa Amos:

philosophies and all of this, and then put it together into something.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. So maybe that's why I think that everybody's different. And I

Beth Hewitt:

think that is it. I can make order out of chaos, whereas my

Beth Hewitt:

other half needs to have order in order to be able to

Beth Hewitt:

function. And I think. I just think it's interesting how we are all different,

Beth Hewitt:

and it's about complementing, and it's about acknowledging

Beth Hewitt:

and listening and working together in all of this to find

Beth Hewitt:

out what works, especially in a relationship setting. But

Beth Hewitt:

I used to hate, like, the clean desk policy, but I did see the

Beth Hewitt:

benefit of it. Like, when I did it, when I did it, I did.

Beth Hewitt:

Coming into the office and having a clear space

Beth Hewitt:

allows you to not have that overwhelm at the start

Beth Hewitt:

of the day. So it supported me, but,

Beth Hewitt:

yeah, it wouldn't have been like, I would never. That would never be my preference

Beth Hewitt:

of. Right. It's five to five now. We're gonna clean my desk.

Beth Hewitt:

It's like, it will still be here. In the morning, and that's what I

Melissa Amos:

do. And I'm gonna have to unfind where it. I know where it is. Like

Beth Hewitt:

tomorrow, when I need to make that phone call at 09:00 a.m. I know where

Beth Hewitt:

my piece of paper is. But now I'm going to have to actually go to

Beth Hewitt:

the filing system and work out what conversation I need to

Beth Hewitt:

have. So I just think it's an interesting concept that

Beth Hewitt:

what space is and how it helps us, but also how

Beth Hewitt:

we individually can adapt to different things as well. And I loved what you said

Beth Hewitt:

about you learned by osmosis, because I felt that very much when I've been

Beth Hewitt:

in spaces and memberships of other people in

Beth Hewitt:

other groups, even when I've not been active in that group,

Beth Hewitt:

I have, by osmosis, been picking up on what's been taught,

Beth Hewitt:

even if I haven't been physically in a lesson or a training.

Beth Hewitt:

It's almost like just being in the energy of somebody else. You can pick up

Beth Hewitt:

on little bits of conversations that are going on around the periphery, and you can

Beth Hewitt:

put it all together and you actually know what the training was. And I

Beth Hewitt:

didn't know if I was a lone wolf in that, but I think when you

Beth Hewitt:

said it, I thought, oh, Mel gets that. I get it. But then I

Melissa Amos:

think this comes with being very aware of the subtle energy. It's

Melissa Amos:

also very interesting. I'm running my five day practice as we're recording

Melissa Amos:

this, and today is day two, and it's all about clearing the way

Melissa Amos:

in energy management. And for me, that's something really

Melissa Amos:

important. And as I think we become more

Melissa Amos:

sensitive, we become more able to pick

Melissa Amos:

up or at least decipher the different energies that are

Melissa Amos:

coming. So for some of us, that means that when we come

Melissa Amos:

home, that the space needs to be clear and clean

Melissa Amos:

and white, and have one crystal on the desk

Melissa Amos:

and like one thing in there, and then that's it, because that's

Melissa Amos:

when we need to come and de stress,

Melissa Amos:

or we just need to come and regulate. And for some of us, that's what

Melissa Amos:

we need. I find that when my energy levels

Melissa Amos:

are good, when I'm feeling on top of things,

Melissa Amos:

I often don't notice the thing on the floor.

Melissa Amos:

My husband says I have a superpower that I can walk in

Melissa Amos:

and I see all the tidy bits around the messy

Melissa Amos:

bit. And that's literally what I do. And he comes in, he's the opposite, and

Melissa Amos:

he can tidy up in 3 seconds flat. Whereas for me it takes ages,

Melissa Amos:

because when I put things away, they need to go in the right

Melissa Amos:

place. But whatever it is that is around us

Melissa Amos:

is influencing that. And I think as long as we can be aware of that,

Melissa Amos:

yeah, then if you know, what I'm doing at the

Melissa Amos:

moment, actually is holding space for a lot of people, and they all have

Melissa Amos:

their own things going on. And so actually the

Melissa Amos:

12345 tarot decks that are sitting on my desk

Melissa Amos:

out of their place, of where they're filed, maybe on

Melissa Amos:

some subconscious level, is helping me, because I've got

Melissa Amos:

350 different people with all their own

Melissa Amos:

experiences and things going on that I'm managing and holding

Melissa Amos:

space for. Maybe in some level these cards

Melissa Amos:

are giving me this coherence from the

Melissa Amos:

chaos, maybe. Yeah. Now it's interesting we're having this

Melissa Amos:

conversation because I had this clearing

Melissa Amos:

out thing this morning, and when I came in here to

Melissa Amos:

record this, I was looking at all of my things, thinking, when

Melissa Amos:

we finished this call, I'm going to clear it all up, I'm just going to

Melissa Amos:

tidy it up. So we're all ready. But we're talking about energy clearing today, so.

Melissa Amos:

Of course we are. So my job when I'm talking to

Melissa Amos:

the group today, is to be in that coherent,

Melissa Amos:

clean, straight, open energy,

Melissa Amos:

because that's what I'm talking about and modeling for them.

Melissa Amos:

So this isn't just me trying to manipulate that, this is me

Melissa Amos:

responding to something that until now I've just said it.

Melissa Amos:

I didn't realize that there was actually some logic involved in there.

Melissa Amos:

I thought it's like, oh, just give it a little clear out. Just get nice

Melissa Amos:

and clean. Get my energy cleaning spray and wipe the desk so it's all nice

Melissa Amos:

and clean and fresh. So I suppose what I want to

Melissa Amos:

say to anyone listening is just be aware

Melissa Amos:

of it. If when you come into a space, you feel really

Melissa Amos:

overwhelmed and you feel cluttered and you feel behemed

Melissa Amos:

in, then look at your space and be like, okay, am I.

Melissa Amos:

Am I hemmed into my desk? Have I got things all around? Have I got

Melissa Amos:

old tissues and, I don't know, tea bags and

Melissa Amos:

whatever it is that we. That human pens everywhere and

Melissa Amos:

things that aren't. I'm just looking. I've got a. The end of an

Melissa Amos:

incense stick just sitting in my abalone shell

Melissa Amos:

here, and that's old. I've used that to clean

Melissa Amos:

energy and I've kept the sticks there. Yeah. Have

Melissa Amos:

some subtle influence on me. At the

Melissa Amos:

same time, if you feel like you need, I

Melissa Amos:

don't know, maybe some inspiration, you're teaching a certain subject. What if you did

Melissa Amos:

have all of your Reiki books, even if you're not going to be

Melissa Amos:

referring to them or using them or even opening them, what if they

Melissa Amos:

were there? And then something about the energetic of that book that has

Melissa Amos:

literally, having written a book, you know this, right? We pour our

Melissa Amos:

souls into it. That book holds that energy and

Melissa Amos:

that maybe just on some level, we tune into

Melissa Amos:

that and then we're inspired to

Melissa Amos:

do something. Maybe it's because we feel prepared. Because if someone asked me a question,

Melissa Amos:

I don't know, I've got the book there. I don't know. I think it's a

Beth Hewitt:

feeling, isn't it? We know when we are ready

Beth Hewitt:

to clear the decks and move stuff away because it feels good to do

Beth Hewitt:

that. And other times we want the clutter around us. And it was interesting.

Beth Hewitt:

I was doing some meditations yesterday, and what came up,

Beth Hewitt:

just completely expecting it to come up, was

Beth Hewitt:

just this image of fountain pens and writing

Beth Hewitt:

utensils that I've had through pretty much

Beth Hewitt:

throughout my childhood, which sounds like a bit of a weird thing, but it was

Beth Hewitt:

like these images I was getting these images of when I first received my first

Beth Hewitt:

fountain Penn at primary school, and how, like, the joy and the energy

Beth Hewitt:

connected to having that and this being an implement. But then as I

Beth Hewitt:

started to continue to connect with that in the meditation, I then started to

Beth Hewitt:

see these images of the pens that I received, like

Beth Hewitt:

a secondary school. And the energy of those pens

Beth Hewitt:

was very different. And it almost felt like this

Beth Hewitt:

writing utensil was actually almost like a wand or a protection

Beth Hewitt:

or like a cloak for me, supporting me through

Beth Hewitt:

difficult times. Like, it's almost like this pen, this implement, was with me

Beth Hewitt:

in the classroom when I was maybe feeling anxious or overwhelmed or nervous as a

Beth Hewitt:

teenager. And I'd not obviously picked up on that subtlety at the

Beth Hewitt:

time, but these implements were just being shown to

Beth Hewitt:

me over and over again. And I started to remember pens

Beth Hewitt:

and fountain pens and ballpoint pens that I had

Beth Hewitt:

used over the years that had always been there for me. And it makes

Beth Hewitt:

sense to hold something in your hand, and

Beth Hewitt:

you're using that for whatever you're using it for, but it's actually picking up on

Beth Hewitt:

the subtleties and the anxieties and the other one that I'd felt in that moment,

Beth Hewitt:

and I just had overwhelming gratitude and appreciation

Beth Hewitt:

for these pens. So you just reminded me when you mentioned

Beth Hewitt:

pens that came up. I love that. Yeah,

Melissa Amos:

there's a whole lot to this. There's a whole lot to psychometry, which

Melissa Amos:

is the art of picking up energies from

Melissa Amos:

objects. And we see this in mediumship quite

Melissa Amos:

often, that we say, oh, have you got anything of your loved one? And then

Melissa Amos:

they hold it in their hands, and then there's this connection,

Melissa Amos:

because especially if you look at something, we hold something

Melissa Amos:

like a pen that you've held in primary school, as well as

Melissa Amos:

the one pen. Now, you get pen license when you write the way they want

Melissa Amos:

you to. And you have this one thing, and like you say, it

Melissa Amos:

becomes that your creative outlet, or it becomes

Melissa Amos:

your. We all have different experiences at school, or like a wedding

Melissa Amos:

ring, which you're wearing all day, every day, and how it can

Melissa Amos:

hold and anchor in the energies of what it is that's going on

Melissa Amos:

around us. But that is true for everything. And I

Melissa Amos:

think that this conversation is important because as we become

Melissa Amos:

more aware of this empty.

Melissa Amos:

I've just drunk this coffee, right? But this empty coffee glass has

Melissa Amos:

an energetic imprint in it. And whilst it

Melissa Amos:

has the coffee, and it has everything that

Melissa Amos:

I associate with that while I'm drinking it, if I just left it here

Melissa Amos:

and left it for four days, it's starting to hold a very different energy.

Melissa Amos:

And suddenly it's maybe telling me I don't feel important enough to

Melissa Amos:

do this. It starts to send a vibe out into

Melissa Amos:

the world, and we are picking that up each and

Melissa Amos:

every time. And for me, it's about really

Melissa Amos:

becoming aware of. There is always an interaction

Melissa Amos:

with me, and physical objects with me, and energetic objects with

Melissa Amos:

me and the tree, which is why when you go in the

Melissa Amos:

forest or by the sea, you feel better, because you are in with

Melissa Amos:

these negative ions, and they're cleaning out all of

Melissa Amos:

this charge. We live in a world that has Wi Fi and

Melissa Amos:

wiring and electric cables overhead and under our feet, and all of

Melissa Amos:

these things. What are we tuning into?

Melissa Amos:

And one of the most important things that I

Melissa Amos:

understand about myself and that I

Melissa Amos:

really needed to get good at as

Melissa Amos:

a human and as a spiritual mentor, is energy

Melissa Amos:

management. And if your environment can

Melissa Amos:

support you in that, then you've just taken a lot of the heavy lifting

Melissa Amos:

out of it. Let your environment do that. Why do I have

Melissa Amos:

this huge amethyst that sits behind

Melissa Amos:

me? Because it holds an energy. It stops

Melissa Amos:

energy. I do all my work from here, accumulating corner,

Melissa Amos:

and I've not just plonked it there, I've given it a

Melissa Amos:

job. We've had a chat. I clean up this really cute little

Melissa Amos:

unicorn brush thing. I'm going to show you, bear. I

Melissa Amos:

think it's a makeup brush, right? It's like a fan. That's pretty

Melissa Amos:

cute, isn't it? And it came for free when I'd ordered some brushes. And

Melissa Amos:

I'm like, it has a job. It's feeding back energy. It's helping me

Melissa Amos:

transmute. It's purple. It's this energy of high

Melissa Amos:

enlightenment and transmutation. And so as I'm pulling energy

Melissa Amos:

in, rather than it all gets stuck in that corner, it can feed something

Melissa Amos:

back to me. Above me here, I've got this six pointed

Melissa Amos:

star shelf. And on that shelf, there's a bunch

Melissa Amos:

of crystals on it. Now, I haven't just put the crystals on there because they

Melissa Amos:

fit, because one of the bottom shelf is literally a v

Melissa Amos:

shape. So what can you do? So I've got a celestite, but I've got so

Melissa Amos:

many crystals that it's not just, oh, that fits there. And that looks pretty.

Beth Hewitt:

It's okay. How can that support me? So that celestite helps me

Melissa Amos:

with my celestial collections, and I've got the

Melissa Amos:

labradorite sitting there. And the labradorite feels, for me

Melissa Amos:

very magical and deep and insightful and mystical.

Melissa Amos:

And sometimes I need that energy. And then I've got the

Melissa Amos:

Buddha sitting there, who I feel really protects me when

Melissa Amos:

I'm out in open space. It helps me to

Melissa Amos:

not you think about what the Buddha entails, this enlightenment,

Melissa Amos:

yes, but this. Anything can be thrown at me, and I'm

Melissa Amos:

protected. And so my environment is very conducive to

Melissa Amos:

the work that I do here in my home

Melissa Amos:

is different, because in my home, it's not about me doing

Melissa Amos:

all of that. Yeah, got quite a few rose quartzes

Melissa Amos:

going on there. And I've got pictures of Mickey Mouse, a Donald

Melissa Amos:

Duck and a goofy, like, amazing artwork in there that we picked up

Melissa Amos:

from Disney World, like years ago, because it has this more kind

Melissa Amos:

of fun and family quality.

Melissa Amos:

So how is your environment influencing you?

Melissa Amos:

How are you picking up and you feel if it doesn't work, you walk into

Melissa Amos:

a room and you're like, oh, not this. And if it's there,

Melissa Amos:

not this. What's going on with the colour? What's going on with the things in

Melissa Amos:

it? What about the position of your desk and go and get a

Melissa Amos:

feng shui expert.

Melissa Amos:

Maybe we'll go and have a look at the. What's it called, the bagua

Melissa Amos:

map, where it shows you the different areas of your house, I

Melissa Amos:

think. I'm pretty sure it's called a bagua map. And it shows you the different

Melissa Amos:

energy centers of your home. And you'll be very

Melissa Amos:

surprised. Like, for example, right corner,

Melissa Amos:

as you're looking in from the front door, is the love corner,

Melissa Amos:

right? And I didn't know this. And in that corner

Melissa Amos:

I've got a sign that literally says, all you need is

Melissa Amos:

love. Before I knew, right? All you need is love. I've got one

Melissa Amos:

that's on the wall. I've got a wooden

Melissa Amos:

sculptory thing that says love on it. I had these

Melissa Amos:

candles, these what they called love hearts

Melissa Amos:

sweets. Love heart candles in there with all of this stuff, I didn't even

Melissa Amos:

know. And I'm like, isn't that interesting? My front left,

Melissa Amos:

which is the study and wisdom corner, and that was where my

Melissa Amos:

bookcase sat. And I'm like, now, how interesting

Melissa Amos:

is that? We were picking up on the

Melissa Amos:

subtleties and now I know, now I can enhance.

Melissa Amos:

So in my abundant corner, I've got a citrine grid with

Melissa Amos:

things. Right. Trust yourself, I think, yeah. It's not

Beth Hewitt:

just you picking up on energies when you walk into a room

Beth Hewitt:

or whether you want to clear the decks. It's also, what do you want to

Beth Hewitt:

put into the space as well? What do you want to add that is going

Beth Hewitt:

to create that energy that really fuels you and

Beth Hewitt:

brings you happiness and joy? We've just redecorated

Beth Hewitt:

the living room and it feels like a very different space, different

Beth Hewitt:

colors, different pictures, different fabrics, different energies. And one of the

Beth Hewitt:

debates that we had was around the curtains. Now, the curtains, there was nothing

Beth Hewitt:

wrong with the curtains, but we'd had them maybe twelve year. We had this whole

Beth Hewitt:

debate around, do we keep them or do we get rid of them? And my

Beth Hewitt:

other half wanted to keep them. We thought they were okay. And I was like,

Beth Hewitt:

but they've got twelve years of all kinds of

Beth Hewitt:

energetics, birthday parties, arguments,

Beth Hewitt:

happiness, excitement. I said, I think we need to. It's time

Beth Hewitt:

to let these go and let some new curtains. And curtains are quite. They hold

Beth Hewitt:

a lot of space. They do, yeah. And they also keep light

Beth Hewitt:

in, or dark lighting or dark, however you want your room to

Beth Hewitt:

be. So they've got a, they've got a big job to do and I

Beth Hewitt:

think they hold a lot of energy. So that,

Beth Hewitt:

that was one of the decisions that we had to make. I'm so pleased that

Beth Hewitt:

we got some new curtains. And I think he's now also happy that

Beth Hewitt:

we got some new curtains. But, yeah. So it's not just about

Beth Hewitt:

what we already contain within our containers and our space and our rooms and

Beth Hewitt:

our environments. It's also about what we choose to

Beth Hewitt:

place in the environment as well,

Beth Hewitt:

to make it feel even more special and being aware of that. But I do

Beth Hewitt:

feel like everybody genuinely has that

Beth Hewitt:

knowing. Like we know instinctively when we walk in a room whether this

Beth Hewitt:

is good or this is bad or something's off or not. And so I

Beth Hewitt:

think just knowing where you want to put your water on the

Beth Hewitt:

desk or whatever, or the pen that you use today, everything, we've talked about

Beth Hewitt:

it before, where you're like, oh, today I want to wear this cozy

Beth Hewitt:

cardigan because this makes me feel these feelings. So I want to drink from this

Beth Hewitt:

cup because it brings me joy. My

Melissa Amos:

water sits on my altar. It was such

Melissa Amos:

a small shift. I used to sit here next to my laptop.

Melissa Amos:

And then what was it doing? I was absorbing all the luck. Exactly. I'm looking

Beth Hewitt:

at my water now. It's my water. I have a

Melissa Amos:

crystal bottle, so it's in luck and it's a

Melissa Amos:

glass bottle. And my altar sits behind me and it's

Melissa Amos:

out of shock because it's impersonal, most of the things on

Melissa Amos:

my altar. And one day it was when I was doing

Melissa Amos:

some work with a Shaolin master that I've been

Melissa Amos:

working with for a while, we were talking about the

Melissa Amos:

effects of water, and he said something really interesting to me. He's like,

Melissa Amos:

when we're working with energies and especially with these

Melissa Amos:

really high frequency or the bodhisattvas and

Melissa Amos:

these enlightened beings, and we call them in, they're there straight

Melissa Amos:

away. But we often have these worthiness issues around

Melissa Amos:

whether or not we can be blessed by their light. And so we put

Melissa Amos:

up conscious or subconscious blocks to receiving

Melissa Amos:

their full power. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

And he said to me,

Melissa Amos:

water and food doesn't have the

Melissa Amos:

blocks. The water and the food will just receive whatever energetic

Melissa Amos:

it's in. And he says to try it. He said, put a

Melissa Amos:

bit. So I had, for quite a while, I had a Buddha altar,

Melissa Amos:

and I had his little offering cups in

Melissa Amos:

there, and I'd offer a one for nourishment and one for cleansing, and then

Melissa Amos:

I would give it to the Buddha, and then I would drink it. And I

Melissa Amos:

was like, oh, this water, like, it does feel different.

Melissa Amos:

And he said to me, also, put some nuts or some food. Actually,

Melissa Amos:

doesn't matter what food. You can put a chocolate bar if you want, there, and

Melissa Amos:

just notice if there's any difference when you're ingesting it.

Melissa Amos:

And I noticed a difference. I could feel that the nuts,

Melissa Amos:

I don't know, just felt more

Melissa Amos:

energetically charged.

Melissa Amos:

And so now I keep my whole wards all the time.

Melissa Amos:

It sits in there. And when I finished, it, got another bottle, which

Melissa Amos:

then I fill it up with, and then I leave it there

Melissa Amos:

for 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours

Melissa Amos:

overnight, and it's absorbing all of my intention that I've

Melissa Amos:

put in there, and then I'm drinking it, and what a life

Melissa Amos:

hack. I love that. Yeah. Top

Melissa Amos:

tip. Put your water in it. But then you think, what

Melissa Amos:

if we used to do. We used to do these meal box

Melissa Amos:

kits. Yeah, the thing. And they got the instructions and all this,

Melissa Amos:

and at the time when we did them, I had the three

Melissa Amos:

children, and they were little. They were, like, under five, and they were all by

Melissa Amos:

my feet. And then I had the great job of following a recipe, which,

Melissa Amos:

with a brain like mine, following a recipe is not. But I wanted

Melissa Amos:

to do it because my Virgo rising, like, you need to do it. You need

Melissa Amos:

to do it in the recipe and my pisces. No, you don't. You do what

Melissa Amos:

you want, Melissa. Anyway, and then the kids, and I'd be cooking this

Melissa Amos:

meal, and I'd be getting really agitated, like,

Melissa Amos:

all the time. I'd be, like, anxious that I'm gonna do it wrong or that,

Melissa Amos:

I don't know, there's too much. And I'm trying to follow and I'm trying to

Melissa Amos:

listen. I'd always also have some podcasts going on at the same time.

Melissa Amos:

Don't ask. And one day, I was like, I can't do this anymore

Melissa Amos:

because I am literally putting into my food this anxious

Melissa Amos:

energy. Yeah. And it made me wonder. I will not

Melissa Amos:

mention which food box company this was, but it did make me wonder

Melissa Amos:

how the workers felt when they were packing up, maybe

Melissa Amos:

they felt anxious, or maybe the delivery driver felt. Had a

Melissa Amos:

certain thing about them. Maybe the way the boxes were

Melissa Amos:

manufactured or there's something in there that I was then picking up on that

Melissa Amos:

was adding to that anxiety. So what if,

Melissa Amos:

in our kitchen, we put something really simple? For example, I've got

Melissa Amos:

a rose quartz that sits on top of my, like, where my water

Melissa Amos:

is, and I've got another rose quartz which sits where my

Melissa Amos:

tea and fruit and

Melissa Amos:

eggs. And it just sits there. And then there's, like, a nice

Melissa Amos:

picture and then a thing on there, because it starts to go into the

Melissa Amos:

love corner of the room. What if we just did something

Melissa Amos:

like that? And then every time we cooked or made

Melissa Amos:

a drink, we just looked at that rose quartz and was like,

Melissa Amos:

it's all filled with love. I love that. I think setting an

Beth Hewitt:

intention and also having things in the space that is going to

Beth Hewitt:

energize whatever it is that we're doing, whether it's cooking or

Beth Hewitt:

watching tv or laughing, whatever's going on in the house is a

Beth Hewitt:

really powerful thing to do, because I think we should always have intention. We should

Beth Hewitt:

always be trying to focus or get back to the thing

Beth Hewitt:

that brings us. And we have to think that everything that's manufactured, all

Beth Hewitt:

of those energies, you get a brand new mobile phone. All of the component parts

Beth Hewitt:

of that mobile phone and who put it together, and the factories and

Beth Hewitt:

the packaging and everything, all of that holds energies. And none of that

Beth Hewitt:

is. Is us, is it? So we should be

Beth Hewitt:

clearing everything, everything that comes into our house and blessing it and setting

Beth Hewitt:

a new intention for it. Like, when we get a new card deck,

Beth Hewitt:

we touch them, feel them, connect with them, set

Beth Hewitt:

a new intention for the deck, and maybe we should be doing it with more

Beth Hewitt:

things. I think this is this conscious

Melissa Amos:

awareness of it. And if we can think, oh, okay, I can feel better when

Melissa Amos:

I'm walking in the woods, or I can have a crystal, and that crystal

Melissa Amos:

can help me, or I can have a book here, and I can learn by

Melissa Amos:

osmosis. If that. If any part of you is, oh, yeah, I can do

Melissa Amos:

that. Then it only makes sense. That is just true for

Melissa Amos:

everything. It's not becoming. It's not like coming into fear of, oh, my

Melissa Amos:

God, this thing has arrived in my house. Now I need to leave

Melissa Amos:

it. Remember, COVID? Now I need to leave it outside my door for

Melissa Amos:

72 hours before it comes in. I know some of the

Melissa Amos:

rituals, but it's not that.

Melissa Amos:

But it's having that awareness that sometimes things will come in.

Beth Hewitt:

And. It'S within our

Melissa Amos:

responsibility, I think, to be able to go,

Melissa Amos:

okay, what do I need to do with this? How do I need to bond

Melissa Amos:

with this? How is this making me feel? Is this

Melissa Amos:

right? And if it isn't, maybe we need to move it, change

Melissa Amos:

it, clean it, connect with it, meditate with it, wash

Melissa Amos:

it. It's having the awareness of it, isn't it? It's knowing what

Beth Hewitt:

we're feeling around that. But my, my auntie who

Beth Hewitt:

passed away around Christmas time, the family has been clearing that

Beth Hewitt:

house out and that has undeniably shifted some

Beth Hewitt:

kind of energies in there. And people are picking up on things that feel a

Beth Hewitt:

bit icky and that they're not them and they're now able to bless the house

Beth Hewitt:

and do all these kinds of things and clear all that space out.

Beth Hewitt:

But we're picking up on subtleties of

Beth Hewitt:

all kinds of things all of the time. And I think it's just having that

Beth Hewitt:

awareness when we feel like something's not

Beth Hewitt:

us or not right or it's not filling us with

Beth Hewitt:

happy thoughts. And it feels a little bit more icky that we can have that

Beth Hewitt:

conscious ability reset that and to clear

Beth Hewitt:

the clear that. And sometimes that starts with the clearing the decks and the desk

Beth Hewitt:

and the, and sometimes we want to do something more ritualistic and

Beth Hewitt:

use all the tools available to us. So I wonder if

Melissa Amos:

it's inspired to spring clean now and who

Melissa Amos:

is around their space going like I

Melissa Amos:

am. Yeah. Oh, look at that. That's out of place over

Melissa Amos:

there. And just be

Melissa Amos:

conscious. Maybe one week I'll talk about,

Melissa Amos:

I have a lot of crystal grids and things that I put on around the

Melissa Amos:

house. And they're an interesting conversation, I think, to have

Melissa Amos:

how they work. I'm looking at one grid that's sitting over there that I put

Melissa Amos:

up when I released my book. And it's still there. It's still there intact.

Melissa Amos:

And I look at it sometimes and I think, no, I still don't, I still

Melissa Amos:

don't want to move that still there. So that's been,

Melissa Amos:

you know, it's coming up to you. Yeah, it's been there.

Melissa Amos:

So maybe we can have a conversation, if the listeners would like,

Melissa Amos:

about crystal grids and how they affect us and

Melissa Amos:

why I have, I'm surrounded

Melissa Amos:

by so many and what constitutes one. It's always fun.

Beth Hewitt:

That sounds like a fun conversation.

Melissa Amos:

Okay. It's been another enlightening,

Beth Hewitt:

clarity fueled conversation.

Beth Hewitt:

And I shall now go clean the house. Yeah, there we go. I'm going to

Melissa Amos:

go clean my energy in my yoga practice, but, yeah. I've got

Melissa Amos:

ten minutes where all of these decks and all of these books are going

Melissa Amos:

to be filed away, waiting. Storing

Melissa Amos:

the energy, waiting for time. So if we have

Melissa Amos:

inspired you to clean, clear, change, or

Melissa Amos:

move, do let us know, because we'd love to know. And I'm sure your

Melissa Amos:

families will be delighted with you. I know my husband. When I do anything,

Melissa Amos:

he's well done. What's wrong with you? And I'm like, I don't know. I was

Melissa Amos:

inspired to clean. Please let us know and we'll take the credit.

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Soul Inspired You
A Podcast Inspired by the Soul
Join Mel and Beth on a truly soul-inspired journey. Each episode is unscripted and intuitive and follows the natural flow of life and creativity of the hosts. Each week on the show Beth and Mel tap into a range of spiritual practices and personal development and discuss how to intuitively follow your passion and purpose in the hope that they will inspire you to follow your own soul-inspired life too.